
Puzzling Planation Pediments and the Genesis Flood

Secular geologists are unable to explain planation surfaces according to their uniformitarian beliefs. These are found at the tops of mountains and such, and pediments are at ground level. They are caused by erosion, are very flat, and gradually slope down from a mountain toward a valley. Lake Mead pediment image credit USGS Pediments are similar to alluvial fans , and caused some confusion for geologists long ago. Planation surfaces, pediments, and other landforms are not being formed today. Some pediments are in areas that are low in erosion, so they have kept their shapes. If we plug the observed data into creation science Genesis Flood models, ye ha boy howdy, we see that they were formed by massive water runoff. The uniformitarian ‘slow and gradual’ belief has great difficulty accounting for many of the features on the earth’s surface, called landforms. These can, however, be explained by Flood runoff. Landforms can be divided into two main types, those shaped during the...

Field Mustard Plants and False Evolution Claims

There is a plant known as Brassica rapa , but it has subspecies that have more familiar names including field mustard. Botanists decided to do some experimenting on the field mustard and pollination, and commenced to not only violating evolutionary dogma, but affirming a creation science biological model. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / TeunSpaans ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) The botanists assumed evolution to prove evolution (circular reasoning), but also made untrue statements. There was no evidence of evolution, just small modifications. Magical mystical "environmental pressures" were assumed as well. However, the continuous environmental tracking model that you have been reading about here has been demonstrated in research and is more scientific than Darwinian selectionism. More specifically, instead of external influences, our Creator used engineering principles and designed living things to quickly adapt. A recent study on a plant in the mustard family ( Brassica Rapa ) pr...

Surface Tension and your Lungs

Take a deep breath. Doing that is a voluntary action, but most of our breathing happens involuntarily — which is a good thing, otherwise we would have to focus on that and never sleep. The Master Engineer designed the complex actions of our lungs to keep us going. Credit: Pixabay / toubibe There are many factors in play that could not have come together through evolutionary processes. While water in the lungs causes drowning, we do have water in there by design. It actually helps the complicated breathing and oxygenation process through surface tension . However, sometimes the surface tension is reduced by cells at certain times as needed. For our lungs to expand and contract during breathing, they must somehow be attached to our chest cavity and diaphragm yet slip effortlessly against these surfaces. This is accomplished by a thin layer of watery liquid called pleural fluid between the lungs’ outer surface and the chest cavity lining. Pleural fluid serves both as a lubricant a...

More Regarding Our Young Solar System

Naturalists are riding the cosmic cougar and are afraid to jump off. Like their late high priest Stephen Hawking , they are committed to the Big Bang and an ancient cosmos even though the evidence supports recent creation. So they keep on a-riding that false paradigm. Europa water vapor plumes Credits: NASA / ESA / W. Sparks (STScI) / USGS Astrogeology Science Center (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) News includes a whole passel of widely scattered evidence that "should not" be there according to secular beliefs, but fit right well with biblical creation. To read about these, click on " Young Solar System Evidence Pops Up Everywhere ". You will probably like another that will tell you all about what's shaking: the moon. Yep, moonquakes provide " More Evidence Our Moon Is Young ".

Geology and the Young Earth

In discussion about the age of the earth, people generally assume that this here planet of ours is plenty old, somewhere around four to five billion years. How do we know? Because scientists said so. How do they  know? Through picking data they like and rejecting those that are incompatible with the deep time that Darwin requires. Credit: / Joanna Malinowska Secular scientists generally adhere to uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes over a millions or billions of years), and reject evidence for the Genesis Flood. There are many evidences for the young earth that can be seen perusing this site alone, and these link to other sites with a wagon train-load of material on this subject as well as others affirming recent creation. We'll keep it simple today with an overview of four important evidence from geology for the young earth and the global Flood. Most people believe rock layers require millions of years to form. This assumption has been taught as f...

