
Uncertainty in Scientific Interpretations

When someone says that the facts speak for themselves , not only is that a bit of the reification fallacy, but facts need to be interpreted. This is taught in introductory creation science where it is pointed out that we all have the same facts. Science is involved, sure, but worldviews are extremely important. From the beginnings of COVID-19 through variants today, people are proclaiming facts that seemingly support differing viewpoints. People supposedly prove the vaccines cause more harm than good, others point to the efficacy of the Fauci jab. However, there is a greater principle involved here. Medical material, Pixnio / Bicanski One of the problems in the peer review process is that results in papers often cannot be replicated. Similarly, there are "facts" that have gone unchallenged for years, then someone wants to do science and discovers that those facts aren't. Some rabidly believe in Scientism  as the only means to truth. It doesn't work that way. Whether i...

Mitochondrial DNA in Denisova Cave

When given the right conditions, DNA can last a surprisingly long time without breaking down completely. There is a cave in Siberia that yielded information about the mysterious Denisovans, but very little is known about them. Like other people groups, they shared their DNA. This cave had mitochondrial (mt) DNA from three  groups of people, but researchers could not determine if they lived there at the same time. It appears that groups handed off that piece of real estate. There was a buildup of sediments in there as well, but secular dating methods are in disarray. Evolutionists are determined to force-fit different people groups into their classifications, but if they stripped away their assumptions, they might realize the differences between the groups are within ranges of people that we see even now. It would have been even more interesting if scientists went beyond examining mtDNA and considered nuclear DNA as well. At any rate, what was actually found is in keeping with ...

The Evolution of Witchcraft?

Believers in universal common descent postulate that everything evolved, including religions. Some say that cavemen heard thunder and attributed it to gods, thus religion began. (Still waiting for empirical data to support this assertion.) Secularists have some interesting ideas about witchcraft as well. Misotheists frequently ridicule Christians for believing the Bible, or creationists for believing in Noah's Ark, because we are modern and educated people. They hate the truth and suppress it (Rom. 1:18), and their ridicule does not override the truth. Interestingly, their argument fails to take into account the number of witches in educated and technologically advanced countries. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the original image Like so many other words, witch  as various connotations. Some self-identified witches are essentially nature-worshiping pagans that claim magick is neutral. I have seen "scary" video collections that supposedly show witches supposedly with evil pow...

Rearranging Fish Ancestor Timeline Again

Scientific models are supposed to change in light of new evidence, but earlier than thought  is expressed so often, evolutionists should get the signal that their presuppositions are wrong. First, descent with modifications. Next, innumerable changes. Then, one of our ancestors was a fish. Teeth, jaws, and all that good stuff gradually evolved. But the fossil record does not sing along with the sheet music provided by Darwinists. A new discovery prompts yet another substantial rewrite of fish ancestry. No wonder college students have to keep buying new textbooks every year. Fishing at Kāneʻohe Bay, Unsplash / Drew Farwell Interesting that these instances of frequently rewriting models because of new discoveries doesn't happen to biblical creationists. That should give secularists something else to think about. Especially since fossils do not support the gradual processes required by evolution. The evidence supports recent creation — with teeth, jaws, limbs, and so forth fully form...

Listen Up, Neanderthals!

Some mighty interesting discoveries about Neanderthals are becoming more frequent. (Indeed, it seems like when I write up a post on them, another is waiting in my reading list for attention.) I spread out the posts. Some Darwinist holdouts want Neanderthals to remain as primitive brutes, but their humanity has been fully established . Although this Intelligent Design article supports conventional evolutionary years, it also discusses how they were sophisticated, and skilled at cooking . Another from the same source suggests use of eagle talons and feathers for ornamentation show they had symbolic expression  thought processes. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH / Charles R. Knight , 1920 Researchers can determine some surprising things from fossilized bones ( e.g.,  the amazing eyes of trilobites ), and similar technology has been applied to Neanderthals. The result is that they could hear just fine. Frankly (mind if I call you Frank?), it seems that secularists would say that goo...

