
The ATLAS Comet and the Kuiper Belt

As it is with any science, knowledge increases over time and with better equipment. This is especially true with astronomy. Classifications of celestial objects seemed to be under control, despite the occasional anomaly. Those pesky creationists with their science facts required a lot of Making Things Up™ to protect the deep time narrative. Gran cometa de 1882 by Jose Maria Velasco Don't be disunderstanding me here. It's a common practice to add new terminology to describe new discoveries or to give legitimate reclassifications. (Want an example? Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet, much to my sorrow, because of it size, the abundance of similar objects, and other factors.) However, there was some serious redefining of an object with the poetic name of P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS). It was a centaur, but because of a computer simulation that fits the deep time agenda, P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS) is now considered to be a comet. It is also a rescuing device from the Kuiper belt, there to save co...

Continuous Environmental Tracking in Plants

The Institute for Creation Research is developing CET, the continuous environmental tracking  model. This is based on studying living things from an engineering perspective, how our Creator has designed organisms to adapt to changes and even enable the survival of future generations. Credit: Unsplash /  Lukasz Szmigiel It may seem at first glance that plants are extremely limited, what with being rooted in place and all. However, they can adapt (some changes are falsely attributed to neo-Darwinism ) and have amazing abilities to communicate amongst themselves and even with other organisms — all the way down to the roots . There are many aspects of plant life that show the work of the Master Engineer. All plants and animals were divinely engineered with innate systems of adaptation that track various aspects of their environment and respond accordingly—an internal ability known as continuous environmental tracking . While animals, including humans, display intricate adaptive sy...

Striking News about the World Ceres

For several years, those bright spots on that world have been thought to be caused by salt . After commencing to cognate and get those mental wheels turning, secular scientists are realizing that Ceres is being recalcitrant to deep-time beliefs — like other objects in our solar system.  Occator Crater on Ceres in false colors  Credits:  NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This is not a hit with cosmic evolution concepts. Trying to steal huge amounts of time, they are caught off base. Assigning dates and causes to the salt, secularists still drop the ball because those dates are nowhere near the billions of Darwin years they want to see. Worse, they are not catching on that the activity is indicative of recent creation. The bright spots on Ceres formed recently, say scientists, and activity could be going on today. It’s been two years since the Dawn spacecraft ended its orbital reconnaissance of Ceres, the larges...

New Research in Waterfall Formation

We admire waterfalls, sometimes captivated by the sound and motion. How many of us wonder how they form in the first place? Secular scientists, presupposing the deep time that Darwin requires and they provide, have said that the biblical timeframe is not possible. Recent research throws mud in their eyes. Credit: StockSnap / Joe deSousa Streams or rivers have one or more knickpoints and knickzones . They supposedly formed by gradual plate tectonics, climate change, earthquakes, and other external forces. However, the processes that form waterfalls is unknown. Research with a new model shows that waterfalls can indeed be formed quickly, and this fits with Genesis Flood models. Secular scientists make many assumptions about nature that lead to conclusions that contradict the Bible’s history. For example, they once assumed that clay particles settle very slowly according to Stokes Law, which means that the claystone and mudrock in the sedimentary rock record, which make up over 5...

Look but do not Touch the Poison Dart Frogs

Bright colors in nature are often a signal to leave a critter well alone. If you saddle up and ride into the rain forests of Central and South America, you might find the famous poison dart frogs. They are not going to attack, but some are exceptionally deadly. Dendrobates tinctorius  credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Olaf Leillinger  ( CC BY-SA 2.5 ) You may have heard of contact poison, where toxins are absorbed through the skin. Some of these frogs, especially the golden one, are so dangerous that other critters have been poisoned by touching a place where it was earlier! Others are still deadly, and some leave a bad taste in a predator's mouth. The frogs with the strongest poisons are used by hunters who smear the darts of their blowguns on them. Interestingly, the neurotoxin is being studied to benefit humans. They are also an example of the Creator's work where they convert what they eat into a strong defense mechanism. The family of poison dart frogs (Dendrobat...

