
Naturalism, Panpsychism, and Science

This post is unusual in several ways, especially since the author is in the ID camp and not friendly to biblical creation science. Links are given here for information and to try to prompt readers to think. Although creation is not mentioned, the subject is still of interest to creationists. Scientists are considering the idea that less complex living things may actually be sentient. (Some are even pondering the idea of sentience in cells, but that idea seems to be too much too soon.) Insects have tiny brains, but show intelligence in facial recognition, for example. Wildflowers in Oneonta Forest Preserve, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (modified at PhotoFunia ) Materialism is the belief that material is all that exists, no God or spirits, and naturalism is its kid brother. That is,  nature  is all that exists. New word alert: panpsychism . This belief is that all living things have some consciousness. Although there does not appear to be any real conflict between naturalism and panps

Scarabs — the way they Roll

These creatures are quite interesting, and some people even specialize in studying them. Scarab seems kind of formal, and the common name is dung beetle . This is a good time to wonder if the Creator was showing his sense of humor, as these beetles were designed to use dung for survival. The scarab was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. One reason is that they symbolized death and rebirth, and part of that was because their sun god supposedly rolled the sun across the heavens each day. Seems kind of inefficient. Dung beetles having a ball,  Pixabay /  debbiedejager Dung beetles need great balls of poo to survive, so they confiscate it in an unusual way: going backward. They do not have their eyes on the prize, but rather the other end, pushing it with their back legs. Amazingly, they know where they're going. Not all scarabs navigate by the light of day, either. Darwin's disciples try to evosplain the behavior, but fail. Dung beetles are dependent upon animal manure for their ex

This Mars is not my Home

People have wanted to visit and even colonize Mars for a very long time. Science fiction is filled with stories of doing so, and people continue to have high hopes. For that matter, secular scientists keep trying to find evidence for some kind of life there. There are science fiction stories that explore some of the problems that were known during the times they were written, but more trouble has been recently discovered. These include making the journey itself, visiting, and especially trying to stay on Mars. Mars,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Mayhaps I should say "spoiler alert," but people are not likely to be bothered if I tell them that the very first episode of The Twilight Zone  in 1959, "Where Is Everybody?" was about the problem of loneliness in space travel. Indeed, those who take such a long trip would be expecting a one-way trip that lasts quite a spell. Then they have to get along on the red planet — if they g

Evolution and the Rescuing Device of Stasis

In " Dishonest Darwinists Dodge Living Fossils ," the concept of stasis  was mentioned. To oversimplify,  living fossils are organisms that remain essentially unchanged from fossils to their living counterparts. Some fossils have millions of years assigned to them. Organisms did not evolve because they did not need to: stasis. Darwin's disciples glom onto the stasis rescuing device because living fossils are a serious impediment for evolution. Living fossils also indicate that the earth is not as ancient as evolution requires. Spotted Gar, Wikimedia Commons, USFWS / Brian Montague (public domain, usage does not imply endorsement) Know why gars live in mostly freshwater or brackish environments? Because if they lived in the oceans, they'd be sea-gars! Not funny, Cowboy Bob. Gars have been described as cigar-shaped, and some can grow rather large. Evolutionists say that their slow rate of evolution affects their low rate of speciation. Also, DNA repair mechanisms could

Materialists Attacking Each Other

Although it is not something that attracts a great deal of attention of the general public, there are occasions when materialists spit venom at one another. Some things that this child has seen is that some atheists are not vicious enough to please other atheists. Misotheists lead the charge against Intelligent Design and biblical creation science, showing hostility toward people who have views that they dislike. As mentioned before, the ID movement is distinctly non-creationist as a whole, but atheists still portray it as creation science. The Ambush , Albert Bierstadt, 1876 Folks like Clinton Richard Dawkins as well as many other professing atheists are committed to materialism; material is all there is, therefore, no God. When someone says that God exists, that person is considered stupid and anti-science. However, atheists have a fundamentally-flawed epistemology and they presuppose a universe without God, They claim to love science and logic, but their reasoning is irrational. Ev

