
North Pole Dinosaurs and Creation Science

Dinosaur fossils are being discovered in unexpected places, which is challenging to secular geologists and paleontologists. Some were discovered in Alaska, but they were not created to live up yonder; they were made for warmer areas. For several months of the year, that area is not only cold, but dark. Secular scientists have speculated that these dinosaurs migrated toward warmer regions, then back. However, recent evidence buries the speculation that they were migratory. Instead, they were homesteading year round. Wikimedia Commons /  Masato Hattori  ( CC BY 4.0 ) "Wait, polar regions were not for dinosaurs, Cowboy Bob?" Never have been. Not only did scientists discover fossils of adults, but also young'uns, hatchlings, and eggs. Creation scientists at ICR have a model that involves rapid burial and plate tectonics brought about by the Genesis Flood. These critters did not reside in the upper latitudes. The land itself moved there.  Eight species of dinosaurs were recent...

Stupid Evolutionist Tricks: Elephants, Rail Birds, and Tusks

We have two examples of evolutionary inconsistency to examine today. These show that Darwin's disciples are so intent on spreading the message of their death cult (death and extinction give rise to other life), they ignore basic science and their own mythology. Specifically, that loss of features  is evidence of progressing onward and upward . (These jaspers made the same vapid arguments about blind cave fish .) I reckoned that the idea of elephants losing their tusks was already refuted , but it came back like a bad zombie. Cropped from a photo by Charles J. Sharp at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Evolutionists are claiming that ivory poachers are helping the pusillanimous god of Natural Selection along. The "evolution" of elephants without tusks is because of humans, so it accelerated. Funny, the anole lizards in Florida rapidly "evolved" without consulting us. Isn't evolution wonderful? It happens except when it doesn't, at any speed, for any re...

The Extraordinary Electrical Human Body

No, Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity, but he did conduct (heh!) research with the famous but misunderstood kite experiment . People had been trying to understand electricity for centuries, and obviously this knowledge has grown tremendously since Franklin's day. It must have come as a shock to learn that living things are, to some extent, electrical in nature. Our bodily chemistry works in conjunction with electricity. To use the term by Mr. Gordons, we are "meat machines". That's somewhat accurate, but limited. There is a great deal happening inside. Freeimages / George Georgiades Electrical impulses are involved in our sense of touch as well as the way we use our arms and legs. It is fascinating that our Creator designed our bodies with the capability of "rewiring" themselves. Centuries ago, a college algebra teacher told us that when we work and rework a problem, we're setting neural patterns, so we should take a break and come back late...

The Weismann Cell Barrier has been Broken

Back in the nineteenth century, evolutionary zoologist August F.L Weismann determined that there was a wall of separation between reproductive cells and body cells in higher animals. Information from body cells should not be passed on to reproductive cells. There has been a great deal of study in this area, and that barrier is not so impenetrable after all. There is a route from RNA to DNA that was recently discovered. This is yet another area where neo-Darwinism is taking a hit. Pixabay / Siggy Nowak Our Creator has designed a number of factors to protect the human body, such as the germline (reproductive) cells , and while the Weismann Barrier has some gaps, new discoveries are presenting new areas for research. Perhaps there is a blessing in the fact that lifespans after the Genesis Flood dramatically decreased, as the seeds of patriarchs deteriorates. As we have seen many times before, evolutionists think they have things all sewn up, oversimplify and mislead  — then the genius...

The Pleistocene, the Ice Age, and the Flood

In this series, we have seen distinctive features of rock layers, and how deep-time proponents have a heap of trouble explaining what is seen. The Pleistocene layer has many characteristics that are indicative of the global Genesis Flood. Secular scientists believe that there were many ice ages, but there is actually evidence for only one. The loose rock of the Pleistocene essentially lays on top of the geologic column, and models by biblical creationists show that they were deposited after the Flood and during the Ice Age. Illustration by F. John , 1902 Big critters like the wooly mammoth were a part of the Pleistocene, having big bodies and lots of hair. There were also many land bridges because the water was busy being ice, so the water levels were lower. People and animals used them, and this helps explain the dispersion from the Ark after the Flood. Ever wonder why kangaroos only live in 'Straya? Consider land bridges and 'roos in India . Creation science Flood and Ice Age...

