
Showing posts matching the search for young solar system

Our Solar System is Young

We have been examining reports on various celestial bodies and seeing how scientists are frequently baffled by their signs of youth. If the solar system was billions of years old, there should not be a heap of geological activity. Pluto, for example, is surprisingly active . Those articles are interesting and even fun, but today, we will get a broader view. Computer simulation of Gula Mons on Venus Credit: NASA / JPL (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Even using dates assigned with secular presuppositions of cosmic evolution, various objects are not as old as they "should" be. We have craters and volcanic activity on Venus, the rings of Saturn are on the young side, our own moon shows signs of volcanism, planets are warmer than expected after such an allegedly long time, short-term comets should not even exist, and more. One ineffable humbug insists that a possible interstellar asteroid (which is now considered a comet ) overturns all of young ea...

Outer-Planet Moons Give Further Signs of a Young Solar System

Darwinian evolution is a belief system about the distant past that cannot be observed or duplicated. It is philosophical and religious in nature, an effort to account for life, the universe, and everything without God the Creator. For Darwinism to work, huge amounts of time are needed. To keep this view, secularists ignore or excuse away evidence for a young earth — and a young solar system. Enceladus image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/PSI There have been several indications of youth from the solar system, especially the moons. But scientists keep seeing potential for life to evolve out there, and are repeatedly surprised by geologic activity on moons. Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, was erupting jets into space, which should not be possible in an ancient solar system. Now it looks like the hot water eruptions are more like curtains rather than jets, which would cause even more problems for deep time proponents. Also, Jupiter's moon Europa was considered a hopeful place to f...

Kuiper: Have Another Belt of Fantasy

NASA I was having a discussion the other day about the age of the earth, the age of the solar system &c. We were amazed at how evidences for a young earth and young solar system are ignored and ridiculed by evolutionists and religious compromisers. And we had a good laugh at the Tooth Fairy mentality of resorting to the imaginary Oort Cloud as an "explanation" for the problem that comets would have been exhausted long ago in an old universe. Then we looked up the Kuiper Belt... Evolutionary astronomers, who assume the solar system is billions of years old, must propose a ‘source’ that will supply new comets as old ones are destroyed. The Kuiper Belt is one such proposed source for short-period comets (comets that take less than 200 years to orbit the sun). The Kuiper belt is a hypothetical massive flattened disc of billions of icy planetesimals supposedly left over from the formation of the solar system... These planetesimals are assumed to exist in (ro...

The Universe is Younger than We're Told

Jupiter, with Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. NASA. Evolutionary cosmologists postulate an old universe based on their presuppositions. When facts are learned that contradict their belief system, they need to tap dance around them or modify their theories. (Of course, modifying theories to the point that they must discard an ancient universe viewpoint in favor of a young, created universe is unthinkable to them.) Sun Dancer Puss/podzad, stock.xchng Their modified viewpoints often create more questions and problems than they solve, such as the imaginary Oort cloud , abode of comets in waiting; there is no evidence that such a thing exists, but it conveniently explains away the fact that short-term comets should have been exhausted long ago. Other bafflers for cosmologists include methane in the thick atmosphere of Titan, the hypothetical temperature of the sun 3.8 billion years ago and the heat of Jupiter's moon Io. Biblical creationists do not need tap dan...

Dwarf Planet Haumea — It Has a Nice Ring to It

Our solar system has many oddities, and more are being discovered. Part of the problem for secular astronomers and cosmologists is that celestial objects are recalcitrant regarding speculations regarding the formation of the solar system . Today's instance involves a dwarf planet way out yonder, beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto. Illustration credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This maverick was called 2003 EL61 for a spell, then was given the name of Haumea, after the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth. (No, I don't get it, either.) Its largest equatorial diameter is 1,960 miles (1,218 km). "Why did you say largest, Cowboy Bob?" Because Haumea is... well, elongated. Kind of like an egg. It also has a very rapid rotation, each day lasting about four hours, and it has a couple of moons. There are a few artists' conceptions ( such as this one ), but a decent photo is hard to find . Haumea is a trans-Neptunian object, a cl...

