
Of Languages and Brains

There are many scientific and logical challenges for minerals-to-microscopist evolution, and a few are quite frustrating for its believers. One of the more disconcerting areas is the origin of language. Not only are evolutionists unable to come up with a plausible mechanism, language also speaks of the Creator . Although the secular science industry is red in tooth and claw protecting naturalism, there are a few mavericks who defy prevailing views and offer alternatives — as long as they don't jump the corral fence and run for freedom in biblical creation. Brain circuit board, Pixabay /  Gordon Johnson Apparently, learning a language is extremely beneficial and has several influences, but it is an accident. Culture plays a part. Chimpanzees are presumed to be our closest evolutionary relatives, but they cannot learn languages, nor can they teach their offspring. What little they know needs to be relearned in each generation. Also, they are simply not wired for it. Humans learn lang...

Folded Rocks and the Genesis Flood

When discussing geological features, secular scientists tend to get bent out of shape when the Genesis Flood is mentioned — especially since the Flood is the best explanation for bent and folded rocks. Biblical history, including the Flood, was accepted by most people for many years. James Hutton petulantly stamped his foot and declared that geology must  be explained by naturalistic gradual means, so leave God and miraculous processes out of it. He spread his ideas in the 1780s, and people began to accept the philosophical view of deep time. Uniformitarianism is the dominant position today. Folding rock, Flickr / John Fowler  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Pick up a piece of sedimentary rock. Mayhaps you have a piece of shale handy. Fold it and mail it to me. No, you can't because it breaks (if you're strong enough in the first place). Secular geologists insist that those layers of folded rocks are the result of slow 'n' gradual effects over millions of years. However, there is no obse...

Oceanic RNA Viruses, Creation, and Non-Evolution

One reason scientists do not know many things is that there is a huge amount to learn, so they select certain subjects for analysis. Sometimes they reject a subject out of hand because it has been deemed unimportant. Scientists can hinder their knowledge by being too limited. The sailing ship Tara  is packed with scientists, and they discovered a schooner-full of RNA viruses in the oceans. This child approves (as if they would care) that these researchers wanted to get additional information, as the more harmful viruses get the most attention. Apollo 17 "Blue Marble" — NASA (usage does not imply endorsement, yada, yada, yada) Studying a few viruses may give them something to lasso for those under study, but, scientists need to saddle up and ride to the top of the hill for a bigger picture. After all, viruses are important. Some folks think all viruses are bad, but that is incorrect. (Some think all bacteria are bad as well, another error.) Viruses known as  bacteriophage...

Junk Arguments about Parasitic DNA

Joe Nexnelsrent dropped by the Darwin Ranch (out Folly Road near Deception Pass) for a symposium on "junk" DNA. It did not go well. Some of these owlhoots still cling to the notion that the human genome has vestiges from our evolutionary past, even though that nonsense has been debunked. Parasites (the Greek root word essentially means "eating at the table of another") are a poor comparison. Non-coding DNA can resemble parasitic behavior in the way it spreads, but it does not drain a host. The science and logic involved should bemarrass serious scientists. DNA background image: RGBStock /  Tomislav Alajbeg People in the secular science industry need  to find ways to protect their evolution narrative, so they make proclamations when they really don't understand enough about the subjects under consideration. This is based on a naturalistic mindset, viewing things through Darwin spectacles, then confirming their biases. Arguing from insufficient evidence occurs fr...

Galaxies Rudely Surprise Cosmologists

People have worldviews by which they live their lives. They interpret all kinds of evidence, and obviously, that includes scientists. From that worldview, scientists have speculations, hypotheses, theories, and all that good stuff. They have expectations and models that are expected to support their ideas. The prevailing viewpoint in cosmogony and cosmology is the Big Bang, so if that were true, observations should fit the models, yes? After the great cosmic inflation, stars formed, exploded, caused other stars and planets, then eventually particles-to-planetologist evolution would occur. Starburst Galaxy Messier 82 from Hubble,  NASA  / ESA / The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) (usage does not imply endorsement) Stars and galaxies are in the wrong place and time according to secular views. As usual, rescuing devices and excuses were utilized to explain away what are further problems for old universe cosmology. Such discoveries are well in keeping with biblical views of rece...

