
Reading Chemical Evolution Research Properly

There's nothing cowboys like more than riding into town for supplies and slipping off to the library to do some reading on abiogenesis. Good times, good times... Just kidding, science fiction is low on their list of priorities. Even so, some folks want to read secular materials to get a handle on how Darwinists are thinking, and how they try to deny the Creator. Credit: Pixabay / StockSnap First off, to tackle that kind of thing, it helps to have a strong background in science. Second (and this is the kind of thing creationists discuss frequently), a reader needs to understand the presuppositions of materialists and the assumptions upon which they base their research and conclusions. Third (one of my favorites), keep an eye out for bad logic — especially circular reasoning and affirming the consequent . Fourth, a good knowledge of creationary material is very important, since creationists are not likely to twist science to advance secular paradigms. There are some other thi...

Lunar Collision Origin All Wet

One of the popular speculations about the origin of Earth's moon is that a celestial body was unable to stay in its traffic lane, lost control, and smacked into Earth way back when. This would explain the absence of lunar water to the satisfaction of naturalists who deny the truth of recent creation. The Harvest Moon , Samuel Palmer, 1833 Even a cursory consideration of this idea shows that it is ridiculous. After all, the moon is the perfect size to obscure the sun during a total eclipse, and the moon is necessary for keeping life on Earth working efficiently. It has that almost-circular orbit and all. Rocks that Apollo astronauts brought back were tested in 2008 and found to have water, but that didn't seem to make an impression. Now that the moon can be studied from a distance, scientists learn that there is indeed water in the rocks. But it shouldn't be there according to proponents of the impact hypothesis. New clues confirm that the moon looks created. In ...

Secularists Devalue Dinosaur Soft Tissues

Advocates of deep time and dust-to-dinosaur evolution presuppose that dinosaurs died off 65 million Darwin years ago, and biblical creationists presuppose that Earth is much, much younger. With incontrovertible evidence of soft tissues in dinosaur bones, evolutionists had to circle the wagons and open fire on facts (and people presenting those facts) that threaten their belief systems. Credit: Freeimages / jim daly Some people tried to say that there were errors in lab testing, and Darwinoids on the web called the creationists who knew more about science than they did "liars". Other folks tried to get dismissive about this massive problem for deep time and evolution, hoping that their bad news would go away and things would be peachy keen if they pulled the covers over their heads and got a good night's sleep. Didn't happen. People at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (who are also fond of advancing the bad science promoting evolutionism) c...

The Taste of Water

Everybody knows that water has no taste, right? That's a good thing when riding the long, hot trail and you need a good draw from your canteen that doesn't taste fruity or bitter. Well, I don't want flavor when I'm all hottened up. Don't be so sure there's no taste. A study indicates that mice are able to taste — more likely, maybe distinguish or discern that they are actually drinking water. Mice, critters, and people are designed to have many things in common, so it's likely that we can "taste" water as well. Credit: Pixabay / Capri23auto The Big Box Chain Store sells its own brand of water, and I think it tastes mighty find. But on the label, it lists the ingredients as purified water (as I wanted), some chemicals, and minerals to enhance flavor. Strikes me as odd that they're enhancing something that has no flavor, but that's just marketing. People have subjected brands of bottled water to taste tests as well. My speculation is t...

Fossils Unfriendly to Evolution

Supporters of universal common ancestor evolution claim that the fossil record contains some of the strongest evidence for their belief system. Evolution requires huge amounts of time so things can go about the business of changing into other things, so there should be a multitude of transitional forms. Ain't happening, Zeke.  " But we've got excuses because you're wrong becaus e evolution !" The hands at the Darwin Ranch have worked overtime down at the propaganda mill to cover the fact that there are no undisputed transitional forms. Sure, they cite propaganda mills like Wikipedia,, and so forth that state what they want to believe, but those shnooks are at odds with the experts. I'd like to see trilobites do a coelacanth trick and suddenly get discovered alive Credit: Freeimages / Dave Dyet Doesn't a proper scientific attitude require evidence before a hypothesis is formed? Darwin admitted in Origin of Species, "...

