
Java Man: A Rejected Missing Link

Charles Darwin proposed his conjectures about evolution by his version of natural selection, but admitted the fossil evidence was extremely poor. The first discovery of what would later be called Neanderthal Man happened before, in 1829, but the discoverer wrote it off as just another human skull. Later, evolutionist covfefe would use insufficient evidence to prop it up as a transitional form between apelike critters and humans. (Neanderthal Man is accepted as fully human today.) Another supposed missing link was  Pithecanthropus erectus , more commonly known as Java Man. Pithecanthropus erectus parts, WikiComm / Peter Maas  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Eugène Dubois is credited with the discovery, and the history is quite interesting. He was raised Roman Catholic, but his schooling destroyed his weak religion. This was accelerated by evolutionary teachings, which is something that happens to students today with a vengeance. Since Darwin needed evidence, he saddled up and rode down Java way to get

A False Missing Link for Bacteria

Believers in molecules-to-microbiologist evolution are constantly looking for evidence to support their conjectures, and that includes links from allegedly simple to more advanced life forms. Some attempted to do that with prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Remember from biology class that bacteria do not have a distinct nucleus, but eukaryotes are cells that have nuclei and form people, animals, plants and other things. These organisms are observed under a microscope, but one bacterium is huge in comparison to the rest. This bad boy is called  Thiomargarita magnifica , but its aesthetic appeal is not exactly magnificent. Nanographene oxide interacting with bacteria, TEM  Wellcome Collection  ( CC BY 4.0 ) Mr. Magnifica is impressive in that it has (technical word alert) a bunch  of genetic material inside its membranous pouch. Some of Darwin's disciples attempted to say that it's a missing link, but one of the frequent fallacies they have is ignoring other possible explanations. In t

Social Sciences Promoting Darwinism and the Left

It should be obvious that the public has a right to expect scientists to act like scientists: using logic, presenting evidence, being useful, and all that good stuff. Unfortunately, we see researchers ignoring logic, torturing evidence until it seems to support their claims, being elitists , and supporting leftist political views. This is even more evident with the so-called social sciences (for example, see " Freedom and Evolutionary Psychology "). It is debatable if those things can legitimately be called sciences, since they only have a modicum of the requirements of the others. Darwin trash dumpster fire, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) One of the unscientific reports recently presented could easily fall under the leftist "Men are Bad" heading. Boys and men build up muscle, so they will have violent behaviors. Well, forget nature, then (as well as their own evolutionary myths). Also, define "violence" because those of us who use our thi

Improbability Arguments and Evolution

Something I can never figure out is what Sherwood Tellit actually does at the Darwin Ranch other than tell stories around campfires. We got to jawing the other day, and he was a mite confused about probabilities. If you study on it, we live our lives based on probabilities every day. It is improbable that Sherwood will get his favorite parking space two days in a row, the power will probably stay on so I can finish composing this post, the moon will probably not drift away from the earth. Monkey Wide Eyes, Flickr  by Heather Fallows via Jemima Gibbons  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Some things are calculated so their probability can be determined. Biblical creationists point out (often citing the mind-boggling numbers) of the improbability of a single cell arising by chance and random processes. The odds are so greatly against it, the idea can be dismissed as impossible. Evolution is improbable. Even Clinton Richard Dawkins admits that evolution involves climbing Mt. Improbable. Improbabilities are s

Dragonfly Cat Flip Defies Evolution

Strange myths are told about dragonflies, such as them stinging, sewing your eyes shut, being tools of Satan, and so on. None of them can be taken seriously. They are actually quite marvelous to behold, what with those aerobatic maneuvers and all that good stuff. Sometimes things do not go well during flight, and they get moved upside down. They have a trick that has been likened to when a cat lands on its feet. Of a sudden, they are able to right themselves in flight. Dragonfly, Pixabay / Franco Patrizia Dragonflies obviously have tiny brains, and those are marvels of the Master Engineer's design work. Their mechanism can receive and process 200 images a second, so that gets translated into neural signals that reach the wings. The process was better understood using modern high-speed photography. As expected, all praise was robbed from the Creator and given to evolution, blessed be! Saying that "it evolved" is an unscientific police exit (cop out), and people should dem

