
Rodents Gnaw Evolutionary Ideas

It takes courage to face the facts and admit that evolution doesn't work. Are you a man or a mouse? Come on, squeak up! "That old joke isn't funny any more, Cowboy Bob!" Yes, well, never mind about that now. Did you know that rats are very intelligent? And, like their arch-enemy the cat, whiskers are important for detecting the world around them , which is a good thing because their vision is not up to human standards . Domesticated rodents can be good pets, and can be affectionate; I had three rats one time. But the wild ones, all y'all should leave those well alone. Two Rats by Vincent van Gogh, 1884 Evolution does indeed have many problems getting support from actual evidence. Sure, anyone can spin a yarn and have people say, "Wow, scientists are clever, my, my!" But stories are not evidence. In the fossil record, rodents have always been rodents. Dating methods conflict, molecular clocks conflict with phylogeny — no, molecules-to-mouse ev...

Nature's Web Designer

Ever have that experience of walking through the woods, a field, or maybe an unused building and getting a spider web in your face? Turns you into a karate master , some say. Well, yeah, I don't reckon many people like to be startled with that sticky stuff, especially if they've seen too many scary movies or been reading up on dangerous spiders . Now, your toughest cowboy has to watch where he's working in the stable, woodpile, and such, and check very carefully at the outhouse. Image credit: Freeimages / Aleš Čerin That web site you just ruined is strong in its proportions, and has different kinds of webbing. Some parts will give a bit before breaking so the whole shootin' match doesn't come down easily. If you study on it, spider webs are masterpieces of design, the ability for which was given to spiders by the Designer, and not by time and chance evolution. Take a good look at a web glistening in the sunlight sometime, and don't bring it down. Spider...

Outrageous Deep-Sky Objects Fluster Cosmologists

Looking up at the night skies can bring a sense of awe at God's handiwork (Gen. 1:16, Psalm 8:3-4). Ever check out the night skies in, say, Montana, Arizona, or Chaco Culture National Historical Park (down New Mexico way)? Great places to break out a telescope. Ever wish you had one of those big ones? Abell 901/902 supercluster image credit: ESO ( CC BY 4.0 ) Back when telescopes were newfangled devices, stargazers thought they had them all counted. As telescopes advanced, more stars were discovered, and galaxies full of stars. Then clusters. And then superclusters. Still more structures and such are being discovered, and advocates of deep time are going haywire over how what they see goes against their predictions and give even more problems for the Big Bang evolutionary cosmology. Well, sure, that kind of cognitive dissonance is bound to happen when people keep trying to deny that God created the universe, and he did it much more recently than they'll allow. To see ...

Some Atheist and Evolutionist Myths Refuted

Ever try to get atheists to present evidence for atheism? They can't. Instead, you get the irrational and disingenuous "lack of belief" claim, followed by a passel of excuses why they hate God (who conveniently exists when they want to hate him). If the "conversation" continues, they lasso their myth of evolution and bring that into the corral along with the rest of the ponies of bad reasoning. It's not really surprising that they are dishonest, since they have a track record of using the complex scientific principle of Making Stuff Up™, bad reasoning, extreme misrepresentation of Christians and creationists, and a heap of fraud.  Then they want to throw down on Bible believers with outright falsehoods (especially about the history of science and Christianity) that can be refuted with a bit of research. All that effort to suppress the truth about the Creator God is wasted. “The words of the Preacher, the son of David, … ‘There is nothing new ...

Foolish Evolutionists Claim "Poor Design"

More and more, evolutionary scientists are not actually doing science, but are instead doing propaganda. While we all interpret data according to our presuppositions, tinhorns like Jerry Coyne, Donald Prothero, Clinton Richard Dawkins, David Levin (Seriously? David Levin?) and others insist on saying that certain features of human anatomy are "poorly designed", therefore, evolution, not a Creator. There's a self-contradiction here: God didn't make us, but evolution, which is often praised as a wise designer, did so. Is evolution a good designer or not? Doublethink in action , I reckon. Image credit: Clker clipart These people need to rein themselves in and actually do the science stuff. Creationists point out that claims of a " backwardly-wired retina " stem from lack of knowledge as well as being agenda-based. In addition, the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is touted as "poor design" and also evidence of our fish ancestry. Seriously? Do t...

