Legends of the Flood in the Western Hemisphere Part 1
Many disparate cultures around the world have legends about a world-destroying flood, usually brought about because deities were punishing human wickedness. There were only a few survivors. That in itself seems remarkable, but sometimes the details and their correlations with Noah's Ark and the Genesis Flood are rather startling at times. There are people who falsely claim that the flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh was stolen by the Hebrews who lived not all that far away, but that can be dismissed through the cold light of reason. What about all those other stories? The Great Flood / Artist unknown / 15th century The Native American tribes didn't have contact with the Hebrews. In fact, some tribes lived in close proximity to each other but still had different languages and cultures. How did the similarities happen despite cultures, languages and distances? Like unbelievers presuppose atheism and naturalism, Bible believers presuppose the truth of the Bible. Historical e