
Can Scientists be Wrong about Evolution?

People cotton to the notion that scientists in their nice lab coats are purveyors of truth — especially when there is a consensus involved. They're right because they're scientists, you know. Not necessarily. Scientists have been wrong on things through the ages (see " Can all those scientists be wrong? " and a fun list of " Top 10 Most Famous Scientific Theories [That Turned out to be Wrong] " for some interesting examples). Also, just because there's a consensus does not guarantee accuracy . Don't forget that. Credit: Modified from Freeimages / Kenn Kiser Evolution is a big thing, and the public as well as most secular scientists accept it as a "fact". There are folks who present scientists as having a unified front regarding evolution, but there are some who risk ridicule and resist peer pressure in disputing it. Darwinists have a great deal of pressure to perform (gotta get that grant money), so we get a passel of sloppy scien...

Icefish Antifreeze?

The Antarctic areas have many critters that not only survive the intense cold, but even thrive there. Humans need special clothing, supplies, preparations, and even training for a stay of any length. If you drag along some creature that's not built for the area, you have to go to great lengths to keep it alive. There are several species of Antarctic icefish that are doing right well, and their survivability is like reading science fiction. Chionodraco rastrospinosus , an Antarctic icefish Photographer: Valerie Loeb / Credit: NOAA NMFS SWFSC Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) Program While "normal" living things would have their blood thicken too much before they finally froze to death, the Antarctic icefish has a kind of antifreeze in its blood. Wait, should we call that "blood"? It has no hemoglobin or red blood cells! It was designed by the Creator to live and prosper in the bitter cold. Antarctic icefish happily live in the ocean waters surrou...

Origin of Life Myths Are Losing Bets for Science

Scientists have the same facts available. Working from their naturalistic worldviews, their speculations on the origin of life (abiogenesis) are as organized as a cattle stampede. This should not be surprising, since they reject the truth that is clearly revealed in God's Word and prefer to create their own mythology. Some evolutionists don't cotton to the notion, so they distance themselves, claiming that "Origin of life has nothing to do with evolution". Yes, it does. I reckon the two best possibilities for such a claim are ignorance, and outright lying. That's right, I said it! This video on the scientific case for the origin of life should clear things up. Although some scientists resort to pushing the problem out into space (panspermia), but Ceres and comets are not giving much hope for that. Other scientists still try to find ways to find it right here on Earth. They are unscientific and often contradictory. That water puddle may be where it all b...

So There's a Lady on Mars?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Added next-to-the-last paragraph on 8-19-2015 This is one of my most unusual articles, and I hope it's both interesting and informative. Big news on the Web lately is the "lady on Mars" pictures. What's going on up yonder? Yes, I believe in UFOs. No, I do not believe that they are the products of extraterrestrial intelligence. Not only because of my theological views, but because of science. There are too many problems with the idea of life coming to Earth from outer space, but some UFOs defy the laws of physics , which would destroy its occupants. No, one of my views is more mundane: government testing, such as when they developed the Stealth aircraft.  My other view on UFOs is theological: that the really weird sightings and associated alien abductions are demonic activity. One point about that is how reports of the abductees who become born again Christians have the experience again, and call out to Jesus, the activity stops. Let...

Human Evolution Still Lacks Evidence

There are people who insist that bacteria-to-blogger evolution is a fact . Most are deceived by the word games of evolutionists, redefining small changes as evolution when they're nothing of the sort. In addition, sloppy science practices lead to improper allegations of "proof" of evolution, and scientists themselves are often so locked into their worldviews that they are susceptible to fraud. " Piltdown Gang " by John Cooke, 1915 / Public Domain / modified One of the greatest frauds (generously referred to as a "hoax") in evolutionary history was truly super. "Piltdown Man" fooled much of the scientific establishment from 1912 until 1953. "Nebraska Man" was foolishness where that character, his family, environment, and so on were constructed from a single tooth — and that tooth turned out to be that of a pig that was extinct in the area! These, and more "proofs" of human evolution can be found, with supporting lin...

