Atheist Morality has no Consistent Foundation
Trevor "Red" Schnapper had just come back from fishing. We talked a spell in the general store while I was waiting for my order to be picked. He said that while sitting in his boat, he commenced to pondering how atheists claim to be "good without God" but their thinking is as deep as a saucer. There are atheists who lead moral lives and can be decent folks. However, their standard of goodness is relative. They may compare themselves to famous bad people and look good. These folks are moral according to the society in which they live. Some professing atheists (Rom. 1:18-23) realize they have a dilemma in accounting for an ultimate foundation. Christians know that our ultimate foundation is God our Creator; he makes the rules and we need to get into the Bible to find out what he has to say. Some atheists appeal to evolution. That idea collapses under examination. C.O. from the US wrote: Hello CMI team, Thank you so much for your ministry. I have a quick question- is ...