
David, Goliath, and Archaeological Evidences

Many people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath in one form or another, often without many biblical details. Those details help support the fact that it is not just a Sunday School story with the moral of trusting God, but also a historical narrative. For example, history and archaeology show that a sling was a formidable and accurate weapon favored by shepherds and poor people. He did not need to get as close to Goliath as paintings depict! 1 Samuel 17:40 mentions that David took five smooth brook stones , their ammunition of choice. We have not only the eyewitness account in the Bible, but fascinating corroborating evidences from archaeology. David Slings the Stone , James Tissot, c. 1896-1902 The further one gets from the time of an occurrence, the more difficult it becomes to prove. We cannot use modern scientific and analytical methods to completely verify something that happened 2,200 years ago, but the corroborating evidences are quite helpful. There are seven, most...

Strange Dinosaur Classification is Strange

People who do merchandising in a retail environment are probably familiar with something called a planogram . (You may have seen sheets of paper with markings taped to shelving units, that is probably a planogram.) Essentially, they are maps for the placement of merchandise in big chain stores. Those are made at corporate headquarters, and some of them are very strange and out of touch with reality, frustrating customers and store employees alike. Something similar happened with the discovery of a dinosaur called Jakapil kaniukura . Well, a few scattered parts. Jakapil kaniukura , WikiComm / F. J. Riguetti, S. Apesteguía & X. Pereda-Suberbiola ( CC BY 4.0 ) It was classified with stegosaurs, but has very little in common with them. Still, corporate demanded its placement according to the planogram — I mean, the cladistics methodology in the evolutionary narrative. J. kaniukura would be far better classified with other dinosaurs, but that ain't happenin', Zeke. (At least n...

Consensus Intervention and Indoctrination

As we have seen numerous times, secularists are thrilled that the number of people are believing in minerals-to-microscopist evolution is increasing. At the same time, they  increase their indoctrination efforts . We saw what their bleak worldview does to young people . When a person is under the control of drugs or alcohol, in a cult, exhibiting harmful behavior, etc., friends and family may stage an intervention. A wake-up call, if you will, in an effort to correct the situation. The secular science industry does not want "consensus" science questioned, and some sidewinders want to have interventions to make people agree. Good sheep obey the consensus, image used:  Jo-Anne McArthur at Unsplash According to the United Nations, " We own the science ." That should tell you a great deal right there. Many creationists, including myself, encourage people to use critical thinking and spot logical fallacies. This is especially useful when someone is attempting to deceive...

Using Process Control to see Effects of Evolutionary Thought

It is a fact that the youth of today have an increasing amount of depression, hopelessness, mental illnesses and more. This can be directly linked to the negativity influencing their lives. As I write this, Americans are getting excited about Halloween. Have you given that any thought? There is a glorification of the occult, death, fear, horror, and Satan. In the store today, I saw many  violent toys, costumes, and trick-or-treat accessories such as bloody knives. This is fun? I believe it adds to the bigger problem, and kids face violence in the real world. Young Girl Thinking , Jules Breton, ca. 1860s (?) The mind can be likened to a garden, so we have to be careful to plant good things. Imagine if listeners to rap or heavy metal left it alone for thirty days (or even one week) and cultivated other musical interests, even if it was the same style without lyrics. See how their outlooks on life and their mental states improve. The same goes for movies, television, reading material...

Grand Teton, Foxes, and Mountains

 Not too long ago, we discussed some interesting things about  Yellowstone National Park . Now we can go just a short distance south and take in  Grand Teton National Park . Folks in the formerly United States may want to experience nature there in autumn. Many things are happening, including migrations of birds and animals. The wildlife is diverse, and foxes are prominent there. Have you ever seen those pictures that say, " Firefox has crashed ", and it shows a fox half buried head first in the snow? Grand Teton National Park, view from Blacktail Ponds, National Park Service /  J. Tobiason  (usage does not imply endorsement) Aside from being funny to us, foxes have a good reason for those actions. They are hunting some critters by their hearing  — plus magnetism. Believers in universal common descent wave off these fox features with a hearty " It evolved ", which fails as an explanation. For that matter, substitute "It happened by magic", and see how well...