Michael Boehm Interviews Ian Juby about the Ham-Nye Debate

Remember the February 4, 2014 debate between Ken Ham and Bill "I'm not a scientist, but I played one on TV" Nye? You know, the debate that Ham is encouraging people to watch, and it can be seen for free here , but Nye doesn't talk about? Strange, evolutionists and atheists were claiming victory. Actually, Nye used numerous logical fallacies as well as thinly-veiled personal attacks , and his supporters ( such as this one ) tend to use fallacies as well. Recently, I was contacted by Michael Boehm of " Youth Apologetics Training ", and have been listening to his podcasts. (Don't be ruffled by the "youth" part, this isn't kid stuff and adults like the podcasts, too.) He covers many topics. I was pleasantly surprised to find that he interviewed Ian Juby of "Genesis Week" , and I regret not knowing about both Michael's work and this interview long ago. Sorry about the picture, I couldn't get a more recent picture of Ian J...

Lake Missoula and the Genesis Flood

Can you imagine a cowboy riding along and stopping to get a gander at the huge Lake Missoula, and watch the ice dam burst? Except it wasn't called Montana then, and there probably weren't nobody there at all, let alone, cowboys.  Image credit: US National Park Service This was way, way back near the end of the Ice Age. The way it's figured, a glacier blocked up the North Fork River and Glacial Lake Missoula was formed. Then the dam burst, and areas in what are now Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon were affected by the massive torrent. Secular geologists had been debating about that flood for a long time, even speculating that there were several, but they seem to be coming around to the view that there was only one flood there. This was a smaller picture of what we can imagine about the Genesis Flood, which was far more catastrophic and violent, what with the fountains of the deep bursting forth, volcanoes, and that sort of thing. Still, it's impressive. (Also...

Dinosaur Blood and Collagen — For the Birds!

A study on preserved collagen and red blood cells in dinosaur bones, as well as the fossilization process, was marred by the evolutionary mindset of the researchers. Taking the approach that dinosaurs evolved into birds, they did some selective research on commonalities in some areas, and conveniently ignored how these things appear in other critters besides birds. Their unwarranted extrapolations did not  give them any clues to origins. The problem remains that blood and collagen should not last for millions of years, and is remarkable for having lasted the thousands of years after the Genesis Flood. Indeed, the biblical Flood models fit the actual observed facts far better than any evolutionary interpretations. Red blood cells and connective tissue may be preserved in dinosaur fossils more commonly than previously thought. This suggestion came from scientists on June 9, 2015 in Nature Communications as they unveiled the Cretaceous cells and collagen they recently found. T...

Putting a Spin on Dinosaur Feathers

We expect Darwinists to argue from their worldviews, everyone does that. But when they commence to stating opinions based on their philosophical precommitments as scientific facts, that's over the line. Many evolutionists insist that dinosaurs evolved into birds  despite  contrary scientific evidence. Their rampant speculations have caused them a heapin' helpin' of trouble several times in the past (such as  Archaeoraptor, the fraud from Liaoning, China ). They're setting themselves up for another possible fall again. A good fossil that they called Zhenyuanlong has been found, so scientists and their sensationalistic press are stampeding to make wild-eyed claims of a feathered velociraptor. There are several problems with the scenario, including the fact that it came from fossil Souvenir Central in (wait for it) Liaoning, China. Lots of fake fossils come from China. The origins of this one are suspicious, and scientists are not in unison that it's a feathere...

Double Standards and Goalpost Moving

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is about the run-of-the-mill Darwinistas in the evolution camp. Many are on a continuing mission to explore creation science sites, to seek out new Weblogs and new creation science opponents, to boldly go where they’re really not wanted anyway. Types like this patrol (emphasis on “troll”) the Web to defend “science” — which means equivocating “science” with “evolution”. I have had experiences (and taken many screenshots) of various remarks that these owlhoots fling at creationists. There is no need for a Christian to be intimidated by an angry atheist or for biblical creationists to be coerced by fundamentalist evolutionists. It is my belief that some people hate me because I will not let them build an argument on fallacies — they cannot reach a rational conclusion based false information or bad reasoning, except by accident. I suspicion that this rage is put on all y'all who stand up to the bullies. Modified from an original image by  Ca...