
Lunar Volcanism and other Solar System Warmth

As many people already know, the solar system is about 4.5 billion years old according to standard dating ideas. The moon looks like a cold inactive rock. Other planets have moons that should also be uninteresting rocks, as are some planets and other objects up yonder. However, that is the opposite of the truth. Believers in deep time and cosmic evolution presuppose billions of years, but are constantly being surprised when planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and other things do not "act their age." Many of those things show comparative youth and geologic activity. Silvery Moonlight ,  John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1882 Our own moon has quakes, indicating tectonic activity — it is still cooling and shrinking after its recent creation. There is water (in the form of ice) on it as well, but the shaking and other activity makes some of the ice go away. Even so, that is a threat to deep time ideas because water can't last billions of years up there . Not so long ago, a ChiCom probe...

Logic Getting Worse in Evolutionism

As discussed here many times, believers in descent with modifications tend to use horrendous reasoning in their papers. (Lapdog popular science journalists often makes things worse .) Researchers are prone to offering an explanation with insufficient evidence for something observed but excluding other possibilities. Evolution is a given, treated as a fact or even a law . They exclude Intelligent Design and especially biblical creation even though evidence support those explanations. If an organism exists, it must have evolved through atheistic materialism — which strikes this child as begging the question . Not only do materialists get away with using bad logic in their presentations, the problem is getting worse. Nobody cares. Evolution doesn't care (study on those last three words and see what I just did). Consider how the Pauli Exclusion is used as a rescuing device for dinosaur soft tissues , which is...truly bizarre. One recent example of fake science logic involves the coela...

Longevity and the Instruction Manual

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There was a story told some time ago about a salesman who came across a man cutting trees in the forest, and he was using just an axe. The sales rep said the man could cut down many more trees if he used the chainsaw he was selling. Sold! A couple of days later, the salesman came back and asked how things were going. "Lousy!" replied the man. "All day yesterday with that blasted chainsaw, and I only cut down two trees . I want my money back!" "Easy, friend," replied the salesman. "Let's see what's wrong with it." He pulled the starter and there was a loud vroooom. "Whoa, what is that noise? " cried the man. Car in the woods, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Amazing that he got any  trees cut when he didn't even know how to start up the chainsaw. Every once in a while, someone makes news for having lived an amazing number of years. People ask, "What's your secret to a long life?" Answers va...

More Dinosaur Tissue Fake Science

The fact that soft tissues in dinosaur bones has been found is a serious problem for evolutionists, and they know it. Papa Darwin depends on deep time, so the secular science industry presents fake science to take the tear out of Darwin's eye. Desperately devoted evolutionists online show dishonesty, ignorance, or something else when they try to wave off soft tissues (It was a fluke or two? Nope.) There are many examples of soft tissues that are public knowledge. The latest attempt by secularists is to make collagen last millions of years. Triceratops at the Dinosaur Journey Museum , US Dept of Transportation /  aschweigert   (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The disingenuous science here is that researchers did not actually test stuff, but yee haw boy howdy! It sure does look good on paper. Also, review of the work seems to have been a festival of bias confirmation, no contrary views (especially from those yucky creationists) would be considered. That is ind...

Woolly Mammoths, DNA, and the Genesis Flood

Scientists figure that Wrangel Island, way up north in the Arctic Ocean, was where the woolly mammoths had their last stand. After these elephant-types walked there, water levels rose and marooned them. Research involved obtaining physical samples and sequencing DNA. The results were surprising. It was assumed that the mammoths inbred themselves to death, but that is not exactly so. When a population is radically reduced, it is called a bottleneck . Bad mutations increase. The mammoth bottleneck did not have the presumed deleterious effects. Interestingly, this has implications for Noah and his family. Woolly mammoth cave art from Les Combarelles, France / PD Scoffers of the Genesis Flood point out that the human population would have to be rebuilt from six of the eight individuals on the Ark, so they assume the bottleneck was insurmountable. Humans are more complex than the elephant kind. The implications for the human population after the Flood are supportive of creation science ...

