
Evolutionary Scientists of Doom

It has been strongly established that the secular science industry supports causes of political leftists, and there are several reasons for this. In the formerly United States, the Democrat Party effectively buys votes by promising people what they want — such as generous funding for the secular science industry. There are secular scientists who just want to contribute to science so the world is a better place. Folks in power in academia and science establishments are the ones so left wing, they fly in circles. Working scientists may or may not be agreeing with leftist goals. Goat photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, modified at PhotoFunia Study on it a while. Secularists are furthering leftist agendas, including: Man-made (anthropogenic) climate change , which is one of their darlings Gender confusion and homosexuality Sexual immorality They love abortion Using deception to promote their views This child believes (as should most professing Christians) that they serve the wrong spirit. Secu

The Man Who Shot Darwinism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The title is a nod to the movie that inspired this here article, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance . Note the big spoiler alert , so if you were planning on watching that 1962 black-and-white classic, you might want to save the link to this article for later. John Ford was a legendary director, but some reports say he was miserable to work with. Despite this, John Wayne credited Ford for developing his acting skills. A good director brings out the best in actors. (If you study on it, some pictures with great actors are crummy because of poor directing.) Lee Marvin portrayed Liberty Valance as an ornery cuss quite well. An Argument with the Town Marshall / Frederic Remington, 1907 Many of Duke's films had a fun elements, but this picture was grim. Senator Ransom Stoddard (James Stewart) came back to the town of Shinbone and told his story to reporters. I said Liberty Valance was ornery, but that's understatement — he would beat people (including Ransom St

Animals with the Blues

Looking at pictures and spending time in nature, you are likely to see various creatures displaying many colors. Even the dull creatures such as the house sparrow have various shades of brown and white. Many times, we see colors that are not actually present. Wait, what? It could be said that some colors we see are a trick of the light. A prism effect reveals some colors, but they change based on the angle of the observer. We can only guess why the Creator held back on blue, but sometimes when it is present, it is startling. Blue jay with spread wings, Unsplash / Phil Robson Two of my late wife's favorite birds were the northern cardinal and the blue jay. She and I both liked the bright red of the cardinal, and admired the patterns on the blue jays. Like many critters, cardinals exhibit their colors because they have the necessary pigment. Blue jays are not blue. That is, they have no blue pigment (which does exist elsewhere in the animal kingdom), but have that refraction thing go

Evolutionists Making Up Facts Again

Just yesterday, I was in town to send a telegram over the singing wires, then stopped in at the eatery. At the next table were several executives of the Darwin Ranch. They were finishing lunch before saddling up and riding back to Deception Pass. I was on the prod after having dealt with the same old "put 'em on the defensive" remarks from atheists. The ranch folks were getting rambunctious. Dewey Lye was going on about new research on feather evolution. I mentioned there has never been conclusive  evidence for dinosaur feathers. Al Buehterawl took a deep breath and evosplained it to me. Pond off Sawkill Road, Kingston, NY, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen , modified with FotoSketcher Actually, I learned very little. Researchers were looking in the wrong place at the wrong things on the wrong birds. Eventually, dinosaur scales were compared to those of crocodiles, so the dinosaur was getting ready  to evolve. "Evidence" was obtained by citing a paper from several

Adaptation, Not Evolution, for Galápagos Finches

People know the story that young Charles Darwin was on the Beagle  from 1831 to 1836, appointed to be the ship's naturalist. He discovered evolution by means of natural selection  and thereby revolutionized science. Nice story, but he reworked the already existing concept of natural selection, and never provided evidence for his speculations . One of the most famous stops was at the Galápagos islands off the coast of Ecuador. He studied finches (not knowing what type of bird they were at the time), and they became icons of evolution. But that is false. Galapagos ground finch, Flickr /  Judy Gallagher  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Poster effect at  PhotoFunia  and cropped Charlie thought that all of the finch variations today came from an original pair. These birds have been the subject of many studies over the years. Creationists have pointed out for a long time that they do not show evolution. Studies that get into the genetics show that what is seen is natural — and planned by the Master Engine

