Wikipedia Suppresses Knowledge on Creation and Intelligent Design

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is amusing in attacks on creationists when believers in fish-to-fool evolution claim to use peer-reviewed scientific journals for information, then proceed to throw links to Wikipedia at us. Anyone who uses it can see frequent requests for users to chime in and improve articles. And donate money. Wikipedia is not exactly reliable as a source of information*, probably because many articles can be edited by the public. One ludicrous article admits that Wikipedia has errors but is up to the readers to check out the sources and make up our own minds. Yeah, sure. Some of their articles have huge numbers of references to weed through — and omits important evidence when it does not fit the worldviews of their writers! Despite its claim of neutrality, Wikipedia is extremely biased in some areas. Frustrated woman studying at computer, Pexels / energepic Wikipedia says it is unbiased. Well, sure. They can say anything. But the facts do not support the c...