
Doubt Creation, so Doubt the Resurrection?

Apologists have often encountered people who claim to have lost, or are losing, their faith. One problem is that they are willing to accept the authority of skeptics, so they do not do their homework. This child has seen many instances when someone will claim that they could not get answers to their questions, but they are complaining online , where answers are available — if they sincerely want them. People who are not grounded in the faith should not spend time interacting with or reading material by scoffers. Resurrection, Empty tomb  RGBStock / Alex Bruda Skeptics today are scoffers, unwilling to accept answers, or even consider than answers exist. They corrupt those who are weak in the faith and drag them down. Atheists are good at posturing and ridicule. Those who are weak in the faith may be afraid that if they get misotheists on the prod, they will say mean things to or about them. What they experience is nothing in comparison with what Jesus went through. That's worth thin...

Pileated Woodpecker Surprises

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is one of those times I must refrain from writing in character; no Darwin Ranch folks. Y'all have read how my wife and I have grown to appreciate birds in our area. She likes to provide seeds, and frequent shelled unsalted peanuts (especially for Blue Jays). The suet feeder , a small basket-like apparatus, is for the woodpeckers. In our area, we see the Downy Woodpecker most often, and occasionally the larger version, the Hairy, stops by to peck at the suet cake. So does the Red-Bellied, which is about the same size as the Hairy. And boy, do they peck! Sparrows are winged pigs, but the others usually chase them off. (The Northern Flicker made it to the porch a couple of times, but I disremember if those like suet.) We wistfully thought about how great it would be if the Pileated stopped by, but it's big and this is an apartment complex. Downy caps at about seven inches (18 cm.) and is quite comfortable on the suet feeder. Hairy can be 10 inches (26 c...

Neanderthal Baked Crab Party

Those Neanderthals were an interesting group, and they were fond of having parties. Especially at the beach. Mayhaps last weekend was a clam bake, but this time it was a crab bake. Those things are a little more of a challenge to gather, which made it more rewarding. One Neanderthal was streaming a video of Beach Blanket Bingo , another was cranking up "Nothing but a Good Time" and someone had to get them to compromise before a fight broke out. Lots of food, cold drinks, telling stories around the fire... No fire here, but that is a story. Except that Neanderthals did know how to bake crabs. Salt-baked crab, Flickr / insatiablemunch ( CC BY 2.0 ) We are blessed to be living in a time when recipes have been passed along for generations and can be recorded for posterity. Cooking and baking techniques are in books and on television, and websites have thousands of recipes available. Also, people can always improvise ( I'm a hack at cooking ). Neanderthals baked crabs and it ...

Programmed Biases and Artificial Intelligence

The subject of artificial intelligence keeps cropping up, and it will continue to do so for quite some time. Having "machines" become sentient and taking over has been a favorite theme in science fiction for decades. Some of those stories are fanciful, others may be cautionary tales. In the earlier post " Artificial Intelligence and Replacing Humanity ," several articles were linked that show how humanity really has nothing to fear. A primary reason is that AI can never become equal to, let alone surpass, the human brain. Artificial Intelligence, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann  (geralt) As discussed previously, AI and other computers are subject to their programming. This was recently illustrated in an opinion column by Robert Marks . Western civilization has been distancing itself from biblical principles, so it shouldn't be surprising when ChatGPT has to practically be begged to mention what many biblical creationists believe: Behemoth in the book of Job is a sauropo...

Dogs at Chernobyl are Thriving

When Ukraine was controlled by the Soviet Union, a nuclear power plant had a serious meltdown in 1986. People were killed in the explosion and many died of radiation poisoning in later months. A huge number of people from Pripyat and neighboring areas were forcibly and hurriedly evacuated. There is a large Exclusion Zone that was off-limits for years, but now there are people in it. Some areas are too hot (very radioactive) and can only be visited briefly or when wearing special suits. Strangely, the number of offspring of dogs left behind is increasing. Dog at Chernobyl, Flickr / Jorge Franganillo ( CC BY 2.0 ) Intense doses of radiation are usually a death sentence. If not very quickly, then because of cellular damage. Cancer-related diseases often result. The Master Engineer has put many things in place to protect and repair our cells and DNA, but they can only do so much. One would expect the dogs of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone to be dying, mutating — and radioactive. Many appear...