Disintegrating Comets and the Young Solar System

Rusty Swingset, foreman at the Darwin Ranch up yonder near Deception Pass, gave me quite a turn the other night. I thought four-legged critters were roaming around, but Rusty was out there with his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not quite herself). They were getting quiet viewing of the Perseid meteor shower. When I pointed out that the Perseids peak around 13 August, they knew it. We commenced to discussing comet and how secularist think they formed millions of years ago along with the earth and other planets. Comet NEOWISE over Utah, NASA / Bill Dunford (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Creationists have pointed out that one of the ignored evidences for the young solar system (therefore, young Earth) are long-term comets . They fragment over time because of the sun and there should be none left after billions of years. One of the guns that uniformitarian scientists pull off the rack is the Oort cloud , which exists only in the realm of imagination. It is a ne...

Mars, Moon Continue to Baffle Secular Geologists

There have been numerous instances where secular scientists have been amazed when the facts do not fit their assumptions. This frequently happens in astronomy and cosmology. Conventional approaches of geologists and astronomers/cosmologists presuppose deep time, which often does not pan out. A big push has been on to find signs of life way out yonder in the universe, and that would prove evolution in their minds. Exoplanets have secularists excited, as do some of the moons and planets in our own solar system. Mars and the moon are comparatively close, but they still cause consternation. Moon and Mars, WikiComm / NASA (PD), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents A word about date ranges before we continue. When biblical creationists present evidence for a young earth, solar system, or universe, those dates are often upper limits. Remember when we touched on how misotheists criticize what they do not understand ? Those uninformed criticisms happen regarding age limits. For ex...

Io Still Shows Signs of Youth

We have seen many instances of where the solar system is not acting its purported age of 4.6 billion years (e.g., " Our Solar System is Young " and " Saturn and Pluto Still Trouble Secularists "), and recent Venusian volcanism does not fit secular beliefs. Io is a moon of Jupiter, the fourth largest in the solar system (Ganymede is the winner), and is slightly bigger than our moon. It has volcanic activity, first observed by Voyager 1  in 1979 and given further examination with further space probes. Volcanic eruption on Io, NASA / JPL / DLR (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When hotspots are mentioned, scientists are probably not referring to the nightlife (although I haven't been there recently). Some moons have volcanoes of various ices and gasses, but this is the real hot stuff. Since Io probably does not have tectonic activity like we do on Earth, much of the volcanism comes from tidal forces due to gravity and orbits. Planetologists trie...

The Universe is Falling into Disorder

One basic fact is that things go from order to disorder unless acted on by something outside. Creationists have given many evidences for a young Earth and young solar system, and one of the most famous is that of long- and short-term comets that can not exist for the alleged age of the solar system because they burn up. Secular cosmologists have come up with the Kuiper Belt and the purely imaginary Oort Cloud  to replenish the supply, but those don't help the speculations. To make matters worse for the "deep time" gang, there are many evidences for a young  solar system, including recent activity around Saturn . Comet Hale-Bopp / Credit: NASA Comets are a small part of what is being seen elsewhere in the universe showing how things are burning up and wearing out. What is seen reflects what biblical creationists have said all along: the universe is not nearly as old as secularists claim. To read the bad news for them, click on " Entropy in Space Seen at All Sc...

Exocomets Give No Hope to Old Universe Advocates

Evolutionary cosmologists and cosmogonists rely on their naturalistic presuppositions about the origins of the universe and solar systems, then interpret their observations accordingly. Evidence for exocomets (comets that are beyond our own solar system) has been found. They think that these give support for their "deep time" conjectures, but this is not the case. Some evolutionist owlhoots are so locked into their worldviews that they call anyone who disagrees with them "liars", and refuse to honestly examine the evidence! "Landscape with a comet", Heorhiy Narbut, 1910, PD For a long while, creationists have reckoned that comets fit their own presuppositions far better, and point out that they are testimony of a young universe. One of the main reasons is that comets (especially short-term ones) should have been burned out long ago in an old universe. To preserve their fundamentally flawed worldview, secular cosmologists rely on the Oort Cloud a...