Two Kinds of Revelation and Knowledge of God

With " Inner Knowledge of the Creator ," we examined how people who claim to have no evidence of God are unrighteously suppressing that knowledge because it is all around them. Also, there is inner knowledge and our consciences. A term for all that is general revelation . Knowledge of the Creator comes from revelation. There is another kind, called special revelation , where God has made himself known in more direct ways, especially Scripture. We have word pictures to consider, but secularists present their geologic time scale picture to corrupt the divine revelations. View of Rondout Valley and mountains, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen When people put on their Darwin or Deep Time spectacles, their view of both general and special revelations is corrupted. They "see" millions of years, evolution through death, and evidence for the divine judgment of the Genesis Flood is degraded to uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes over many years). People need the guida...

Inner Knowledge of the Creator

A common claim among misotheists is that atheism is a "lack of belief" in God, which is intellectually lazy and self refuting. Rocks lack belief in God . Christians who believe the Bible presuppose it is true, and people have all the evidence they need but suppress it (Romans 1:18-22). This inner knowledge is seen in children and adults. A common argument for design is that a building has a builder, a painting has a painter, and the far more complex human body must also have a designer. That would be the Master Engineer of the Bible. Tracks on algae in pond, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the picture of a pond, something made tracks in the algae. I wonder what did it. People watch animals go through the motions to build something that seems like they are being creative, but they are really just acting upon what they were designed to do. This points back to the Creator. Indeed, it goes beyond reasoning things out. Sometimes there are emotional reactions like a sense of wond...

New Fossil Bats, Still No Evolution

In the Southwestern United States, there is a place popular with geologists and paleontologists called the Green River Formation . There are several rivers and tributaries called Green River, and this area is a tributary of the Colorado River. The formation and basins include several states. Since so much research is done in the formation, it is not surprising to get news from there. What may have been surprising to secular scientists is how the new bat fossils they discovered gave no clues to an alleged evolutionary ancestor of bats. Since secularists don't play the hand they're dealt, they reshuffle and deal from the bottom of the deck. In this case, the unevolving bat fossils did not fit their paradigm, so they tacked on two million years to bad origins. Sure, why not? If it helps keep the story going and avoid the fact of recent creation by the God of the Bible, they'll find ways. The Green River Formation is also interesting because of varves (thin layers of sediment)....

Dark Matter Needed but Still Elusive

Michael Crichton said, “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period." Really, it is a way around doing actual science and fitting in with the crowd. Seems to this child that mavericks were the ones who impacted science the most. There has been consensuses about atoms-to-astronomer evolution (although adherents frequently slap leather over many aspects of it) and also about dark matter. Because of the way galaxies act, dark matter is supposedly an important part of the universe. Hubble image of galaxies,  NASA , ESA, & J. Lotz & HFF Team (STScI) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Cosmologists agree that most of the universe is comprised of this stuff that nobody has seen or can detect. (There seems to be no consensus about what percentage of dark matter makes up the universe.) But yee haw boy howdy, it must  exist because dark matter is presupposed and inferred, and it is ...

Creationists and the Denial of Science

When a knowledgeable creationist catches an atheist or other evolutionist in a logical fallacy like the genetic fallacy, an abusive ad hominem , straw man, or other errors, the culprits frequently use the epithet science denier . Such an accusation reveals that someone is not interested in a rational discussion and is probably wasting your time. Even so, it is worthwhile to examine the science denier accusation. You may want to show that the claim is absurd, and you can be aware of why it stinks on ice. Image of creationist scientist Isaac Newton modified at Pixlr Something misotheists intensely dislike is when they throw down on a biblical creationist, they are challenged to back up their claims. In my case, I have this and other weblogs where I have shown appreciation for science — and my triple-bypass open-heart surgery  to appreciate medical science. No science denier here , Horace. For that matter, ask what "science denier" even means. The accusation often comes when Dar...