
Wikipedia Suppresses Knowledge on Creation and Intelligent Design

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is amusing in attacks on creationists when believers in fish-to-fool evolution claim to use peer-reviewed scientific journals for information, then proceed to throw links to Wikipedia at us. Anyone who uses it can see frequent requests for users to chime in and improve articles. And donate money. Wikipedia is not exactly reliable as a source of information*, probably because many articles can be edited by the public. One ludicrous article  admits that Wikipedia has errors but is up to the readers to check out the sources and make up our own minds. Yeah, sure. Some of their articles have huge numbers of references to weed through — and omits important evidence when it does not fit the worldviews of their writers! Despite its claim of neutrality, Wikipedia is extremely biased in some areas. Frustrated woman studying at computer, Pexels / energepic Wikipedia says it is unbiased. Well, sure. They can say  anything. But the facts do not support the c...

A Caffeine-Free Mutant Tea Plant

Oh, the things that humans ingest! We are fond of our brown liquids, especially in the mornings, because many want the caffeine for for a boost. Is it hypocritical therefore to condemn people who take drugs for stimulation? Asking for a friend. There are people who want (or need) their brown liquids without caffeine. It could be from habit, or they sincerely like the flavor. Unfortunately, the decaffeination process often makes the liquids lackluster. Sure would be nice if there were tea plants that are naturally without caffeine. Well... Tea plantation via Hippopx A wild tea plant in China, named Hongyacha, has been discovered. It is a mutant and does not live in the sewers. Hongyacha lost its ability to produce caffeine, and some people are hopeful of carefully cultivating it. Believers in descent with modifications have a deceptive habit of falsely referring to loss of traits as evolution , but creationists know that God designed organisms so they can survive and thrive. Va...

Computers Influenced MY Evolution!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Like the late Rush Limbaugh, I illustrate the absurd with absurdity. (And sarcasm. So much evolutionary research is so irrational, it practically begs for sarcasm.) A spell back, I wrote about how some Darwinists were saying that people feeding birds were influencing their evolution . One of the simplest lessons there is that they were being disingenuous with the word evolution — again. It is who they are and what they do in order to trick people into believing that Papa Darwin was right. No evolution happened at all. For a lighter article, that will be my springboard to show that computers influence my evolution. Cowboy Bob Sorensen at the computer, image modified with FotoSketcher Centuries ago, I watched and eventually used my father's Woodstock typewriter . He was a pastor and typed his notes on it, and that machine was a workhorse. Strictly manual, and he used it for many years even though electric typewriters came out around 1925. I would be distracte...

Never Mind the Brain

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  One person may admonish another to use his or her brain when thinking is desired, which is a common mistake. That is because the brain itself has no consciousness. The mind uses the brain. Look at this correct wording on Doctor Who  between the Fourth Doctor and Harry Sullivan in " Ark in Space ": DOCTOR: You're improving, Harry. HARRY: Am I really? DOCTOR: Yes, your mind is beginning to work. It's entirely due my influence, of course. You mustn't take any credit. Although searching for a place in the brain where consciousness (the soul) resides is a flaming inconsistency in their worldview, materialists (all that exists is matter, no God, no spirits) continue to search. The question is even worse for them when dealing with artificial intelligence . Brain and consciousness, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Materialists cling to evolution to explain origins as a major part of their worldview. Creationists know that God created man in his im...

Katydid Chews Up Evolution

For some reason, I never thought Katy would, but katydid. Fossilize, that is. And this fossil is extremely detailed, unlike those ammonites and things we find in the river or quarry. There have been quite a few fossils found lately that are very intricate. This katydid fossil shows so much detail, it works against particles-to-paleontologist evolution: All of the minutiae are like their modern counterparts, so no evidence of evolution. We looked at the recurrent secular miracle of convergent evolution . Here is stasis , another popular miracle among Darwin's disciples. Katydid (Tettigoniidae), Flickr / Insects Unlocked (public domain) Evolutionists want things both ways, since evolution is a "fact" and pretty much like an irresistible force (except when it's an entity making choices and decisions), or there is stasis where organisms didn't change after millions of Darwin years. Paddlefish , sharks,   tunicates , alligators,  coelacanths , and many other critters ...

