Ten Million Reasons to Show Abiogenesis

No, abiogenesis — chemical evolution — has not, and cannot be scientifically demonstrated. Thanks for reading. Good day. Okay, you want a mite more. People calculate astronomical odds against life coming from non-life , and it has been proven to be impossible , some atheists and other evolutionists still cling to that absurd hope. Dr. James Tour challenged secularists to answer some origin of life (OoL) questions. They did not answer . Also, there is a $10 million dollar prize waiting for someone to meet the standard and become comfortably well-off. Taken from public domain images here and here , then heavily modified The ID article featured below made grandiose claims about the importance of abiogenesis happening. However, even if it was demonstrated, it would only show that it was made possible in that prize-winning instance. Pull back the reins on that pony and slow down, Hoss! Many questions would then be raised. Also, the same unethical secular science indus...