Flowering Plants Further Disrupt Darwinism

People who study origins and evolution have heard of Darwin's Abominable Mystery. Like the irreducibly complex eye was a serious problem for Darwin  (yet he still believed in gradual evolution anyway), the fact that flowering plants appear in the fossil record too soon was another problem for him. Neither was resolved. Evolutionists are prone to lying to con people to accept evolution, and they did so a spell back about DAM . This time, however, they are honest about the inescapable conclusion (based on their systems) that flowering plants existed millions of years sooner than they previously thought. Phylica pubescens , WikiComm  Marco Schmidt ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Something that adds to their problem is that a flower found in amber is a Phylicia, which is basically identical to its living counterparts. It did not see fit to evolve after being subjected to "evolutionary pressures" through all those alleged millions of years. In addition, there should be a chain reaction...

Bears as Evidence for Creation

There are many varieties of bears roaming several parts of the world, including the famous grizzly bear (a subspecies of the larger brown bear in coastal regions), and the endangered sloth bear living in India. Evolutionists and biblical creationists superficially agree that they had a common ancestor. Where we differ is that Darwinists think that everything evolved through evolution, time, chance, natural selection, and luck, but creationists believe in the biblical created kinds  mentioned in Genesis. Natural selection played a part in bear speciation, but the original created kinds had the necessary genetic material already. Brown Bear, Pixabay / Robert Balog Bears of long ago would not have looked and acted exactly like those we have today, and many of the features are hidden away because they are anatomical. Also, some have claws that are useful for digging, others have claws that help them climb. Most are vegetarian, but others will eat whatever is handy. The Creator designed...

The Magical Mystery of Eye Evolution

When a creationist of even a little stature writes or posts something refuting a major dogma of evolution, and it must follow, as night the day, a misotheist is compelled to argue. Here is an example of same nonsense, different day. Several weeks ago, I shared the post, " Genetics and the Coffin of Darwinism ." A misotheist shared it on his Fakebook Page for the purpose of ridicule, and attempted to refute the very recent scientific material  with a propaganda piece from 2010 ! (He constantly refuses to read creationist material. Based on my observations, I lack belief that people like this would understand scientific material from either side, even if they did read it. They might even see citations from evolutionists who admit they don't know certain things.) Encounters like this frequently happen regarding the evolution of the eye. Staring fox up close, Unsplash / Erik Mclean Regarding the way fundamentalist Darwinists throw links at creationists to refute us, there is ...

Webb Telescope Confirming Creation Cosmology

After many years and a great deal of expense, the James Webb Space Telescope was put in orbit.  Secularists have high hopes for the JWST regarding the Big Bang and life beyond Earth, and were greatly relieved that it is working properly. Now they think they can check out cosmic evolution. It should be kept in mind that we are talking about preliminary findings, and peer-reviewed material takes longer to become available. It's the nature of that beast. We need to look back to see why all the ruckus. JWST deep field galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI (usage does not i mply endorsement of site contents) Regular readers have seen material on how the Big Bang, a concept that was mostly established in the early twentieth century, is often Frankensteined with new parts stitched in (rescuing devices). Although a tenet of faith for materialists who claim to love facts and science, there is no empirical evidence for the Big Bang. Lots of theory, lots of attempted confirmat...

Scientists Believe Water was on Mars Despite Evidence

Remember when people thought that there could be life on Mars, but it would be difficult because Mars is such a desert? Then scientists pulled bottles of snake oil out of their carpetbags, saying that Mars not only had water long ago, but oceans and possibly a global flood? Good times, good times. The folks at NASA had their Curiosity rover checking out the planet, even spotting a crab and a lady , but provided disappointment for Earthlings when Gale Crater turned out to have no signs of water. Later, Perseverance landed in Jezero Crater in 2021. Jezero Crater imagined as a lake, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Nope. Ain't got none here, neither. What may have looked like sedimentary rock was actually igneous. They "saw" evidence of water because they wanted to, and maybe they neglected to be dutiful scientists and consider other possible explanations for what they observed. After all, evolutionists do not consider evidence of the Cr...