Of Languages and Brains
There are many scientific and logical challenges for minerals-to-microscopist evolution, and a few are quite frustrating for its believers. One of the more disconcerting areas is the origin of language. Not only are evolutionists unable to come up with a plausible mechanism, language also speaks of the Creator . Although the secular science industry is red in tooth and claw protecting naturalism, there are a few mavericks who defy prevailing views and offer alternatives — as long as they don't jump the corral fence and run for freedom in biblical creation. Brain circuit board, Pixabay / Gordon Johnson Apparently, learning a language is extremely beneficial and has several influences, but it is an accident. Culture plays a part. Chimpanzees are presumed to be our closest evolutionary relatives, but they cannot learn languages, nor can they teach their offspring. What little they know needs to be relearned in each generation. Also, they are simply not wired for it. Humans learn lang...