Gene Duplication does not Support Evolution

In their efforts to thwart the work of creationists and Intelligent Design groups, many proponents of universal common ancestor evolution will ignore testing and empirical science, preferring instead to use the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Other evolutionists use this hooey to confirm their biases. One of these is the concept of gene duplication  as a means of producing new genetic information. It supposedly effects evolution, but cannot be supported by actual science. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to find geneticists who believe such a thing. Gene duplication, Wikimedia Commons / National Institutes of Health (public domain, slightly modified) Genes get duplicated, so beneficial mutations can accumulate in one of them — that's the thinking. As with so many things used to support deep time, evolution, etc. asserted by the secular science industry, a passel of assumptions are made. But most mutations are by far neutral or deleterious. In addition, any ver

Whale Sharks — the Biggest Fish

If asked what fish in the sea is the biggest, someone may be suggest the whale. If you want to tease, coax them to say the blue whale. Then tell them that they are half right because a whale is a mammal, but the largest fish is the whale shark. Unfortunately, sharks get bad press, especially after that Spielberg movie. Most are not interested in seeking humans for lunch, but someone says shark  and people panic. Nurse sharks are harmless. While the whale shark has teeth and denticles to spare, it eats much smaller things. Whale Shark, Flickr / Mike Johnston  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Speaking of teeth, whale sharks even have some on their eyes. Well, sorta. Those are denticles — "So if they look the same, are they eye denticle, Cowboy Bob?" Uh, sure. Moving on... Darwinists have floated explanations that just won't wash, but those on the eyes are very modified and used to for eye protection. Also, evolutionists did that thing they have done so often: If they don't understand an o

Freedom and Evolutionary Psychology

What is arguably the best job security for a secular scientist is something that has the word evolutionary  in the title. Those things are self-serving, requiring assumptions of Darwinism, then working from there in efforts to prop up evolution and do research that has no practical value. It is interesting that atheists sometimes say that Christianity does not allow free will, but they use theirs to reject God. Then they argue from their materialistic presuppositions and preach evolution — which means that we are all just animals responding to our electro-chemical impulses. Wolf pack, Unsplash / Thomas Bonometti What atheists and other evolutionists don't understand is that ought  or should  that can not be justified in their worldview. If an atheist complains that a Christian is doing something wrong (or creationists "lying" about evolution by presenting material that refutes it), they are appealing to a higher moral standard . By doing so, they are tacitly admitting tha

Mount St Helens, Arthropods, and the Genesis Flood

One way to feel small is to look up into the night sky at the vastness of the heavens, then be amazed that the Creator cares about us (Psalm 8:3-5). Something less profound but still interesting is how we are outnumbered by arthropods , comprising eighty-four percent of living creatures. Arthropods come in a huge variety such as crabs, lobsters, insects, and so on. The Master Engineer designed them to populate and repopulate ecosystems. One dramatic example of this is in the aftermath of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. Grasshopper, Unsplash / Clara Metivier Beukes Before climbing that mountain, there are some things that should be noted. It is entirely reasonable to expect claims of biblical creationists regarding the global Flood to be supported by physical evidence. This weblog has hundreds of such posts that link to creation science articles on that subject, so that's not a difficulty. Creationists make some big claims about the devastation of the Flood, and those are suppor

Lignite in Iceland and the Genesis Flood

Ever hear of peat? That and peat moss grow in boggy places, and they contain decaying plant material. They are acidic and help improve soil. Kick it up a notch and we get lignite, which is called brown coal. It has noticeable plant material. Lignite has uses, but less energy output than true coals. Lignite was found in Iceland, and the plants of the lignite beds were preserved by lava layers on top of each other. Uniformitarian scientists are baffled as to how some plants reached Iceland in the first place. Lignite Brown Coal, WikiComm / Anton Lefterov  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) The usual belief is that plants were buried where they grew, but there is no evidence that several of the plants in the Icelandic lignite ever lived there. Some plants can reach remote islands through various means. A few of those in the lignite, however, are not good travelers. Secular scientists suggested ad hoc rescuing devices, but once again, the best explanation for what is observed is found in creation science G