
Built-in GPS for Bird Navigation

While it is interesting to talk about birds in this area , there are plenty of other avians to discuss. The Common (or Eurasian) Reed Warbler is something this child will never see. It likes to warble on reeds and nest in them. They breed in Europe and some of Asia, then migrate to parts of Africa for the winter. Some are year-round Africans. Bird migration is fascinating. It is known that they use Earth's magnetic field for navigation, but it is more than going in a particular direction. Eurasian Reed Warbler, Flickr / Ron Knight ( CC BY 2.0 ) The magnetic field provides a great deal of information, and their built-in Global Positioning System uses it. Migratory birds like the Common Reed Warbler can determine where they are, the direction they need to go, and how far. Researchers caught some and put them in "orientation cages" where they were effectively reprogrammed to believe they were in a different place. When they flew, they ignored visual cues. Even though the bi...

Flowers and Ants Stymie Evolutionists

Sometimes people knock ants off flowers because they think they are intrusive. But that is like bursting into the home of someone and chasing out visitors, only to learn that the visitors were invited guests. Many times, ants and flowers have a mutually-beneficial relationship: Plants provide shelter and nutrients, ants disperse seeds and help defend the plants. Besides, ants like to climb things. Charlie Darwin and his followers have long insisted that flowers and plants evolved together, but they have no evidence. Flower with ants, Pixabay / wal_172619 When checking the fossil record, ants have always been ants. Sorry, Charlie, no transitional forms or signs of a common ancestor. Biblical kinds  of ants are found ( kinds  are close to the  family  classification in biology), but secularists will not consider that. I gave Chuck a floral wreath at  PhotoFunia In addition to the lack of transitional forms in the fossil CD — I mean, record — the Bearded Buddha lam...

Wonders of Creation in Common Birds

In the 1975 movie Jaws , the Matt Hooper character praised evolution, adding how sharks are machines that swim, eat, and make little sharks. Something similar can be said about the house sparrow: they eat, fuss at each other, chirp, chitter, fly, make little sparrows, eat more... Winged pigs. Some of the common birds in New York, Michigan, and the like are visually boring at first glance. Their details are found when looking more closely, even sparrows and unappreciated crows. However, the mental abilities of birds have been surprising to scientists. House sparrow, Pexels /  Skyler Ewing  (cropped), Renoir style added at  LunaPic Some birds found at the feeder are the House Finch (with a song I call " happy to be a birdie "), White-Breasted Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal, and the Black-Capped Chickadee. This last one is a keeper. No, not for yourself. It keeps seeds  — and remembers where they are stashed. Scientists are puzzled by such memory in that tiny brain. H...

Transsexuality and Transhumanism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are deviant people loudly demanding what they think are their rights, but there are more subtle thing that happen with movements. They often start small and over time. Deviants have been with the rest of civilization for a long time. However, their acceptance, normalization, preferential treatment  and more seem to have sprung up overnight. Many people are bewildered about all this. There is more going on than it may seem upon first examination. Writing for the Discovery Institute, agnostic Wesley J. Smith postulates that this ties into the transhumanist movement. Bionic eye, Pixabay / intographics Let's study on transhumanism . Using medical technology to repair bodily injuries or defects is commonplace. Transhumanism goes beyond healing and intends to upgrade humanity . Some proponents think they are helping human evolution, which is definitely not the correct use of that word. Wesley Smith suggests that transsexuality is using transhumanism (the cont...

No Proof of Evolution on your Body

It is bad enough that believers in molecules-to-Mario evolution present incomplete and often erroneous science, but they also encourage long-refuted evolutionary dogma. On several occasions we have encountered blatant falsehoods used to prop up this atheistic myth of origins. Everyone makes mistakes (including faulty reasoning), but to repeatedly use false information is downright deceptive. Seven years ago, a disingenuous video titled "Proof of evolution that you can find on your body" was posted, and at this writing has over 37 million views and 407 thousand "likes." Hammond C3 organ, WikiComm / Emilio Muñoz (Public Domain), modified The video focuses on so-called vestigial organs (or structures) that have supposedly lost their functions during the process of evolution. Claims of vestigial things have been debunked, as we have seen regarding "junk" DNA , the  Palmar Grasp Reflex in infants, how the famous appendix is actually important , and more. One ...

