Mutations not so Random After All

If you study on it, the dogma of randomness crops up frequently among believers in minerals-to-microbiologist evolution. That fits in well with their materialistic views and insistence in the totally unscientific, subjective, and absurd claim that things only appear to be designed but are not really. Otherwise, misotheists would have to admit that there is a Designer. Biblical creationists believe that this is the God of the Bible. Materialists evosplain that through billions of Darwin years, mutations, and lotsa luck, we have the amazing diversity of life we see today. Of course, those mutations had to be beneficial according to their schemes. In reality, most are harmful (or at least neutral) and accumulating dents. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann The study of genetics (pioneered by creationist Gregor Mendel , peas be upon him), is no friend of evolution. In fact, that field of science continually refutes evolution. (Indeed, genetic entropy refutes both evolution and...