The Non-Law of Evolution

The tension in the room was obvious to everyone, and I was aware of my neck and back muscles tensing. "Evolution is a fact.  A law!" Rusty Swingset had raised his voice considerably. He punctuated his exclamation by slamming his fist on the table. The teaspoons rattled in our empty cups. Many believers in descent-with-modifications evolution emphatically agree. Some say scientists know that evolution is a fact, but they are still hashing out the details. Indeed, to say that evolution is a law seems excessive, but the claim was even used in a paper in Academia Biology . Hollow log in forest, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (modified) More specifically, they are talking about evolution by means of natural selection. Some folks say that natural selection is  evolution, but that's conflation on definitions, old son. Creationists believe in natural selection, and it does not produce a new organism; no new genetic material is added. It's a mite silly to call evolution a law

Dishonest Darwinists Dodge Living Fossils

There are creatures in the fossil record that show no appreciable difference between supposed millions of years to their modern descendants. Charles Darwin was displeased with this additional evidence against his conjectures. He called them living fossils . If a handful of them existed, they might be waved away as odd quirks. But there are many living fossils. Evolutionists change mystical hats, trading the one where evolution is an undeniable force with the other where stasis occurred. That is, they did not have to evolve. These owlhoots get downright dishonest as well. Horseshoe crab (which is not really a crab) is a living fossil, MorgueFile / xpistwv Unfortunately, people are  not taught  critical thinking, and they seldom display healthy skepticism. The Bearded Buddha taught that things evolved from a common ancestor, branching out on the Tree of Life, gradually turning into something else. Right? People know this, but when dishonest evolutionists change the definitions with the

Megalakes of the Sahara

Long ago, the Sahara was a really great place. Lots of lakes, good for fishing and swimming — it probably was not called Sahara, as that name is derived from Arabic  ṣaḥrāʾ which means desert. The fact that the region was wet is known to researchers. Something in dispute is the existence of megalakes. There is still Lake Chad, an important water supply and ecosystem that touches on four countries. It is large now, but was much bigger in the past. Today it is fed by rivers. Sahara sand dune, USDA / E.L Skidmore (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is evidence that these megalakes existed, but residents of the secular science industry tend to ignore them or even deny their reality. One reason is that they cannot give a plausible explanation for how they formed. On the other hand, biblical creation scientists have an explanation to offer that involves the Ice Age, which happened much quicker than proponents of an old earth would like to consider. Researchers have l

Dinosaurs and Fish Lizards Keep Getting Bigger

Is it just my imagination, or are paleontologists finding more extremely large dinosaurs and such? There was a time that Brontosaurus  was impressive, even having the name that means thunder lizard . Probably because you could hear it walking. Now it is dwarfed by other sauropods. Indeed, scientists had to come up with impressive names to tack onto their discoveries, such as titanosaurs. Several more of these have been discovered. Curious, the impressive name game does not seem to happen to plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs, but a candidate for the largest of the latter has been presented. Ichthyotitan severnensis , Wikimedia Commons / Ansh Saxena 7163 (PD), modified at PhotoFunia Darwin's disciples are having a great time evosplaining the critters through the fiction of convergent evolution , a cheap rescuing device. After all, there is no evidence for dinosaur origins or ancestors — it is like they were created, not evolved. Rapid speciation was also mentioned, but that has nothing t

No Evolution of the Immaterial Mind

Believers in minerals-to-mentalist evolution think that the brain as well as the other amazingly complex organs happened through materialistic means. Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin's friend and rival, could not accept that the mind  was a materialistic process, suggesting a kind of Intelligent Design . Indeed, believing in evolution itself requires amazing credulity, but guesses by scientists as to how the mind evolved may cause people to wonder if they have any idea what they are talking about. Evidence of intelligence from ancient man flusters evolutionists. Mind and brain art, FreeDigitalPhotos /  MR LIGHTMAN It is human nature to want to grow, expand, change, develop, and all that good stuff. To sit around doing nothing for huge amounts of time after we supposedly evolved goes against human nature , especially since so much has happened in just a few centuries. Our ancient ancestors were intelligent, not stupid brutes like the story of evolution requires. The article fea