
Chimpanzee Communication is not Language

It has been known for a mighty long time that animals communicate with each other, and with people as well. Some folks may say animals have languages but that is not very accurate. A true language must have certain components to make it work, and those are lacking in animal communication. Language expresses nuances and depth, and it testifies of the Creator . Indeed, I met my late wife online, and we got to know each other well — through a messenger service. A study of chimpanzee communication tries to link it to human language. Chimpanzees, Pixabay / Marcel Langthim (Pixel-mixer) Humans and chimpanzees have pauses in gestures and other communication. Darwin's disciples presuppose evolution, so the study of this tries to find a link to human language. Yes, animals pause and essential give the other animal a chance to respond. So do we. While a mite interesting, the study does nothing to further evolution. Animals communicate but not with language. Where did language come from and

Israel Perseveres while Others Collapse

It is not news that people throughout history have hated the Jews, and many want to eradicate them from their land. Especially Mohammedans, who have thugs working toward that end who murder men, women, and children. Modern Israel is a small strip land that most people would find unappealing. Yet the Hebrew people have survived persecutions and attempted genocide for millennia. The state of Israel testifies of fulfilled prophecy , which in turn indicates that the Word of God is true. The hand of God can be seen keeping Israel in existence. Israel Flag, Unsplash / Stanislav Vdovin Other peoples in the area inhabit historic lands, but modern Jews are genetically who they claim to be. Fanatical Islamic groups like Hamas and others want to join with the Palestinians (who have a flag but never had a country ) in destroying the Jews. Hatred for Israel seems to have been increasing in recent years, with the American Democrat party supporting terrorists! Hebrews have survived for thousands of y

Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution Refuted by Breathing?

It is considered a fact by many evolutionists that dinosaurs evolved into birds, so that canned chicken in my pantry is actually evolved dinosaur. As baryon-to-bird evolution is dogma in the secular science industry, dissenters are downplayed. The same happens to dinosaur-to-bird evolution deniers. As seen in " Non-Science in Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution ," there are numerous problems with those stories. Indeed, serious scientific difficulties should have stopped the concept right away. Many scientists believe despite  the evidence. One major problem is that birds and reptiles breathe differently. Confuciusornis , Flickr / paleobear ( CC BY 2.0 ) Reptiles, many animals, humans all breathe with a bellows (draw in, push out) style, although they are not all designed alike. Birds have more of a flow-through system. That means dinosaurs would have had to evolve countless transitions — any of which would have been stopped by natural selection, so evolution could not happen. Lung sy

Creationists Standing for Integrity

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We saw that scoffers play a "Gotcha!" game by pretending they found contradictions in the Bible . Another version of this game is to use ad hominem  attacks against creation scientists, such as claiming they did not graduate from credentialed colleges or Duane Gish used the "Gish Gallop" ( a falsehood that I refuted ). One creationist was apparently involved in wrongdoing. Biblical creationists must tread carefully so they do not give skeptics reasons to mock. More importantly, we want to glorify God by living and acting biblically in daily and professional lives. Here is an exception. Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge over Hudson River from Poet's Walk, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen In 1989, Russian creationist Dr. Dmitri Kouznetsov wrote a peer-reviewed paper for  International Journal of Neuroscience . There were some people who checked the references Kouznetsov used but several were not found. (Do the peers who review check references or ju

The Moses Epitaph Conundrum

When scoffers play what I call the "Gotcha!" game (where they seek alleged errors and contradictions in the Bible), their efforts are pathetic. Indeed, the Skeptic's Annotated Bible  is an ambitious project but done without knowledge and logic. One pastor has refuted 300 of the alleged contradictions all by his lonesome. Some alleged errors are resolved with some basic thinking. Many can be defeated by considering the contexts of the passages under attack. Other questions need knowledgeable folks who know how to dig deeper into the languages and cultures of the periods. Bible open to Deuteronomy, RGBStock / Billy Frank Alexander People have wondered about the ending of Deuteronomy, as Moses was the author of that and the other four books of the Pentateuch — but it ends with his death. Naturally, the question arises as to how he wrote about his own death. Some with Atheism Spectrum Disorder act like the Bible authors and biblical scholars over thousands of years somehow m

