Proof, Oxymoron and Radiometric Dating
Evolutionists generally assume that evolution is true in the first place, and interpret their evidence based on that presupposition. If the facts do not fit, then there is something wrong. Get another "fact" to support evolution. This extends to creation scientists. "Creation scientist is an oxymoron". Unfortunately for that view, facts are facts; it is not a case of their facts versus our facts. It is the interpretations of the facts that cause the dissent, whether between creationists and evolutionists, or between scientists with similar biases. Many of these people are uninformed about the nature of "proof", as well. Here is a letter to Answers In Genesis: I read through your article concerning the existence and life of dinosaurs. Have you ever heard of radiometric dating? Different radioactive isotopes can be used to date material from bone fragments to rocks so in fact, yes there is a great amount of proof that the Earth is billions of year...