Modern Math in Ancient Babylon

With the advent of modern home computers and smartphones (yes, those are also computers), it may be tempting to smirk at slide rules that were essential for computing. Those began to be invented in the fifteenth century, and were vital for the Apollo moon landings. There was a scene in Apollo 13  where a supervisor announced a problem and scientists whipped out their slide rules and began calculating. Although they did not have a computing device like a slide rule, the folks of Old Babylon knew sophisticated computing way back when. RGBStock /  Sanja Gjenero One of my favorite activities when riding the dusty trail is right after setting up camp and getting the fire going, is to read cuneiform tablets in the Sumerian languages. Not everybody is into that, apparently. A tablet was dug up in 1894 and it took over a hundred years for people to tell them of its importance. Eventually, a mathematician came along and noticed that it involved advanced mathematics in Old Babylon....

SETI, Evolution, and Victorian Mythology

Out at the Darwin Ranch, some owlhoots in the SETI and Space Alien Propaganda bunkhouse have been dreaming up stuff that is...truly bizarre. It has been obvious that SETI has existed for many years, funded by tax money and then contributions. Still, nothing to show for it . This child believes that SETI and all of those other efforts to find extraterrestrials (including the pseudoscience of astrobiology ) are based on atheistic naturalism. The heart of that is atoms-to-astronaut evolution, which must be propped up at all costs. Pixabay / J. Lynne Hardesty How about another heapin' helpin' of nothing? There have been plenty of false alarms in searches for extraterrestrials (my favorite is the excitement caused by a microwave oven in the break room ), and all they provide are excuses. This stuff can be traced to the fanciful attitudes of progress back in Victorian times. Back then, things were looking mighty peachy. Moving forward, making discoveries, industrializing, and yee haw...

Tiny Fake Dinosaur in Amber Embarrasses Evolutionists

They sure did pick the right location for the Darwin Ranch, what with being near Deception Pass and all. (Not the one in Washington, this is where you take Folly Road past Stinking Lake, which is not as bad as it sounds.) These folks even deceive themselves. We have seen how silly stuff passes the gasconaded peer review process and that retracted papers are still referenced,  resulting in zombie science . A claim of the world's tiniest dinosaur has been refuted despite resistance, but the fake news is still there. Original image: Freeimages / Paige Foster , modified at PhotoFunia Shoddy research based on fundamentally flawed presuppositions such as dinosaur-to-bird evolution is frequently conducted. Consider the  feathered dinosaur tail in amber , or the risible Archaeoraptor  fraud . Some owlhoots said that the world's tiniest dinosaur was caught in amber, but it was published anyway despite other scientists objecting to the claim. Eventually it was retracted, but still...

Evolution and the Bitter Taste

Whether rich or poor, all can share a joy from one of our five known senses: taste. We like food when it has a pleasing flavor. Things we do not need are often added in commercial foods to enhance it. Like our other senses, taste is actually quite complicated. We have input, processing, and transmission into the brain so we can respond to what we are tasting. This sense works in conjunction with the sense of smell. That is part of the reason a bad cold spoils the taste of good food. Original image: A Banquet Piece , Franz Snyders, 1620 Darwinists are unable to evosplain how this sense came about. There are the input and processing factors mentioned above, but also important details involving genetics that are simplified away. If you study on it, the sense of taste as well as the others are gifts from our Creator for our survival and even our pleasure. Not all are aware that the experience of tasting the full flavour of our food depends on more than our tongue’s ability to taste (known ...

The Defective Dunning-Kruger Effect

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, edited for clarity 2 November 2021  This material should come in handy — especially the featured article linked below. When defending Darwin, The Mighty Atheist™ online is reflexively confrontational. The content that put a burr under his saddle is not dealt with adequately, however. There are several common tactics that are used in their efforts to dehumanize Christians and creationists. (Do not expect civility from a misotheist, because that indicates you are a person.) Their  ad hominem  attacks involve "Poe's Law", "projection", and the Dunning-Kruger effect. Partially made at ImgFlip , plus a great deal of editing Although many who have Atheism Spectrum Disorder insist that they love science and want extraordinary evidence from creationists (which they promptly ignore), many accept internet parlance when it suits their purposes. We know that ridicule is usually their first course of action. (A newer trick on socialist media is when ...