
The Heavenly Promotion of Dr. John D. Morris

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It was not entirely surprising for me to learn that Dr. John D. Morris had passed away on 29 January 2023, since he had health problems that included at least one previous stroke. Not until recently did I learn that in 1975 he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. But Dr. John was not the type to let the bad circumstances take over. Back in 1991, I was able to travel to Schaumburg, Illinois and attend a Back to Genesis conference that ICR was conducting. I met not only Dr. John Morris, but Dr. Henry M. Morris, Dr. Duane Gish, and Ken Ham. The presentations impacted me tremendously...memory flicker...if I rightly recollect, I helped with the movie projector between talks. Dr. John D. Morris image via Institute for Creation Research John was a busy man, even after he retired from being president of ICR . Before that, he was convinced that Noah's Ark could be found, and was involved in efforts to do just that. His stories could be made into impressive and exci...

Stupid Evolution Tricks — Hummingbirds and Human Brains

It is so  easy to find flaws in evolutionary thinking, even a layman can do it. Of course, it helps when we have creationists who have scientific training to help point out their dreadful reasoning and show us that some evolutionary things are giggle-worthy. Mayhaps purveyors of evoporn are getting used to having their pronouncements accepted by the unthinking masses. Outrageous stories are becoming more transparent and more frequent. Here, we have hummingbirds and human brains portrayed as the products of accidents. Hummingbird and DNA brain , images from Open Clipart People who can set aside their Darwin indoctrination and honestly consider hummingbirds should be able to admit that they are miraculous examples of design . Darwinoids say they are the products of a lost gene and are stuck in high gear, but learned to evolve. Other "mistakes" were involved. Like the bumper sticker that says, "If it ain't country, it ain't music", nauralists act like, "I...

Medical Adhesives and Biomimetics

As most people probably know, biomimetics is taking what is observed in nature and mimicking it for human uses. Then they ignore the Creator or praise the puny gods of evolutionism. God has designed many things in nature for which we can obtain benefits through study and technology. This may not be directly  an example of biomimetics, but I expect to have knee surgery about six weeks from now. The effectiveness of elastic therapeutic tape (kinesiology tape) is disputed, but I have had less pain and more stability while using it. In some ways, this elastic cotton stuff mimics human skin. Just thought I would put this bit here. Medical bandages, Pixabay / Hans One way in which medical science has progressed is keeping repairs in place. Stitches are used to close up the skin but many times they do not need to be removed on a subsequent visit. They dissolve. How about replacing staples? Medical practitioners and patients alike would be glad of this. Some ingenious uses of biomimetics a...

Ancient Egyptian Stone Supports Bible History

Imagine being a farmer working your field in Egypt and finding a large limestone slab bearing ancient writing. That thing was interrupting his task, but it is beneficial to scholars of history that he notified the Tourism and Antiquities Police. The slab — a stele  — is of interest to biblical historians. As creationists and many other Christians have long maintained, history recorded in the Bible has never been disproved (despite foolish arguments from ignorance and silence such as, "Archaeology has not found..."). Biblical history been affirmed numerous times, though it sometimes takes many years. Sphinx of Apries, Wikimedia Commons / Louvre Museum ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Yes, I know it is not a stele in the picture, but I did not think I had a legal right to use one. Follow the link to the article and you'll see a good image. The hieroglyphics on the stele are still being translated, but it involves Pharaoh Apries. These pharaohs were known by many names. This one was also c...

Double Standards in Academia: Deviants, but not Creationists

Most of the time, having tenure is a protective shield for academics. There have been many times when a teacher goes rogue but is allowed to remain is because of tenure. It is a difficult process at that point to have someone removed. It was, anyway. Depends on ideology. Secular educational systems are strongholds for the religion of secular humanism , although they deny it. Someone who is one of those horrible Christians has to keep a low profile as well as believe evolution. To be a Christian who rejects Papa Darwin ends careers. Francis Quadrangle, University of Missouri original image: PxHere Professor Change Laura Tan worked at the University of Missouri. Although she was a Christian since 2004, she became an evolutionist because she thought that's where the science led. Dr. Tan began to doubt Darwin when teaching molecular biology and writing a textbook on the concept. She discovered that the science did not support the claims of evolutionists. When trying to find answers in ...

