
Creatures Underfoot Improving our Lives

It is easy to forget something or someone when we do not see them — or know that they are affecting us in the first place. American kids sign highschool yearbooks with pledges to always be friends, but those promises were just words. Did they know the names of the janitors? We see robins, the early birds, getting the earthworms but seldom realize that those creatures are marvels of design for their own ecosystems. In fact, earthworms and other organisms under our feet (ofttimes way under) were put here by the Creator to help our lives. Earthworm, Pexels / Karolina Grabowska , modified at PhotoFunia Watch a video of how earthworms move and you'll see that they were designed for their place in this world. They have muscles, and brains that tell the muscles how to work. Interesting that there are fossils of them dated to the Cambrian, but Darwinists can evosplain that away. People talk about "numbers of species" in the world, but soil biodiversity is not exactly understood. ...

Clear Thinking and the Christian

There have been times when I have posted something I strongly believe, that biblical creationists teach people how  to think and not what  to think, and it is met with ridicule. Ironically, us st00pid djumb creatards catch atheists, our supposed intellectual superiors, in numerous logical fallacies. It is indeed unfortunate that some people play dumb, or even convince themselves that they are not bright in some areas, that they surrender the thinking to others. When that happens, they become sheeple and become victims of false teachers and others with bad intent. Man thinking by a lake at sunset, Pixabay / StockSnap When thinking is discussed, it seems that some folks assume it means activities of the intellectual elite, discussing philosophy and such. Not so! With just a little effort, people can learn to spot common logical fallacies so they're not hoodwinked. From there, they can learn how to think in other areas — such as how creationists and evolutionists have the same f...

Bottlenecks and Human Population

People who have to drive on massive highways often hear of bottlenecks  where traffic is not moving well. Obviously, the principle can be seen by taking a typical bottle, removing the stopper, and inverting it. Not a whoosh , but a glug glug glug  for a spell before it finally empties. The narrowness of the bottle slowed the flow. To geneticists, a bottleneck is more complicated. Anti-creationists point out the two population bottlenecks in the Bible: Eight people on Noah's Ark who survived the Genesis Flood, then the original couple, Adam and Eve. Then they laugh. Problem is, believers in the General Theory of Evolution also  have population bottlenecks in their models. Their models have creatures that were not human yet, but even so, they believe humanity's existence was threatened. Secularists do not accurately portray the beliefs in biblical creation science, as the first couple was genetically rich, and genetic devolution was not noticeable for quite some time yet. A...

Spider Fossil Good News for Creationists

It seems that most fossils being found nowadays are good news for creationists, what with excellent preservation, computerized tomography ( as used here ), and all that good stuff. New South Wales is a state on the east coast of 'Straya, the centre of which is home to McGraths Flat. It is a research area, and they are finding some interesting fossils (expect more in the future). A brushfooted trapdoor spider fossil was on the large side. Although mostly the same as its modern counterpart, Darwin's disciples naturally cheered evolution. Brushfooted trapdoor spider in Brisbane, Australia, Flickr / Robert Whyte ( CC BY-NC-ND ) Other spider fossils have been discovered there, and even tiny ones can be examined in minute detail. I find this amazing because we're talking about stone that gets examined, not soft tissues. Once again, we see that creatures had to be buried in the right conditions (rapidity is a big part of it) so scientists can examine those details. They could not...

A Dinosaur Studies Reformation

While a passel of people are celebrating fear, death, and evil on Halloween, many Christians take note of October 31 as Reformation Day . That is when German priest used the social media of his day, nailing 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. Most movements and revolutions do not happen overnight, and a kind of dinosaur reformation is happening in paleontology right now. I have said that evolutionists are working for creationists , since they are well-heeled but we can analyze their claims — including those about dinosaurs and such. Dinosaur nailing scroll to wooden door made with Bing AI The secular science industry has been making pronouncements in its authority that do not comport with science and logic, using dinosaurs as evolutionary propaganda. Biblical creationists and others look at their assertions, compare them with evidence, and frequently find them lacking. In addition, there is new research that is mighty difficult for secularists to ignore or suppress — even in their own ra...