Creation Science Geology and Cave Formation

My father would have been 100 years old today. According to the consensus of secular geologists, slow and gradual processes observed today explain what happened in the distant past. Even though this view is saturated with difficulties, it is still held by the majority of secular geologists and evolutionists. Uniformitarian puts a smile on Darwin's face because evolution needs deep time. Secularists believe the formation of caves and those decorative effects inside refute biblical creation science and the Genesis Flood. They conveniently ignore that the same charges they make against creationists also work against their own paradigms. Secularists also work from a serious lack of understanding of the Flood and subsequent Ice Age, preferring prejudicial conjecture instead. Acids occur naturally, and it is thought that caves can form by carbonic acid, but this idea does not work. Their explanations cannot overcome obstacles. Were caves formed in the past by sulfuric acid? That seems to...

The Way You Look At Me Tonight

The other day, Lisa Myworries, Winkie Guard supervisor and Stevia Dolcie the baker from the Darwin Ranch dropped by my place. Roland Meadows and Stormie waters were there as well. Stevia brought scones. It was a bit cramped, but we managed. As you might recollect, Lisa and Stevia were having doubts about some evolutionary propaganda. We commenced to discussing my article on Darwin as an abolitionist , and I kept still for the most part. It is interesting to watch nonverbal communications. The eyes say a great deal. Human eye diagram, Coursehero ( CC BY 3.0 US ) At one point, Roland stated that the world was created recently, and the General Theory of Evolution cannot be supported by science. Stevia wasn't feeling too sweet at that time, and she rolled her eyes. Stormie then looked at me, at her fiancée Roland, and back. She wanted me to get involved, so I did say a few things without getting rambunctious. When the ranch women had to leave, we shook hands and parted friendly. There...

Rapid Expansion of Supernova Remnants

As we know, secular cosmologists use the assumption that the universe is 4.5 billion years old as a starting point. This provides the framework for other theories and models. Those of us involved with biblical creation science see that they are constantly surprised when their expectations fail and observed evidence supports a young cosmos ( such as this example ) — and by default, a young Earth. A supernova (-novae or -novas, plural) is a star that exploded. The remnants expand, but have perplexed secular scientists. Veil nebula, a supernova remnant, NASA /ESA/Hubble Heritage Team (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although the process is uncertain, astronomers calculate the age of the explosion by the expansion of the remnants. Problems have arisen when supernovas that have been observed are calculated to have happened much too long ago in the cosmic evolution scheme. Explanations for the disparities are unconvincing and even raise additional questions. Creationists m...

Charles Darwin was not a Slavery Abolitionist

Disciples of Charles Darwin try to brush aside or ignore his view of women as inferior , and especially his blatant racism . Some build a straw man by claiming that we said evolution is racist when we talk about scientific racism and other extensions of his conjectures. There have been owlhoots who claim that saying Darwin was a racist is an ad hominem , but that conveniently ignores the fact that his beliefs were fundamental in his development of evolution — ideas have consequences . People also point out that he was opposed to slavery, and a couple of authors try to make Charlie appear to be a passionate abolitionist. Public domain image, run through removebg , colorized at Palette , flames added at LunaPic A couple of biographers wrote a book that portrayed Darwin as someone who was concerned with the abolition of slavery. His work on species was with abolition in mind. When Dr. Robert F. Shedinger gave the tome close scrutiny, he realized it was stuff and nonsense. Sure, it ...

Chemists and Perfumers of Ancient Egypt and Israel

As noted by many, historical disciplines such as origins science, geography, archaeology, and other things are forensic in nature . To reconstruct the past (with or without Gil Grissom and people like that), procedures similar to law enforcement detective work are utilized. The Bible is a historical document that has never been refuted in any way, and there are numerous clues in the texts to help researchers go all Lt. Columbo. Genesis includes details about Joseph, for instance. Connect those with other historical facts, archaeology, and science, pictures of the past emerge. Sphinx and pyramid, RGBStock /  Michal Zacharzewski Someone was able to know that a certain mummy was of an Egyptian nobleman because of the smell. The better processes and perfumes for embalming were utilized by families that could afford them, so chemistry as well as history and culture provide clues to the bigger picture. Indeed, some of the containers were labeled as to ingredients and purposes, others we...