Planning Our Fingers and Toes

We may not spend time thinking about our digits, but pay attention the next time you are carrying an awkward load or doing something else that requires manual dexterity. There are times I get some unusual grips on things like groceries and am glad to have opposable thumbs. Our toes may receive even less thought except when we injure them. Then we realize that they are important to walking, balance — and helping us make loud vocalizations when we kick a chair in the night. Adult hands and baby feet, Unsplash / Manuel Schinner In images of a developing human fetus, fingers and toes do not look anything like the final product. More like webbed things. That's where planned cell death comes in, which is called  apoptosis . The Master Engineer designed a system where apoptosis is on standby, held by other biological functions. At the right moment, it goes to town and we get our fingers and toes after a spell. This is yet another display of design by our Creator, and evolutionists are lef

The Lonely Life of a SETI Enthusiast

Years ago, there were Maytag appliance advertisements focusing on their dependability and the loneliness of the unneeded repairman . Similar but also different for SETI enthusiasts. Initial excitement, hopes, and dreams need constant rekindling — without good reasons. The Wow! Signal in 1977 kept scientists hoping that they had some kind of signal from intelligent extraterrestrials. It took many years to find out that the so-called signal was just hydrogen acting up. Then there was the time that scientists were fooled about ET signals that were actually from a microwave oven . Scientists studying space alien, made with  Bing AI Image Creator Kind of like being teased, but there is no entity behind the teasing. Indeed, secular scientists desperately want to find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. They seem to think it would vindicate their rejection of the Creator in favor of evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope was sent partly in hopes of finding support for the Big Bang

Glyptodonts for Lunch

Though many critters from the depths of time are extinct, some have living relatives today. There are living things that were thought to be extinct, then discovered to be alive and labeled living fossils . One animal from days of old is the dilly of armor, the armadillo. It is linked to the  glyptodont  group. As with some other creatures, even the largest of the armadillos are dwarfed by ancient relatives. DNA reveals that glyptodonts are actually giant armadillos — and may have been on the dining menu for some people. Glyptodon clavipes , Flickr / S. Rae (adjusted), ( CC BY 2.0 ) As to why animals were much larger back then, biblical creationists and secular scientists have differing ideas. Creationists have suggested longer lifespans and with them, delayed maturation. However, creationists are uncertain if the pre-Flood conditions on Earth played a part in bigness ( which included the Ice Age ). Also, secular scientists say cutting marks found on bones indicate slicing off meat fro

Non-Science in Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution

In Through the Looking-Glass by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (writing as Lewis Carroll), the White Queen boasted of having been able to believe six impossible things before breakfast. That book was published in 1871, and Charles Darwin had published On the Origin of Species  in 1859. Believing impossible things seems to have been growing in popularity. Although the idea of dinosaurs evolving into birds is treated as a scientific fact by many of Darwin's disciples, actual scientific facts are ignored or denied. Evidence and dating systems of secularists work against them, but they still believe impossible things. Archaeopteryx by Dr. Thompsons Seifenpulver , ca. 1900 An early attempt to bolster Darwinism was Archaeopteryx . This bad boy should have been left alone, as most secular paleontologists admitted that it was just a bird, not a transitional form between dinosaurs and birds. Secular dating methods as showing Archie as being older than dinosaurs. Yet some secular paleontologists

Misunderstanding Slavery in the Bible

Atheists and other unbelievers often attempt to find ways of negating the importance of the Bible. It is extremely common for them to say that the creation account is wrong because it is out of keeping with secular origins stories. Another attempt to negate the Bible by stating, "Your holy book condones slavery!" Restrain your equines, Erika. There is a great deal happening here, not the least of which is conflating slavery in the culture of the ancient Near East with the very different slave trade of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Woman in chains, PxHere Yes, slavery is discussed in the Bible, but manstealing was forbidden. Ancient Israel wanted to be like neighboring nations, so God gave strict guidelines for the treatment of slaves. Those slaves were given better treatment in Israel than elsewhere. Also, conquered people were often taken as slaves by Israel. If you study on it a spell, this is actually merciful because the men were killed in battle — women and ch