Reminders and Memorials

Several countries have special days set aside to pay tribute to those killed in the service of their countries. Today is ours. One tradition is to put American flags on graves of the fallen, and people tend to blur Veterans Day (which honors living people in the armed forces) with Memorial Day. It is a good thing to have holidays to prompt us to remember the fallen, and also for other noteworthy times in a culture or individual lives. We do something similar with birthdays and anniversaries. Establishing reminders is found in the Bible. Memorial Day flags and cross / Pxhere God instituted symbols and feasts to prompt Israel to remember him and what he did for them. The most obvious in the Old Testament is the rainbow, which is God's promise to never flood the entire earth again. Another famous reminder is  Passover , which had detailed instructions for the observance. Yesterday at church, we had Communion (the Lord's Supper). Passover was a strong foreshadowing of the time when

The Amazing Eye

One need not be a biology major to realize that the eye is amazing. Raptors in flight can see their prey with great accuracy. Cats are designed to use dim light. Humans and cats do not need the vision of eagles for our lifestyles. Raptors and humans do not need such extreme night vision. Dysteleology is where people claim to find flaws in nature so they can say there is no Creator, only evolution. These tinhorns have never designed an eye from scratch. When C. Richard Dawkins makes the daffy claim that the human retina is "backwardly wired," he is showing his ignorance . Cowboy Bob Sorensen's eye, modified at PhotoFunia Claiming the eye is poorly designed is not a scientific conclusion, but a theological opinion ! Frankly, (mind if I call you Frank?), that's stupid. They misrepresent certain aspects of the human eye, plus the specified complexity of the eye itself as well as the brain that interprets the input. Consider also that God the Son, the Creator who made eyes

The Moon Io Continues to Thwart Deep Time

It is obviously human nature to want to know things. A wagon train-load of grotzits has been spent on space exploration even before rockets went up yonder. Telescopes, bigger and better telescopes, telescopes in space — not enough, people want to go and look. Cameras, telescopes, and communications equipment were loaded onto various space probes. Sending humans were just not feasible, so that was the next best thing. Jupiter and its moons have had several visitors from here: Pioneer , V'ger  (I mean, Voyager ), and others have shown Jupiter's moon Io to be recalcitrant to deep-time beliefs. Infrared view of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io, NASA / JPL et al. It has been known for quite some time that Io is volcanically active, which should not happen if it was billions of years old. The Juno mission showed further images of volcanic activity. Secularists are attempting rescuing devices to explain what is observed, including how it spews lava, reconsumes it, and do it again hundreds

Design Work of the Creator Seen in DNA

When Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) initiated the science of genetics, he could not have known how intricate and valuable it would be. A major part of genetics is the DNA molecule. Its existence was known for quite some time, but Drs. Watson and Crick eventually determined that it took the form of a helix. The code of DNA is startlingly simple, just four letters long. Their combinations and the ways they are expressed why it is so complex. It is interesting that in Psalm 139, David wrote about inward parts that have been woven together — which describes DNA. DNA art, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (geralt) There is an old expression that has been attributed to several people, but essentially, it is "Standing on the shoulders of giants." It is a colorful way to say that discoveries and advances are based on the work of others who had come along before. This is certainly true of DNA, as one discovery inspired another, and the learning grew. Atheists often compare creationists with t

Judicial Bias in the Kitzmiller v. Dover Case

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  In late 2005, the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial was held in a US federal court. Many lies were told from the get-go, including that it violates the establishment of religion clause of the US Constitution. But Dover asking students to realize that Darwinism is not proven and to check out other points of view is not establishing any religion. Secularists keep using that trick and getting away with it with schools, local governments, and others to keep them quaking in their boots. It may seem puzzling that this court case from several years ago is being discussed up here. One reason is that anti-creationists bring it up when discussing creationism (and especially the Intelligent Design movement). Another is that, as hinted above, it has repercussions and set a precedent for activists who want to protect evolution from scrutiny. Anti-creationists and anti-Intelligent Design folks repeat several things that are clearly false as if they had been prove