Saturn System Still Stymies the Millions of Years Gang

Observed evidence from the solar system continues to stymie those who insist on forcing the facts into their old universe paradigm. Studies of Saturn continue to evidence a young solar system, and the old universe gang should realize that they're playing a losing hand. Quadruple Saturn Moon Transit snapped by Hubble Problems include that Saturn should be much cooler if it's billions of years old, making the heat flow "problem" on Enceladus worse with their speculations, inexplicable red arcs on Tethys, a baffling mountain range ridge on Iapetus, and more. Cassini keeps revealing puzzling phenomena in the Saturn system that challenge traditional theories and date estimates. Let’s scour the Saturn system for news, working from the planet outward. Old universe proponents need to throw in their cards and draw a new hand, something that fits the facts better. To read the article, click on " Saturn Surprises ".    

Young Earth Evidence 8: Short-Term Comets

We've been looking downward at evidence for a young Earth, now we can lift our eyes to the heavens. morgueFile/seriousfun Specifically, short-term comets. Most of us learned long ago that comets are wanderers in space that are rock and ice ("dirty snowballs"). When they get close enough to the sun, they begin to burn off some of their material and produce those dramatic tails. After enough loops through the solar system, they eventually burn away. Or crash into planets. Or get tossed out of the solar system entirely. Using evolutionary cosmologists' uniformitarian assumptions against them, we find that all of the comets should have been used up a long time ago. They have some interesting rescuing devices that do not hold together. A comet spends most of its time far from the sun in the deep freeze of space. But once each orbit a comet comes very close to the sun, allowing the sun’s heat to evaporate much of the comet’s ice and dislodge dust to form a bea...

Martian Volcano Flusters Secular Scientists

Geologists who believe that the earth is billions of years old are constantly being surprised when observed data does not fit their deep-time presuppositions. This becomes even more pronounced by various celestial objects in our own solar system ( such as Pluto and Charon ). It should be eminently logical, Captain, that if an idea does not have supporting evidence, it should be abandoned , but the deep-time and evolutionary narratives take precedence. So, how about that volcanic eruption on Mars? Cerberus Fossae image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) As we seen down here on Earth, secular scientists often use fundamentally flawed dating methods. It does not go well, and they should know better. As with other moons and planets in our solar system, geological activity is occurring. This should not be happening if our solar system was billions of years old. Rescuing devices, storytelling, and guesswork for cosmic evolu...

Astronomical Anomalies Support Creation

Years ago, Carl Sagan, the high priest of secular cosmology, gave the melancholy pronouncement that the cosmos is all there is. He also indicated that Earth and our solar system are nothing special. Although Sagan was using the scientific principle of Making Things Up™ and giving his religious opinion instead of science, he was also using some of the information available at the time. We know a wagon train-load more now. Credit: NASA / Jenny Mottar (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Materialistic cosmology and cosmogony are unable to come up with convincing explanations for the origin of the universe, our solar system, and even moons around our planets. Observable data do not fit their computer models. In fact, there are instances of objects out yonder that seem to have uncooperative attitudes. Planets orbiting other stars seem to be spread out evenly, but on our own spread, planets are less tidy. The planets also have tremendous variations in size. Of course,...

Solar System Conundrum

Titan image credit: NASA / JPL / University of Arizona  So much space exploration, so much guessing. Planets and moons are showing signs of being "young", with short-lived phenomena. The evidence shows that the solar system is not really billions of years old, and fanciful "explanations" without evidence are put forth. After all, scientists demand an ancient universe and an ancient Earth to fit their evolutionary worldview. As usual, creationists do not have to resort to "explanations" that avoid observed facts. Why are we seeing young phenomena in the planets if they are billions of years old?  Some scientists are abandoning uniformitarian assumptions and admitting we are lucky to be witnessing them in “ rare moments of glory .” In Nature this week, Maggie McKee interviewed scientists who are struggling with short-lived phenomena in the solar system.  The subtitle of her article, “Caught in the Act,” states, “ We may be seeing some of the Solar...

