
Artificial Intelligence as the Replacement God?

Interest in and development of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly increasing, as are considerations of cautions and speculations of its dangers portrayed in science fiction. C.S. Lewis gave a warning in That Hideous Strength back in 1946 that seems almost prophetic in some ways. There are several related and even overlapping ideas working at once. People have used machines since creation (keep in mind that levers, pulleys, and other things are considered machines). Obviously, many sophisticated machines have been made over the years. AI Cyborg adored by mindless masses* People use whatever means are available to better their lives, and also invent things to help in that pursuit. From here, humans add mechanical things to themselves such as replacement limbs. Then it gets darker. Some people want to go trans — transhuman, that is. The transhumanist movement seeks to replace humanity with machines so the consciousness can live forever. People need to think biblically about that . Ar...

Evolutionists Deny Evidence to make Darwin Smile

Added link about altering facts to fit views on 10 July 2023. As we have seen many times, people interpret evidence according to their worldviews. For example, an evolutionist can see a trilobite fossil and say that it is millions of years old, a biblical creationist uses the same evidence and interprets it as representing the Genesis Flood. Nobody is strictly neutral. Secular scientists are thought to be objective, following where the evidence leads, but that does not happen when the narrative is paramount. It is adjusted so Darwin's frown will turn upside down and people continue to be hoodwinked. Darwin Approves of Evoluton Fairy Tales, modified from Favourite French fairy tales / Barbara Douglas , 1921 In The Face of Evil , a 1977 "Dr. Who" story, The Doctor was given these words by writer Chris Boucher: You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common, they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views,...

For Love of Bacteria and Viruses

It is common to find people who fear microscopic organisms, but that feeling is probably because the bad guys get the headlines. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere (except possibly in a cleanroom ). Some people may be shocked to learn that God created bacteria and viruses. Even more startling to the uninformed is that there are millions of the things living in and on everyone. Our eyes even have their own biome. Most are not only good, but essential for our health. And not just ours, but for living things on Earth! Bacteriophage, Wikimedia Commons / Dr. Victor Padilla-Sanchez, PhD ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Interestingly, bacteriophages are viruses that use and destroy bacteria as a means to keep their populations under control. It is possible that phage therapy may be developed for use when antibiotics are ineffective. Medical science was fooled by evolutionary pronouncements based on ignorance and preconceptions that the appendix is an evolutionary leftover and could be removed. Now we know ...

Evolutionary Religion and Mysticism

When dealing with Darwin's disciples on teh interwebz, most are professing atheists who say they are driven by reason , not faith. When informed that atheism is a religion and that evolution has also become a religion , they become incensed. Some say that religious people want to atheists like them. Huh? I had a couple of trolling raids on social(ist) media that were saturated with fallacies and disingenuous questions. "Creation 'science' 🤣" ... "The human eye proves evolution" ... "Lucy is a human ancestor," and more. They ignored or rejected evidence that people presented. Summoning the Spirit of Darwin, made at PhotoFunia When on their secular jihads, these owlhoots are confirming that they do indeed have faith. Evolution cannot even be questioned. Sure, the minutiae, but not the "fact" of universal common ancestry — even though there are secular scientists who doubt evolution . "Where do fanatical evolutionists get their id...

Destroying Myths of Satanic Snakes

Many people fear and loathe snakes, which frustrates people who admire them. (I admit that while searching images to use here that those with women trying to look seductive with snakes They are fascinating and do snake stuff quite well. Unfortunately, snakes have bad press. Yes, some can kill you. Those with powerful venom are a small fraction of all species. People who feel compelled to kill any on their properties are being stupid, unless they know for certain that those are dangerous. Otherwise, they are harmless or beneficial. Rainbow boa, Pixabay / sipa August Kekulé said he discovered the formula for benzine when he had a dream about a snake eating its own tail. That sort of mystical science may add to people's negative perceptions. People tend to think that a snake is Satan incarnate or his emissary. Snakes were designed by the Creator to fill their ecological niches and are not evil. You savvy? Fun moments time. Hey, ever see  Octopussy  where James...