Scrying Chimpanzee Grunts for Language Evolution

The very existence of language  testifies of the Creator . Study on it. It takes a brain to hear and make sense of incoming sounds, then to use a person's speech hardware to give an intelligible response. There are also non-verbal signals used to communicate. The smell of desperation is in the air. Some Darwinoids got a notion to throw out all the complexities of language (and reject rational thought) because of evolutionary presuppositions. These folks are saying that grunts from chimpanzees correlate to how human language evolved. Wicked Witch Darwin and monkey scrying a chimp, modified from a graphic by Why?Outreach Remember the experiment of attempting to r aise a human child with a young chimpanzee ? That failed. Yet their grunts are supposedly the precursors of human language and give clues to its development. Not hardly! Was scrying (crystal gazing, etc.) a part of their scientific process? Interesting that our alleged evolutionary cousins have had supposedly millions of yea...

Paradigm Shifts and Globular Clusters

The word paradigm  is related to worldview, so a paradigm shift  is a major change in how we view the world, process information, and many of our perceptions. Interestingly, I first came across that phrase in The Aquarian Conspiracy , which supported the evolution-rooted New Age movement. Regular readers have seen numerous reports here (which direct readers to additional information) about how secular cosmologists constantly have their views overthrown by observed evidence. This is happening with greater frequency, and there may be a paradigm shift brewing among them. Globular cluster Caldwell 73, NASA , ESA, and G. Piotto (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have two articles to consider, and the first has several instances of where the expectations of secular scientists are dashed by evidence. For example, the Big Bang got things started for cosmic evolution, and the formation of the solar system is a continuation. Space probes and other things are promptin...

Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Story Unravels

When discussions turn to dinosaur extinction, those of a secular mindset invariably say that it was caused by the huge rock from the sky that hit  Chicxulub . Although it is the most common claim, there is no consensus. Indeed, this smashing story raises a prairie schooner-full of questions . The Chicxulub impact is a non-answer for dinosaur extinction, and people with any knowledge in this area should be aware of it. Some scientists think it was the big slam and  volcanic activity that did in the dinosaurs . Well, there are still unanswered questions — and more are being asked. Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact,  NASA Goddard Evolution is a death cult, and that is painfully obvious here because death supposedly causes new creatures to spring into life. The asteroid/comet/meteorite/whatever hits and things die such as those big and bad dinosaurs. Delicate things like butterflies and small critters survived, as did flowering plants ( the Bearded Buddha hates those th...

Ancient Log Cabins Astonish Evolutionists

Needing to get some thinking done and do it outdoors, I saddled up and took a leisurely ride to nowhere in particular. Eventually I heard the sounds of people working. It turns out I was near the Darwin Ranch, and foreman Rusty Swingset was helping build a log cabin. We can have discussions and part friendly, so we talked about notches that makes cabin building more efficient. I was surprised that he had not heard about the "Lincoln Logs" structure dated just under allegedly half a million years old. He grew pale. Lincoln Logs, Flickr / Carissa Rogers ( CC BY 2.0 ) Keep in mind that the story has ancient humans mostly evolved, but they were still stupid. Consciousness itself had not evolved — and secularists cannot explain how it supposedly did . Ancient artifacts and evidence of genius frustrates Darwin's disciples; consider the  Antikythera mechanism and the  Zhang Heng seismoscope as just two of many items. Biblical creationists know that man was created, not evolve...

Raising a Child with his Chimpanzee Cousin

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a line in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy   that states , "Earthmen are not proud of their ancestors and never invite them round to dinner." Well, I never have my ancestors round to dinner either because they are dead. In context, Douglas Adams was referring to our alleged evolutionary cousins . No, you will not find it in the book. Adams was an atheist and an evolutionist, and he probably wrote the sequence showing a chimpanzee at a formal dinner party for the BBC series . So he probably meant cousins . Formal dining with a chimpanzee, made with Bing AI image generator , modified at PhotoFunia In " When a Child and a Chimp Were Raised Together ," Denyse O'Leary wrote about an experiment in 1931. A couple of married psychologists decided to raise their ten-month-old son and a seven-month-old female chimpanzee together. Whoa there a minute, Pard. Back in 1931, Sigmund Freud was held in high esteem and the field of psycholo...