Badlands: Made by the Genesis Flood

When one mentions South Dakota, Mt. Rushmore may come to mind. More exciting to geologists are the Black Hills and Badlands. Millions of people flock to Badlands National Park  every year. It would definitely be a different kind of experience. Secular geologists have their slow 'n' gradual uniformitarian views of how the rock formations came to be, but their stories do not support scientific facts. Indeed, creation science models of the Genesis Flood present far better explanations of what is observed. Badlands formations with prairie grasses, NPS Photo / Troy Hunt (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Clay, mudstone, shale, all that good stuff is claimed by secular geologists to have been laid down over long periods of time — just look at the way it is now! Sure, some of that is happening nowadays, but this shows a mighty big flaw in their paradigm. Present processes are not a guarantee that things happened tin the same way all along. Come on, man, that's ma...

Science Without Darwin: Pressure Cookers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It was a mite busy at my place the other day, what with Ruby Slippers stopping by for a visit. Stevia Dolce, baker at the Darwin Ranch, also dropped in. While Stevia is having doubts about the stuff they promote out there by Deception Pass, she tends to believe the lie that belief in evolution is necessary for science. Bill Nye the Propaganda guy and others demand more evolution be taught and the public convinced of  its importance, else science cannot progress: Young-earth recent creation teachings are bad for science. These ideas are believed by the uninformed and by anti-creationists even though easily refuted by Dr. Raymond Damadian and others. How about the science of the pressure cooker? Pressure cooker, Flickr / Joel Solomon ( CC BY 2.0 ) Thinking back after my visitors left, I have distant memories of my mother's pressure cooker. Olive green comes to mind. This one had a pressure release valve on top that would rock back and forth, chugging to gradu...

Birds Seen through Darwin Spectacles

As we have seen several times, evidence must be interpreted, and people interpret it through their worldviews. People say evolution is a scientific fact, but there is considerable disagreement among its proponents. Mayhaps it is a form of a circular reasoning game people play with their own minds (also inserting confirmation bias), but many evolutionists only see the evidence that fits their presuppositions. A recent book on bird evolution seems to be typical of the absurd agenda-driven thinking that we read about so many times. Modified from Freeimages / Kenn Kiser Professor Douglas Futuyma wrote the book under discussion here. He tipped his hand on his propagandist approach in a previous book where he used discredited arguments to support evolution. Like others, he is an anti-creationist, and makes some statements that, from a logical and scientific perspective are...truly bizarre. Doug talks about bird fossils even though he admits they do not help evolution. Also, he appeals to the...

Genesis, Ephesus Harbor, and Radiocarbon Dating

Rivers produce sediment through erosion, and they also pick up other particles, eventually dropping the silt when the currents decrease. At the mouth of a river, dropped silt changes the landscape. Harbors get clogged over time. The city of Ephesus was important in New Testament times, and was located on an estuary of the River Kaystros. This became silted up and useless as a harbor, and the silting was observed in recorded history. Geologists are studying the area but have troubles with the dating methods. Views of the harbor road in Ephesus, Flickr / ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Core samples were taken, but the radiometric dating involved has a great deal of difficulty from contamination and that cold ocean water inflates the results. There are also problems correlating dates with historical records. It is indeed unfortunate that secularists reject biblical history and creation science Genesis Flood and Ice Age models out of hand, since those would help them get better radioc...

Erythromycin on the Half Shell

Marine invertebrates are interesting and useful to study, and we recently read about a clam as yet another living fossil . This time, we discuss clams that live in mudflats and produce erythromycin. That is an extremely useful antibiotic, sometimes prescribed for people who have penicillin allergies. Although most bacteria are beneficial, we know some are harmful. The mudflats (also, tidal flats) that the Asiatic hard clam calls home are loaded with bacteria (and have other dangers, watch where you walk). Tides or rivers drop a lot of sediment in these coastal wetlands. So how do we get clams that produce and important antibiotic? Stewart Island Oban Mudflats, WikiComm / Ingolfson (Public Domain) Marine invertebrates are quite at home among pathogens even though they are immune-system challenged. The Creator put something in these clams that are living dangerously while secreting erythromycin and other antibacterial activity. Naturally, Darwin's disciples appeal to evolution and m...