"DisMANtled" Movie and Creationists' Money

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is common for Christians and creationists to be dry gulched by those with Atheism Spectrum Disorder who will say something like, "Yeah, those so-called ministries are getting rich of gullible idiots like you!" Such a comment is based on bigotry as well as ignorance. Plus a good deal of atheistic hypocrisy. Original Dismantled image courtesy of Back2Genesis (enhanced) I remember a preacher talking about money and someone said that he must have a lot of money in the bank. He responded that he had a lot of money going through the bank. Faith-based organizations, like many secular outfits, rely on contributions and merchandise sales to pay the bills. Do executive directors make large salaries? Sometimes.  On the other hand,  many pastors struggle to pay their own bills . Although creation ministries seek contributions and sales, most are not motivated by greed. This section will be outdated in a couple of weeks, but the purpose of the artic...

Lassoing the Biblical Leviathan

A spell back, we discussed the biblical creature known as behemoth  and how liberal Bible scholars try to find excuses to support long ages — and sometimes evolution. Another hotly debated critter mentioned in the Old Testament is leviathan . Modified segment of " Carta marina " by Olaus Magnus, 1539 So, what is it? Biblical creationists believe it was probably a now-extinct companion of dinosaurs or something similar. Darwin's acolytes wave off any possible historical references to dinosaurs (called dragons  before the word dinosaur was coined) because evolution . Dinosaurs died out millions of Darwin years before humans evolved. That's the narrative, despite many accounts of dragons (dinosaurs and the like) in history . Liberal scholars say it's a mythological creature. I'll allow that there are some uses of the name in the Psalms and the book of Isaiah, but those are poetic devices. When I call dishonest evolutionists "sidewinders" or ...

Mosquitoes, Plants, and Creation

One of the ways someone can observe my fastest move is when a mosquito whines in my ear, which may startle someone standing nearby. Although not all species of mosquito draw blood, and only the females, I detest getting bitten. Most of you as well, I reckon. They apparently were not blood suckers from the beginning. Mosquito on elder plant image credit: Pixabay /  zsuzstot Their primary source of nutrition is actually plant nectar. Plants give off carbon dioxide and raise their temperatures at certain times, and display certain colors to attract skeeters in a mutually beneficial relationship. Other plants have similar behaviors for their own favored pollinators. Darwin's disciples cannot legitimately say that seeking blood is evolution because of their preference for, and equipment for obtaining, nectar. Indeed, that tendentious source of evolutionary propaganda known as Wikipedia  (accessed 9-28-2020) tacitly admits that evolutionary statements are made without scien...

Sugarbag Bees and their Amazing Spiral Honeycombs

Many of us in sleek industrial societies consider it a bit of a thrill to gnaw on a chunk of actual honeycomb. We are familiar with rectangular chunks of the hexagonal cells, but the sugarbag bees kick it up several notches. Sugarbag bees doing regular bee stuff Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Graham Wise ( CC BY 2.0 ) These bees (say that three times fast...don't you feel silly now?) build very intricate structures. Interestingly, they forego the familiar hexagonal shape and comb style used by their buzzy brethren. Some owlhoots riding for the Darwin brand decided that since their combs resemble crystals, it could all happen by chance without the need of the Master Engineer. (Which is a fallacious, invalid comparison in the first place.) Of course, since the narrative is more important than genuine research, this fake news easily falls apart under examination. Small, stingless bees of the species Tetragonula carbonaria , from Southeast Asia and Australia, are known to bui...

Paleontologists Dodging Important Ichthyosaur Questions

The hands at the Darwin Ranch get all a-twitter over discoveries in paleontology, but have a nasty habit of leaving important details laying in the rain by the bunkhouse door. A recent example involves an ichthyosaur that was fossilized during chow time. Of course, they presuppose millions of Darwin years and use the old "fossilization takes a mighty long time" idea to try and hornswoggle people again.  Perhaps the secularists didn't want to consider the implications of the neglected facts.  Creationists know that the evidence doesn't support their deep-time notions, and have the unmitigated gall to think and ask questions.  For example, if fossilization takes so long, why was the predator ichthyosaur unable to digest its prey even a little? Add this to other examples of extremely rapid fossilization and the increasingly-present soft tissues, and the evidence points to recent creation and the Genesis Flood. Here is another example of an ichthyosaur that was...