The Beginning of Plate Tectonics

Old-Earth scientists insist that "the present is the key to the past". Except when it isn't. Since uniformitarianism has too many flaws, they will invoke rapid changes and historical catastrophes to explain some  things — and then go back to their previous philosophies. Image credit: US Geological Survey  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It's been known for quite some time now that the continental plates are moving and colliding ( hope we don't get whiplash ). Scientists want to know how things happen, that's part of their job. Secularists have no idea how plate tectonics started, but decided to invoke a sudden change in Earth's past — they even have computer simulations. Biblical creationists have a very different view that works more effectively, but secularists don't cotton to the notion of considering the recent activity of the global Genesis Flood. It has long been a puzzle to secular geologists as to how conventional s...

T-Rex Missing Link

The latest contestant on Darwin's Got Talent is singing an old song with a new verse tacked on. This time, the old song, "We Found a Missing Link!" has a new verse about a T-Rex link. The scientism press is delirious from the Dar-wine, and their intoxication shows up in the propaganda mill reporting. Naturalistic scientists aren't helping much. Image incorporates elements derived from Clker clipart. Fact of the matter is, that missing link is mighty cracked and blurry. Bones were found over a wide area for a period of years, so don't let someone fool you that they found an intact skeleton in one place. But not all secular scientists are singing the new verse to the song, as there's a heap of problems with this so-called link. Oh, but artists took the liberty of adding feathers so they can further the falsehood about dinosaurs evolving into birds, even though there were no feathers found. Sure are determined to pretend that evolution is true and that G...

Science, Faith, and Reality

Atheists and evolutionists don't cotton to the notion that they operate from their worldviews, which are comprised of presuppositions. Some will even claim that they believe in science, reason  and reality.  What they don't realize is that those are philosophical claims, based on their worldviews. "Empirical science is the only way to learn truth and reality", some have said. This is a self-refuting statement, because no scientific method can make this metaphysical determination! To claim that reason and reality are based on naturalistic approaches is a question-begging presupposition as well. They have disdain for faith,  but that comes from a faulty definition, along the lines of "believing something you know isn't true". Definitions matter. For example, this definition of "fundamentalist", which I have yet to find in a dictionary: The atheistic and evolutionary worldview cannot account for logic, morality, reason, origins — and offe...

Growing Gorillas on the Family Tree

The Evo Sith are getting a mite concerned about where to put gorillas on the family tree. Since gorillas and great apes have enough differences, they reckoned that there was branching way back on this alleged tree. Humans are supposed to be more closely related to the great apes, such as chimpanzees, but there's that little problem with the human genome similarity to gorillas . New problems have arisen. Smirking gorilla image credit: Freeimages / brandon moats Reassessment of dating is giving a new date to the branching off from the family tree, and Darwinists are none to happy about it, since it's much earlier and seems to have been in a different location than was previously thought. How do they come up with those dates, anyway? Assumptions, presuppositions, circular reasoning all help a heap. Whatever it takes to deny the Creator who made all things without evolution, and much more recently than evolutionist want to believe. How much time separated the origin of go...

Resurrection Sunday 2016

Today, most professing Christians celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus, God the Son, the Creator (John 1:3, 1 Cor. 8:6, Heb. 1:2, Col. 1:16) from the dead (John 20:19-20, 1 Cor. 15:3-8). He died and rose , even for my own sinful self. My post for today is " The Resurrection and Our Broken Planet ".  On a side note, I kind of like this painting by Peter Paul Rubens. Jesus is very real and triumphant. Okay, so the wounds are not seen (John 20:19-20), and I don't get the symbolic banner he's carrying. But it's better than the goofy floating away ethereal Jesus of some paintings.