First the Chicken — or Maybe the Egg

Meeting up with my old friend Hammond Suisse in town for lunch, we placed our orders at the eatery. He wanted fried chicken and I had a hankering for an omelette. Hammond joked that we would find out which comes first, the chicken or the eggs. If you study on it a spell, you may realize that the old question has an evolutionary basis. Biblical creationists know that God created the functionally mature chicken first so it could lay eggs. Actually, yes and no. The answer is not quite so straightforward. Chickens and eggs, Unsplash / Daniel Tuttle Creationists study baraminology , which is the study of the created kinds in the Bible. Those are not species, and are roughly equivalent to families in the secular system. They studied on which birds can hybridize with chickens. Since we believe that the Creator equipped original parent kinds to have a passel of DNA and epigenetic switches, and therefore we believe in speciation, chickens probably came from pheasant-like birds. A big...