Tails of Mice and Men

There are a few things that I keep repeating because they are so important, the primary of which is that scientists (and everyone else) operate from their worldviews. These are comprised of presuppositions (things believed without experimental support). Most evolutionists presuppose materialism, creationists presuppose the truth of the Bible. Believers in descent with modifications look at information through their Darwin spectacles, usually rejecting contrary evidence and predictions. Some researchers had numerous assumptions about humans having lost tails through evolution, so they studied the tails of mice. Darwin Spectacles and mouse tail, spectacles image by kkiser at Freeimages A prairie schooner-load of assumptions is involved in the study. First, evolution is not questioned, so that is assumed. Add to that the dogma of humans and apes diverged from a common ancestor millions of years ago. Somewhere in the mix, apes lost their tails. That is historical science — or would be if...

Inner Repair Systems Show Design

In some ways, auto mechanics are like physicians. They both need to diagnose problems and find ways of repairing them. Sometimes they have to make less-than-perfect repairs and people have to live with them. A few days ago, we lost our connection to the internet and I talked to the technician as he made repairs. I realized that cable technicians also have similarities to mechanics. To be able to make repairs, a great deal of experience, intelligence, and planning are required. Adjustments must be made and anticipating other potential problems. Getting trees off the power lines, picture by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Misotheists claim that they do not see evidence for God, but they are willingly ignorant (Rom. 1:18-23). Not only is he clearly seen in nature, but his engineering work is happening inside all of us. Systems were put in place to deal with repair situations that would arise. Unfortunately, evolutionists refuse to take the more sensible engineering approach to life. DNA repair change...

Crabs and the Miracle of Convergent Evolution

Do not be deceived, secularists are like Christians and creationists, believing in miracles. They do not admit it like we do. While Darwin's acolytes claim to believe in science and reject any semblance of faith, they presuppose evolution despite  the evidence, not because of it. Crustaceans have been around a mighty long time. They have no evolutionary history, but just popped into existence (an unacknowledged miracle). Crabs have adapted to a many ecological niches, so materialists evosplain their varieties through the miracle of convergent evolution . Crab, Unsplash / Kai Dahma , modified at Pixlr Secularists are so busy saying, "Hail Darwin! Blessed be!" that they don't notice the flaws in their reasoning. Many know the  Tree of Life stuff is bad enough, but appealing to convergent evolution actually makes things worse. If they realized that praising evolution's "flexibility" sounds like it is rooted in faith and not science, mayhaps they could cons...

Mantle Viscosity and Genesis Flood Models

When people need to get the oil changed in a vehicle, the word viscosity  is likely to be used. To oversimplify, viscosity refers to thickness. Drop a pebble in a glass of water and it sinks quickly. Do the same in a glass of high-viscosity motor oil, it is much slower. Maybe a geologist slices into a pie and thinks about cutting through the lithosphere and into the magma, but I digest — I mean, digress. Sort of. That liquid rock down below also has viscosity. This affects the thinner areas of the lithosphere. Earth crust cutaway illustration derivative, Wikimedia Commons / Washiucho (Public Domain) Uniformitarian geologists believe this thinning (deformation) is extremely slow, and creation scientists believe it to be much quicker. Secular geologists believe that glacial rebound affects viscosity in certain areas, but it has been shown to be similar in non-glacial areas as well. Creationists use Genesis Flood and the subsequent Ice Age in their models and find that rebound is muc...

Morality and Secular Foundations

When dealing with professing atheists, many make the claim that they can be "good without God." Misotheists can live apparently moral lives for the most part, but they tend to make exceptions for personal benefit. And they cannot explain their foundations. Laws? Laws change. Evolution? Not hardly ! Some atheists accuse creationists of lying about evolution (a ludicrous charge*), but they cannot coherently explain why , if such a charge were true, lying would be wrong in an atheistic worldview! There have been several attempts in secular philosophy to pin down morality without God. Broken foundation, RGBStock / Adrian van Leen Various secular frameworks have been proposed for morality, but they have internal inconsistencies. Some are arbitrary, so good and evil are based on following a set of rules that are incomplete in dealing with human experiences. Some appeal to higher standards outside themselves — when an atheist says that lying about evolution is wrong, they are appeal...