Giving Cave Painters a Hand

The long-held belief that Neanderthals and others were stupid brutes because they had not evolved intelligence yet has been fully overturned. They were fully human and intelligent, but Darwin's disciples do not want to admit that creationists were right all along, so they are called "archaic humans." These folks had some interesting cave paintings, and those have even impressed modern artists because of the skill involved. One puzzler was painting involving hands. Some researchers think that they may have determined some of what was going on. Handprint art in Gargas cave, WikiComm / José-Manuel Benito ( Public Domain ) Why hands? Well, a hand is something convenient to portray, and they were done in many caves. One cave showed a difference: missing fingers. It is unlikely that the residents had numerous accidents with chainsaws, and these were tucked away in an area that may have been special. Perhaps they were used to send signals. If you study on it, people use their ha...

Headbangers Give the Alarm

For a while, heavy metal fans were referred to as headbangers  because of their extreme and even harmful head motions . Sure, practically everyone does some nodding to the beat, but that is excessive. We looked at headbanger woodpeckers , here is another creature. Macrotermes  are termites that actually cultivate fungus, which is good eats. This is impressive since the savannah of Africa is not conducive. They also build mounds, the largest of which are in Africa. The  Macrotermes carbonarius species take headbanging quite literally. Fungus-growing termites, Flickr / Bernard DuPont ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia While termites are doing termite stuff, they have to watch out so they don't become chow for predators. When the nest is disturbed, sentinels commence to headbanging. No, they don't crank up Stryper, they bang their heads to sound the alarm. I'm sure that some folks will accept " it evolved " as an explanation 🙄but the work of the Master Engin...

Traces of Noah in Ancient Egypt?

Back on 1 April, Ken Ham posted that Answers in Genesis would be changing its name to Answers in Exodus . In some ways, Creation Ministries International could be Answers in Ancient Egypt. This child picked up some of their posts such as Adam referenced in Egypt , Noah's son Ham deified in Egypt , their chemists and perfumers , but I skipped the one about the Shoshenq redemption — I mean, the Shoshenq synchrony . Didn't understand it. Folks who read that material should see how some things work together showing how Noah was also known to the ancient Egyptians. Nun, god of the waters of chaos, lifts the barque of the sun god Ra ( public domain ) Today, we have a two-part article discussing the author's working hypothesis about references to Noah in Egypt, and he makes a strong case. The articles are heavily researched and not exactly light reading, and Gavin Cox tells us that he will be writing on related topics in the future. (He has also written many other articles for CMI...

Draconian Darwinism Spreads Anti-Science

Regular readers have caught on that science thrives when challenged, and when views are protected, it stagnates. Atheism is where science goes to die in darkness. Despite the claim to follow where the evidence leads, scientists tend to protect their beliefs. Just ask  Ignaz Semmelweis . Creation science is rejected by the secular science industry because of their precommitment to naturalism, so evidence against evolution and in favor of special creation is suppressed. Draconian measures keep bad information in the public minds. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the background image Because the secular science industry has attitudes that are actually anti-science, they promote evolution — which is harmful to medical science . Vestigial organs/structures have been redefined because those alleged leftovers from our evolutionary past have been found to be useful. There are numerous examples where evolutionary thinking harmful to medicine. Many of Darwin's acolytes are passionate about their...

Teenage World Turtle Fossils

The short article featured below uses an analogy of finding a smartphone in a coffin with an Egyptian mummy, and how people would naturally think of shenanigans. After watching some so-called scary videos, people express truly bizarre opinions: Some would say that the device is proof of time travel . There are things found in paleontology that are just as strange to believers in deep time, but are numerous and cannot be dismissed as one-off anomalies. When soft tissues were found in fossils (not just impressions), some people denied their existence. Turtle Fossil, Wikimedia Commons / Daderot ( CC0 1.0 ) Soft tissues, biomolecules, and other things kind of give the world a teenage look — certainly not a senior citizen appearance. The latest entry in the list are bone cells, proteins and blood vessels from a turtle. There are too many soft tissues to dismiss, and secular scientists are looking for ways to explain how short-lived materials can exist after millions of Darwin years . They ...