Nature has the Right to Evolve?

Regular readers have seen how the secular science industry is supporting leftist causes, and how evolution is the centerpiece on the table. This child wants to keep political matters to other weblogs, but when secularists infuse themselves into policy making, things need to be discussed. Once again, it should be said that genuine environmental concerns are well in keeping with biblical creation principles , but leftist politicians are taking environmentalism to extremes. Elitists in the secular science industry are joining in to further the agenda. Range of the Caucasus mountains , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1869 Biblical creationists point out how believers in descent-with-modifications evolution play fast 'n' loose with their definitions. They tend to broaden them so that variation, speciation, and other changes (which are compatible with creation science) are deceitfully termed evolution so people will think that Darwin was right. It's who they are and what they do. Similar word...