Microevolution and Biblical Apologetics

While many creationists use the word microevolution, it is conspicuously absent from this site. That is because this word is misleading, and believers in minerals-to-microbiologist use it to imply that if there is a little  evolution, then that leads to much  (or macro ) evolution. It does not work that way, and many biblical creationists advise against using the words micro- and macroevolution . What is considered microevolution is actually variation and speciation.  Creationists don't get on the prod with those terms because they are not only observed in nature, but they support biblical creation science models (see " How Do Evolutionists Hijack Real Science? " for an example). Evolutionists see variations as evidence for evolution, such as in antibiotic resistance . Variations are essentially horizontal  changes, but you must remember this, a fish is still a fish, a fly is still a fly, and so on, even though time goes by. They're pulling the ol' bait ...

Dinosaurs and Birds Lived Together

Those scientists who never bought into the dinosaurs-evolved-into-birds mythology probably get exasperated by hearing the majority opinion proclaimed. However, they may also feel a bit vindicated by the numerous reports that show such evolution is impossible — not that they are fond of supporting creation, however. Assembled using components from Clker clipart If you study on it or read previous posts here, you might realize that they are asking a lot in the first place. After all, feathers are complex, lungs would have to change, bone structures rearranged and redeveloped, flight itself would have to develop, and more. There is simply no evidence for such evolution . Then we have conflicts with the timeline, such as fully-functional birds living alongside dinosaurs. The truth is that God created dinosaurs and birds separately, and didn't consult Darwin. Several aspects of the dinosaur-to-bird evolution don’t make sense in the light of evolution. Museums and park displ...

Detangling DNA

The article featured below reminds me of when Stormie Waters was out prospecting and ran afoul of some of the hands at the Darwin Ranch. Why she was wearing that string of pearls, I have no idea, but they made it into a tangled mess. I was unable to help and tried cutting it. You can guess where the pearls went: all over the floor. (I've had more success with Christmas tree lights or rope tangles.) Too bad she didn't have a motor handy like those that detangle DNA. Credit: Freeimages /  Miguel Saavedra DNA is amazingly complex and relatively large, but it is packed away in cells. To be useful, it has to be unpacked, detangled, and read. Our Master Engineer as instituted  DNA helicases to take care of that. The DNA strands are separated, cut (without molecular pearls spilling all over the cell floor), and repaired. This process is extremely fast, and the motors even have the necessary fuel available. The intricacies and specified complexity are impossible for evolutionis...

Hubble Constant Contradiction and the Big Bang

It is pretty much a given that the universe is expanding, but cosmologists are puzzled by conflicting calculations on the Hubble constant. This is used to support the Big Bang. The numbers from the direct and indirect methods should agree, but calculations provide two different results. Credit:  NASA / JPL-Caltech  /STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Hubble constant is important because secularists hang their hats on it for determining the age of the universe. Although the contradiction has been known for a long time and many cosmogonists don't pay it no nevermind, new calculations are more difficult to ignore; the narrative drives the evidence again. One scientist followed the lead of other evolutionists, both cosmic and biological, by saying the problem is "exciting". They should be delirious with joy, then, because we have seen that the Big Bang is saturated with difficulties, but secularists offer jejune explanations. These scientist...

Pit Stop at La Brea

When people say La Brea  tar pits, they are in effect saying the tar tar pits because la brea  is simply Spanish for "the tar". Also, it is not exactly tar, but rather natural asphalt. It still managed to seriously inconvenience the passers-by and their cries attracted predators who got stuck as well. How was your  day? Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Jerrye & Roy Klotz, MD  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) May as well use the name people know, you know? The La Brea Tar Pits are famous for providing fossils of a variety of critters from long ago — including human artifacts, and a human. The asphalt did some amazing preservation of bones, much to the delight of paleontologists and museums. This site is the result of the Ice Age, which was in turn caused by the Genesis Flood . While radiometric dating methods rely on circular reasoning and have been shown to be unreliable , relative ages can be useful. Using the biblical timeline, creation science, and basic geology, the...