Hilarity Ensues in Tardigrade Research

There is an ultra-small critter known as the tardigrade — "Is this going to be about astronomy, Cowboy Bob?" Not hardly! You're thinking of retrograde, going in a reverse or worsening state or having retrogression. The astronomy part is where planets we observe from Earth appear to move backward over a period of time in the night sky. Also, most of the planets in the solar system rotate in one fashion, but Venus goes the opposite, so it's orbit is retrograde. A few moons out there do that, too. Makes problems for the accretion theory. Oh, thanks a lot! Now I gotta turn this horsie around and get back on the right trail. As I was saying, the tiny tardigrade is very small, and is classified with over a thousand species. Most eat plants, but some are carnivorous, and live in many environments. They are considered to be relatives of arthropods, and have eight legs. Something even more interesting about tardigrades is that they are very difficult to make deceased. Re...

Express Delivery to Chromosome Two

According to some outdated versions of minerals-to-microbiologist evolution, the human genome was examined. Using outdated technology, evolutionary assumptions, and a whole heap of hubris, some DNA ("noncoding") was considered "junk". That is, containing material that was important in the past but we evolved and don't need it anymore. Not a good idea to slap a branding iron on something you don't rightly understand and herd it into the Settled Science Corral, because the "junk" is constantly being found useful .  Generated at The extreme specified complexity of the molecular world, including DNA, RNA, cells, and so forth, cannot be explained by evolutionary ideas. In this case, a kind of package is sent from one chromosome, takes a ride on a protein, and makes a delivery to the exact location on another chromosome. Over a billion possibilities, and the package ends up where it's needed. Time, chance, random processes — with no...

Seaweed Clogs Evolutionary Propellers

Imagine if you will being out in a motorboat on a fine, sunny day, ready to do some recreational activity. Maybe singing a happy song to yourself just over the sound of the outboard motor. Then, you hear that awful sound and the song dies on your lips as the motor stops running. Things were fine a moment ago. Checking the situation, you discover that you got into the seaweed, and that stuff got tangled into the propellers, bringing you to a halt. In a similar manner, a seaweed discovery clogged the works for Darwinists and their imaginary plant evolution timeline.  Credit: Freeimages / Jacqueline Fouche Ever hear of lignin? Looks like a misspelling, or an incomplete word, but it's actually a component in plant cell walls. It helps keep land plants standing up straight and looking mighty fine, and also helps water get from the from the roots to where it's needed in the far away regions of the plant. The story continues that lignin is not needed in aquatic plants, so it di...

Humans Are Not Causing Rapid Gecko Evolution

One of the favorite tricks of Darwinoids is to engage in equivocation , which is a logical fallacy. It is also called the bait-and-switch maneuver. For our purposes, we'll look at how the word evolution is used. This word actually has several definitions that involve change over time in one way or another. Humans were credited (or blamed, if you will) for "rapid evolution" involving geckos. Credit: Pixabay / Skitterphoto Geckos, those baffling little critters that can hang by one toe and inspired self-cleaning adhesive tape , were observed changing over time. Although the geckos remained geckos, disingenuous proponents of  universal common ancestor evolution called these minor changes "evolution", equivocating on the key word to deceive people into believing that Darwin was right after all. Ain't happening, Zeke. Those sidewinders were implying that big picture evolution happened, but no new genetic information was added, and the geckos conveniently ...

Basic Science about Genetics, Evolution, and Creation

Darwin's defenders often say that the science of genetics refutes biblical creation science and affirms gunk-to-geneticist evolution. That'll be the day! In reality, further research in genetics has been a gold mine for creation science, and the prediction by creationists that there is no "junk" DNA has been confirmed several times . Evolutionists do not help their cause by using deception and bad science, such as when they stitched together the chimpanzee genome and say those critters are our closes relatives. The DNA puzzle is not yet complete, but continues to refute evolution and support special creation. DNA puzzle, Pixabay / qimono Changes in what is known about genetics is rapidly changing, so what we read in textbooks is incomplete or even erroneous today. DNA is more than a storage medium for a n amazing a mount of information, it is a language as well. People who want to know more on the subject have an uphill climb. When scientists commence to wr...