More Signs of a Young Solar System

Predictions and expectations of secular models of the age and formation of the solar system are not happening.  "Don't biological, chemical, and cosmic evolution give opportunities for predictions, Cowboy Bob? " They would if they were true, and if scientists actually understood what they were talking about before pontificating. But they're not true, and secular scientists have a habit of being un-humble. Maat Mons volcano on Venus image credit: NASA/JPL , who would not endorse this site Some newer problems for secularists are occurring out yonder. Mars has carbon dioxide eruptions that are eroding the surface that look to be about 2,500 years old. Rescuing devices are being utilized. Meanwhile, Venus is showing signs of very recent volcanic activity. Then there's that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko mission by Rosetta, which I suspicion that scientists may be regretting because they're none to happy with the results about comet dust, the formation ...

Active Solar System Defies Deep-Time Proponents

Here's something to cogitate on. According to evolutionary reckoning (presuppositions, circular reasoning, making stuff up and so on), the solar system evolved billions of years ago. Based on that time frame, the planet Mercury, Earth's moon, assorted satellites throughout the solar system should be inactive rocks.  Not hardly. There are signs of "recent" volcanic eruptions even by evolutionary time scales. Worse for evolutionary scientists, other celestial objects are being recalcitrant toward "deep time". Observed evidence shows a young solar system. Naturally, the scientists make assertions and excuses without plausible models, or just ignore what they see, in order to cling to an ancient universe. To see their bad news, saddle up and ride over to " Mercury, Moon May Still Be Erupting ".

Yet Another Failed Faint Young Sun Paradox Rescue

It is clear that secular scientists are committed to the idea that the earth, the solar system, and even the entire universe are billions of years old. Although most scientists for hundreds of years believed that everything was fairly young, geologist James Hutton proposed an old-earth view, which was expanded upon by lawyer Charles Lyell, who wanted to " free the science from Moses ." His agenda was revealed. Charles Darwin was influenced by Lyell's  Principles of Geology while on the voyage of the Beagle , and he incorporated deep time into his speculations on evolution. Pixabay / jodylehigh Many Christians jumped aboard the deep time thing, possibly to look smart and be accepted by atheists. Moving forward and looking upward, cosmologists and cosmogonists got the bit between their teeth and galloped toward expanding deep time ideas to make the entire universe seem ancient. Of course, there have been many difficulties with the idea of an old earth and solar system in m...

Water on Outer Moons

There have been several reports that there may be water on moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the asteroid Ceres — and maybe some just up yonder on our own moon. With advances in space exploration, it turns out that our solar system is a busy place, what with volcanic eruptions, methane geysers and what not. With speculations of water, naturally come speculations of life evolving from whatever is out there. Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, may have an underground ocean. Image: NASA / JPL Of course, the various forms of water need to be investigated further, and there needs to be more involved, even for goo-to-you evolutionists, for life to happen. Also, evolution requires huge amounts of time, and the reports of water don't bother to address the problem of how water can last more than a few thousand years on a solar system alleged to be billions of years old. A young solar system is exactly what is expected by biblical creationists. You can read the information by clickin...

Oort Cloud Fails Secular Cosmologists

A frequent evidence used by biblical creationists in support of  the young solar system is short-term comets . These dirty snowballs have elliptical orbits around the sun, and with each pass, part of each gets burned away. If the solar system were as old as secularists maintain, these comets would no longer exist. Jan Oort used some jiggery-pokery to help save deep time by saying that way out yonder, beyond the orbits Neptune, Pluto, and all that good stuff, is a huge collection of comets just waiting to be stirred up by wandering stars and such. Then we have comets again, deep time be praised. NASA / JPL, based on illustration by Donald K. Yeoman (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is no observational evidence for this obvious rescuing device. Like invisible space aliens and the Big Bang, believers in cosmic evolution take this by blind faith. Some are determined to propagate the mythology, sometimes through ignorance, but probably by deceit: Used under...