The Fearful Symmetry of the Solar System

The title of this post was inspired by the poet William Blake, who could conceivably have been inspired by how God described Leviathan and Behemoth when he wrote " The Tyger ". In the last stanza he asked, Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? Taking a much bigger picture, it is evident that the solar system itself is in symmetry. Believers in cosmic evolution sometimes get angry when told that the appearance  of design exists because it really was  designed. Solar system artwork by NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secularists are constantly baffled by what is observed, but that is because the evidence does not fit their materialistic presuppositions. They don't know how or why the planets keep each other in balance , or who set it up. I have a vague memory of a story about an alien race that wanted to move into our solar system, but they wanted to remove one of the ...

Evolution Makes Tongue Article Distasteful

People may take the tongue for granted, but it is more than just a lump of meat that we distend to express disdain or taste food. It is essential for speech (apes have tongues but still cannot articulate sentences) and other purposes. Many critters including mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and whatnot, have tongues. Lizards and some birds use specially-designed tongues to snag insects. Tongues come in many shapes and styles showing that the Creator put variety into his creation. Once again, believers in descent with modifications cannot explain them. Cat showing tongue, RGBStock / Gesine Kuhlmann As usual, Darwinists beg the question by using evolution to prove evolution. They presuppose that life began in the sea, then some life continued on land. One problem is that fish, our assumed ancestors and distant cousins, do not have actual tongues. A prototongue evolved, but there is no evidence of this. Just stories. Tales of the tongue ( Science Magazine, 25 May 2023). “Tales” is right. O...

Web Weaving as a Dance

Have you ever spent a few minutes watching a spider in a garden or the woods weave a web? It can be compared to dancing solo, what with all of those precise moves and all. There are many types of spiders, though the typical webspinner in the garden is an orb weaver . Their webs look like — well, orbs. The work is intricate, using different kinds of webbing for different purposes. Sure would be nice to have this artistry recorded. Well, it happened. Hackled orb weaver, WikiComm / RudiSteenkamp ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Scientists took a notion to film the way the hackled orb weaver moves it legs, which is vital to its work. Realize that it has an extremely small brain. While anyone can set up a camera, it won't get the detail that was wanted. Researchers had to program the video camera at a rapid frame rate so they could get the millions  of changes. Clearly, this specified complexity is the product of the Master Engineer; evolutionary speculations fail. They even cu...

Mitochondrial DNA and the Crocodylia Baramin

Although the system of taxonomy was initially made by creationist Carl Linnaeus , secularists have made it into their own, rejecting anything biblical out of hand. Creation scientists use taxonomy, of course, but they are developing baraminology,  which is based on the created kinds . The biblical kind is somewhere around  order  or family  in the traditional classification system. Like other fields in science, baraminology has differing views on how it should be developed and applied. Creation science technical journals publish articles where differing views are presented. Crocodile, Pixnio / Steve Hillebrand , USFWS Data from research is often made available to everyone, which is very helpful to both creationist and secular scientists. An examination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was undertaken to see commonality in relationships in the Crocodylia order. Comparing this information with other data on these reptiles (which have features unlike other reptiles) sug...

Dinosaur Biomolecules and the Iron-Toast Union

Believers in descent with modifications were aghast when Mary Schweitzer announced that soft tissues were found in dinosaur fossils. That is old news, but less old is the supercilious attempt to use iron as a preservative . Some fundamentalist evolutionists accepted that despite its glaring problems. Another rescuing device was proposed that applied the  Maillard reactions of toasted bread to dinosaur proteins , but that did not work. The secular science industry is toying with a new hope for their rebellion against the Creator. It combines the two rescuing devices. Made at  PhotoFunia  with an image on Pixabay by  Ralph Sure, why not? Since both of those ideas fail, mayhaps putting them together will make a complete answer. That'll be the day! However, like so many other explanations by advocates of deep time and evolution, devotees will pick it up and use it as ammunition against creationists — not understanding its weaknesses. Once again, the evidence indicates r...