Telling Stories about the Evolution of Sounds

No, nobody seems to be speculating on the origin of sound itself yet, but that may happen eventually. This one is about the idea that Earth was quiet for a mighty long time before life evolved. Then, some things began to make sounds. The physics of sound production and travel are understood, and scientists have a handle on how humans and critters make various sounds. One paleontologist in particular presented science-free speculations based on his materialistic worldview of how sounds from organisms evolved. Storyteller  by Anker Grossvater, 1884 / Source:  Wikimedia Commons This owlhoot began with a naturalistic view of origins and history, then commenced to use the fundamental scientific principle so popular in the secular science industry: Making Things Up™. In a recent post, I mentioned the successful advertising promotion, " Where's the Beef? ", which has often been repurposed to indicate that something has no substance. More recently, " Show me the money "...

Geology and Global Flood Paleontology Explained

Defenders of deep time, especially on social(ist) media, despise any discussion of the global Genesis Flood. Many refuse to examine evidence for it, clutching their pearls and crying that there is no reason to consider the evidence because there was no Flood. Because atheism. (One may justifiably wonder if these owlhoots have always been anti-science and anti-thought.) Uniformitarian geology cannot adequately explain many observed facts without making excuses for recalcitrant data, but creation science Flood geology does a better job — especially with an accurate geological model. Coward's Falls, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Using extensive data, geologist Dr. Tim Clarey and others from the Institute for Creation Research made a map of the Flood effects. If evidences creationists used to support the Genesis Flood were one-off anomalies, they could arguably be easier to ignore or dismiss. Instead, geological features of the Flood stages span continents. Creatio...

Insultingly Bad Crow and Raven Evolution Report

Edited 6 May 2022 The family Corvidae (more informally, corvids) includes rooks, magpies, jays, ravens, crows, and several other bird types. My wife and I became interested in (and fond of) blue jays. They sure do love peanuts! My own learning broadened, and I came to appreciate crows, their maligned cousins, as well.  Here in upstate New York, we have the black American crow. It ranges across the entire continental area of the formerly United States, and a good chuck of Canada. We also get ravens in our area, but because of the overlaps in size and a few similar calls, I don't know if I've seen a raven or not. Crow, Unsplash / Jaime Dantas Variations of crow types are known worldwide. They have a (mostly) undeserved bad reputation, and are associated with bad tidings and death. You won't see a flock of crows. That grouping is called a murder . (A picture that I find hilarious is of two crows with the caption, "Attempted murder." Someone pointed out that they may...

The Non-Science of Physics?

Generally speaking, the term hard science  applies to empirical sciences that are used to observe, test, measure, and repeat things. This also means something should be verifiable. Otherwise, a hypothesis has no practical value and could be pseudoscience. Mathematics and physics get into the workings of the universe, whether the velocity of the coffee cup your cat pushed off the kitchen counter upon impacting the floor, to astronomy and such. Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion explain a great deal, then came Uncle Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. String Theory 2, Flickr / parameter_bond (Public Domain) There are still may things unexplained by various areas in physics, so new ideas a proposed such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, and others. But they have no empirical evidence. In 1984, the Wendy's hamburger chain had an advertising campaign, " Where's the beef? ", stating that their food had beef, but others did not give much. The advertisem...

The Cambrian Explosion and Trilobite Optics

Despite the assertions of believers in particles-to-paleontologist evolution, their historical science is riddled with problems. Sometimes, they evosplain things away. Other problems are too difficult to easily dismiss. A couple of days ago, I accompanied my prospector friend Stormie Waters and her pal Ruby Slippers down Texas way. We picked up their supplies and went to the Brittle Star, a restaurant saloon. We talked and watched some folks playing faro. When what to our wondering eyes should appear but Cliff Swallows, the assistant foreman from the Darwin Ranch, and a lady that was new to us. Trilobite, RGBStock / Martyn E. Jones Cliff introduced her as Stevia Dolce, a new baker at the ranch. Conversation drifted to how the saloon shared a name with the brittle star, a relative of the starfish. I mentioned that they show no signs of evolution, but also how they were designed to "see" with their skin . Stevia smiled sweetly and changed the subject to trilobites. It did not g...