
Evidence of Evolution — SERIOUSLY?

morgueFile/cielo  Not too long ago, I was fond of the "reality shows" that dealt with the paranormal. The investigators would look for natural explanations of phenomena before they would entertain a paranormal explanation. The door opens by itself? Yes, and opening a door down the hall would create a kind of wind effect, plus the weak latch — no spirits here, Bruce.  Similarly, critics of creation science create a straw man based on prejudicial conjecture : that creationists simply write everything off as "GodDidIt", and that do not want to know anything that is actually scientific. Yet, evolutionists will look for "EvolutionDidIt" as the first  explanation. Sometimes they do this despite evolutionary mechanisms that are postulated, and despite empirical evidence! In fact, they are guilty of circular reasoning, because they all ege that many things, despite alternative explanations, are considered to be evidence of evolution. People believe t...

Darwin and Racism

"Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." — Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker Darwinism has given a kind of false respectability and "scientific" justification for all sorts of evils in the world. "How can you say that, Cowboy Bob? Evolution is a biological theory." A biological "theory" with cooperation from several scientific fields, and extended into social sciences. Evolution has been used as a support for communism , Nazism , abortion , eugenics , racism , and more. Racism has existed for ages, we all know that. People will always find an excuse to hate someone they do not like, or is different (and then justify themselves). But racism is strongly supported in evolutionism, and can be found in Darwin's own plagiarized ideas. Radar has an article showing this, and his article continues into another article, "Did Darwin...

Appalachian Mountains and the Flood

The large system of mountains know as the Appalachians is considered to be quite old by uniformitarian geology standards. However, they show features that are "young". Image credit: morgueFile/youvebeenreviewed There are several ideas put forth to explain the observed features, but they do not adequately explain these features, nor do they offer satisfactory mechanisms. The using the global Flood model, the data fit quite well. An interesting article, published in GSA Today (a publication by the Geological Society of America) in February 2013, describes features of the landscape of the Appalachian Mountains. These are a system of mountain ranges in eastern North America, extending from around Atlanta, Georgia, north past New York, and into Canada (see figure left). The paper is entitled Miocene rejuvenation of topographic relief in the southern Appalachians. This title would not mean anything to most people, because like most geological articles in geological journ...

Subatomic Bird Thoughts

morgueFile/ana_c_golpe (modified) People have long wondered how birds navigate. Some travel huge distances, and they do it with precision. Perhaps they are able to do this at a subatomic level. At any rate, this is further evidence of amazing design. Being called a "bird brain" implies that an individual is scatterbrained and flighty. Through the decades, however, ornithologists have grown to appreciate the amazing design and abilities of these feathered creatures. From their respiratory system to intricate vocalization patterns, birds reveal profound sophistication. Smithsonian magazine recently featured a brief article on bird navigation. The opening statement reads, "Birds must be geniuses because they use quantum mechanics to navigate." You can fly over to " Bird Brains and Quantum Mechanics " to finish reading this short article.

Whale of a Transition Tale

NOAA  NEWS FLASH! PARTIAL WHALE FOSSILS DISCOVERED IN CALIFORNIA! Big deal. Although paleontologists expected to find transitional forms (and are looking to hang such a label on one of the creatures), they did not label any of the other oceanic life forms as "transitional". In fact, they found a lot of junk as far as evolutionary theorizing is concerned, since several other things were found that interfere  with evolutionary conjectures, and excuses must  be made to protect "science". Of course, creationists do not have this problem. Several fossil whale parts found in a southern California canyon are being called transitional forms in whale evolution. . . . What was actually found tells a more convoluted story.  Some 30 partial whale fossils were found in a Laguna Canyon road cut, including four newly-identified species of “toothed baleen whale—a type of whale that scientists  thought had gone extinct 5 million years earlier .” You can fin you...

Evolution Trickery, and the Age of the Solar System

Purveyors of evolutionism believe in their fatally flawed hypothesis  despite  the evidence, not because of  evidence. The science is against it. Yet they deceive themselves, and are deceiving others, for a belief system that force-fits data into their presuppositions. When the facts interfere with their worldview, they perform feats of prestidigitation with "explanations" that should not convince (or fool) anyone. And call those of us who present contrary evidence, "Liars". Yet, the "theory" is still intact despite logic and science. People need to put aside the propaganda and honestly look at the evidence. If they dropped their presuppositions, the data would make much more sense. But to admit that the evidence actually points to a Creator instead of supporting ever-changing naturalistic philosophies? Inconceivable! The following article discusses the philosophies that keep people deceived about evolution. Then it goes on into another article wit...

Living Fossils — Keep the Change

Image When an organism is found fossilized and the living specimen is virtually unchanged, it is called a "living fossil". Such things are baffling to evolutionists (although Darwin's Uninformed Cheerleaders brush off the facts by saying, "Well, evolution does not require things to change"). To have so many critters in "stasis" in their ecosystems for alleged millions of years simply does not make sense and interferes with evolutionary theories. Some folk just don’t see the significance of the myriad examples of ‘living fossils’. Following our interview with Dr Carl Werner on the topic, one evolutionist protested: “There is no written rule that says a lineage has to die out just because an offspring develops a beneficial mutation. The theory of evolution explains how species change over time, it doesn’t say that all species must change over time. As long as a species can survive in its environment and pass on its genetic informat...

Things That Are Not So Old After All

stock.xchng/fulco "Hall of Giants" This audio and reading material combination further illustrates how uniformitarian presuppositions fail. The evidence points to a young Earth after all. The free audio downloads are in three segments, and the download links are near the title: Part 1 is here Part 2 is here Part 3 is here

Water Bear - Evidence for Design

The "Water Bear" or "Moss Piglet" (Tardigrade) is an amazing, tiny and appallingly ugly critter whose picture can be mistaken for a vacuum cleaner bag, or even as a prank. Even so, its survivability in extreme conditions for long periods of time is pretty much unbelievable.  Never growing more than 0.06 inches (1.5 mm) (smaller than the thickness of a quarter), water bears dwell in a diversity of environments, from the highest mountains to the deep sea. To survive these extremes, they have an amazing ability—they can enter a sort of hibernation. In this state a water bear is called a tun . In this condition, they can survive being boiled in water and frozen to almost absolute zero (where all molecular motion ceases). Curious about the limits of their survivability, scientists discovered that water bears can survive pressure up to six times the deepest ocean trench’s pressure. When subjected to the complete vacuum of space and direct radiation from the sun,...

Evolutionary Scientists — Noble Victims

One of the great deceptions that evolutionists have used is that they are the victims, with "religion" and "science deniers" as their persecutors. This is not the case. Not only has evolutionary philosophy contributed nothing to scientific advances, but they  are the ones doing the persecuting. They demonize those of us who know that the evidence points away  from evolution and toward  the Creator, refusing to understand the creationist point of view (how attacking a straw man or railing about a person's character flaws qualifies as "discussing science" escapes me). This is a deception that they have used for decades. And yet, Darwin's Stormtroopers go on the march, attacking people who dare to think for themselves. Julian Savulescu’s  recent comments suggesting that parents have a “moral obligation to select ethically better children” were more than just another move in the on-going eugenics revival. The Oxford professor’s misrepresentation o...