
Correcting the Secular Story of Stone Mountain

Way down south in Dixie in these here United States, there is a lump just outside Atlanta. Looks like a rock was dropped there, and it has the uninspiring name of Stone Mountain. Because it is. It is not huge in comparison to other mountains, but a popular attraction. It has a huge but controversial carving of Confederate heroes that is easily seen. A view of the Walk Up Mountain Trail, near the top of Stone Mountain Credit: Wikimedia Commons / DXR The part that is of interest to us is the formation of Stone Mountain. Uniformitarian geologists have the view that granite takes a mighty long time to form, but that was based on philosophy, and has been refuted by evidence and real science. The mountain used to be magma way down yonder below the surface of the earth, then it was moved to the surface during the Genesis Flood. This happened quickly, and is yet another piece of evidence for a young earth. Stone Mountain, which is about 8 km (5 miles) around its base, is part of a h...

What Good are Jellyfish?

There are several creatures that we wonder why God made them. You cannot saddle them up, eat them, keep them as pets, and many seem to be more harm than good. But if you study up on them, you can find that they are indeed a part of the ecosystem in ways we did not know before. If more researchers took the view that each organism was created for a purpose instead of taking an evolutionary approach (research was tainted by evolutionary thinking in a turtle sex selection study , for example), I suspicion that more answers would be found more rapidly. Credit: NSF / Henry Kaiser One such critter is the jellyfish, some of which have deadly stings . (They have no nervous system or brains, but their very basic nerves in the tentacles are their sensors.) When people are aware of jellies, they are wise to get away. (I read that some people eat them, but didn't cotton to doing the research.) Sure, they look nice, but do they serve a purpose besides that. I'll allow that jellyfish ...

Hijacking Science and Reason for Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, an anti-creationist will reluctantly admit that a biblical creationist has some scientific knowledge, but will say something along the lines of, "I presume he is still a YEC for strong religious reasons". Not hardly! Atheists, evolutionists, and other anti-creationists have often exhibited incredulity that some folks reject evolution because of scientific reasons. If you head on over to Intelligent Design sites, you'll learn that there are Darwin doubters from various religions and from no religion at all. No, people reject evolution for both scientific and biblical reasons. Evolutionary owlhoots get even more unfriendly-like when they are informed that scientific evidence is a triple threat: it refutes evolutionism, supports biblical creation science (including the Genesis Flood and recent creation) — and affirms what the Bible says. This is happening because origins is not an evidence issue, it is a spiritual proble...

Climate Change, the Milankovitch Cycles, and Astrology

Back almost a hundred years ago, Milutin Milankovitch got himself an idea. Using his deep time framework (scientists operate from their paradigms, they do that), he suggested that certain astronomical cycles affected the earth. His concept was not enthusiastically received until secular scientists needed to conjure up a rescuing device for their assorted schemes, such as orbital tuning, climate change, and secular ice age imaginings. Original image, before I defaced it with de face: Pixabay / Alexas_Fotos Modern astronomers and geologists have tried to use the Milankovitch cycles in numerous areas, and are even now using their Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Rings© to find new ways to force-fit Milankovitch's ideas into justify their own stories. Even though the "Pacemaker" paper that was used to support this thing was never any good , hey, any rescue in a storm of factlessness, huh? Evolutionism has been getting quite esoteric and unscientific lately, and some...

Whale Blasts Conventional Fossilization Story

Yesterday, we looked at " Whale Fossil Frustrates Evolutionists ". Today, something more recent. Through time, chance, and random processes, I ran into Rusty Swingset, the foreman at the Darwin Ranch. He admitted that the standard story of fossilization is still being told despite observable evidence. You have probably encountered it as well. Something dies in or near water, sinks to the bottom, gets covered up over long periods of time, permineralization happens, and a fossil is formed. Except that this does not happen. What happens when something dies, whether on land or in water? Aquarium owners should know this. It gets scavenged and decays, which means there fossilization over long periods is not possible. Biblical creationists have pointed out many times that it happens when something is buried quickly. The existence of billions of fossils is evidence for the Genesis Flood. Assembled from components found at Clker clipart In late 2001, a dead whale was causi...

Whale Fossil Frustrates Evolutionists

One of the main ways of classifying whales is by their mouth gear. Toothed whales (porpoises and dolphins are classified with them), and baleen whales. Most of us know what teeth are, but baleen  is not a word you hear overmuch when riding the trail. A baleen is a...well, how about if I have NOAA tell you : Baleen whales were named for the long plates of baleen which hang in a row (like the teeth of a comb) from their upper jaws.  Baleen plates are strong and flexible; they are made of a protein similar to human fingernails.  Baleen plates are broad at the base (gumline) and taper into a fringe which forms a curtain or mat inside the whale's mouth.  Baleen whales strain huge volumes of ocean water through their baleen plates to capture food: tons of krill, other zooplankton, crustaceans, and small fish. I think they explained it nicely, don't you? Let me add that toothed whales are hunters, baleen whales are filter feeders. Humpback whale breaching...the big ...

Yes, All These People Originally Came from Two

Depending on where you stand — sometimes literally — this world can seem densely populated, especially if you are in the East. Out in, say, the Wyoming territory or up Alaska way, there are not so many people doing the sardine in a can thing. We have 7.2 billion people, and they could all fit uncomfortably in New Zealand , a bit more comfortably in Texas, and so forth. The Bible tells us that we are all descended from Noah's family. Before that, we go back to Adam and Eve. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some folks, especially atheists and evolutionists, commence to fretting about our Adamic origin. They say it's not possible, but that assertion is prejudicial conjecture based on evoporn. They also insert their naturalistic presuppositions into the biblical discussion, refusing to let Christians present the answer according to our presuppositions. Worse, their evolutionary views have no scientifi...

Surprising Design of a Bird's Egg

Sitting in the apartment and looking at the porch outside, we see our feathered customers at the bird feeders. Sometimes they get a mite contentious, and other times we see them taking the food and feeding each other. Downy woodpeckers and their cousins the nuthatches stop by to remind us that they're cute. Blue jays like peanuts, and the red-bellied woodpecker stops by for a snack on his way home from work. It's funny to watch the tufted titmouse carry off a peanut. They all have many things in common, and one of those is that they hatched out of eggs. Credit: Unsplash / Soner Eker Most of us know that eggs are in the nest (with the startling exception of the malleefowl ), the young develop and eventually hatch. Research reveals that the Master Engineer designed the egg itself to provide for the hatchling-in-waiting. Eggs have a great deal of calcium, but the chick needs it. So, the shell provides the necessary ingredient, softening in the process for the inhabitant...

Mysterious Radiohalos and the Genesis Flood

From my perspective, the geological mystery of radiohalos seems to have dropped by the wayside. These circles are tiny, and you need a microscope to see them. They baffled scientists for several years, until it was determined that they were caused by radioactive decay discoloring the rock. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Alessandro Da Mommio ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) When Dr. Robert Gentry published his work on polonium radiohalos as evidence for recent creation, secularists frantically tried to dismiss his work and preserve their uniformitarian views. Owlhoots will still dig up "refutations" and dismiss the subject, but the fact remains that radiohalos are a problem for secular dating methods, as shown by creation science research. The best explanation for their existence and their puzzling placement in the geologic column is the environment caused by the Genesis Flood. Radiohalos result when enough charged particles, such as α particles ( 4 He, helium-4 nuclei), are transmitted...

Layer Counting Yields Faulty Dating Methods

Some owlhoots put down the biblical timeline, saying the Genesis Flood could not have happened because some things are dated before it happened. How do they attain such knowledge? By counting things. One popular "refutation" of biblical dating is a thing called dendrochronology.  You may not have known the term as a kid, but remember being shown the stump of a tree that had been cut down and being told that if you count the rings, that's how old the tree was? That is the essence of dendrochronology. The word comes from Greek words for tree  and time, so that works out nicely. This isn't just from cutting them down and counting, they drill core samples so they don't have to bring the whole thing down. But tree growth rings are not consistent. Sometimes a tree will skip a year or more, other times, conditions will influence it to make additional rings in a year. Radiocarbon dating is used to calibrate tree-ring dating, which is used to calibrate radiocarbon ...