Another Cambrian Fossil Frustrates Evolutionists

The  Cambrian explosion  has been a persistent problem for evolution since the time that Darwin roamed the earth. A passel of fossils are found from major phyla in the Cambrian, but no sign of transitional forms. Darwin's acolytes try to evosplain it away, but the problem remains insurmountable. Fossils of some tube-like thingies were previously found that were the subject of speculation. Finally, paleontologists have an idea of what the builders looked like. They got more than they bargained for. Gangtoucunia life restoration, WikiComm / Guangxu Zhang, Luke A. Parry, Jakob Vinther and Xiaoya Ma ( CC BY 4.0 ) As we have seen several times before, so it happens again: When faced with evidence that doesn't fit their schemes, evolutionists ballyhoo a sort of victory or evolutionary insight. Their knowledge of evolution has advanced. No, it hasn't, Hoss. Fossilized, well-preserved soft tissues were discovered. Also, the Cambrian explosion is strong evidence for the global Gen...

Sleep is a Gift of the Creator

As I write this, I am recovering from the Rona. If I previously had a fever over 100, it is not in my memory. Doing the standard things: keep hydrated, fever reducers, stay cool but avoid getting a chill, eat if possible — and get plenty of sleep. This may be off the wall, but I have heard it said that if people push themselves too hard, their systems will lay them low. You will  get rest. That includes getting real sleep, sometimes quite a bit (like I have been doing the past couple of days). The Master Engineer designed sleep for several purposes. Sleeping baby, RGBStock / Adrian van Leen A couple more personal views before we move on. Some folks have dreams, then grab a book that supposedly tells them what it means. Some make sense (crossing a bridge while preparing to travel), others are ridiculous. Actually, dreams are usually the subconscious is trying to work things out. We sleep in different stages in our lives. Infants need a great deal of it, but not all at once. Later, w...

Biblical Creation and the Ceratioid Anglerfish

Anglerfish are denizens of the deep, dark, cold sea. They have, as Tim the Enchanter would say, "Nasty big pointy teeth!" Anglerfish have a bioluminescent lure that dangles in front of them to attract prey. Bioluminescence is when a creature chemically generates its own light; fireflies are actually bioluminescent beetles. They live so far down, the pressure is immense. Scientists find it difficult to keep them alive for research. One type of Anglerfish, the Ceratioid, is a bit of a difficulty for biblical creation: If everything was created very good , why does this happen? Cryptopsaras couesii , Wikimedia Commons / Masaki Miya, et al  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Interesting how what happens to C. couesii is wrongly used as "evidence" for Darwinism. You'll read about that in the link below. This is where it becomes part science and part theology. Yes, everything was very good in the beginning with no death and suffering, but something happened. When Adam sinned (the Fall of ...

Copying Fruit Fly Eye Jitters

When the results of a research project is announced, do you ever wonder why they did it in the first place? Some things seem obvious, but others...not so much. Scientists took a notion to study the retinas of fruit flies. Since the eyes of insects do not move, fruit flies can continually track motion because their retinas have fast jitters. Humans also track moving objects, so homage was paid to the Bearded Buddha by invoking the secular miracle of convergent evolution . Fruit fly liking a coffee fruit, USDA-ARS /  Scott Bauer  (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Tiny things, tiny brains, short lives (probably due to global warming), but with so few photoreceptors, they see rather well. While I still wonder why they bothered with this research, there is a practical benefit in biomimetics. That is, copying the movements of their retinas to help the resolution of cameras. Of course, engineers will not give credit to the Master Engineer and evidence is actual...

Enceladus Stupid Astrobiology Trick

Every once in a while, this child gets curious how folks who are edjamakated and have science jobs can be disconnected from logic. Such is the case with NASA, where scientists are still trying to imagine life on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.  Short form: Mayhaps hydrothermal vents on Enceladus are sources of microbial life, and there may finally be something for astrobiology people to study. I wonder if the publicists were being coached by Russell Watchtower and the hands at the Darwin Ranch's propaganda department, it is so outlandish. Hydrothermal vent, Niua volcano, USGS / PD The word inhabited  was used. It was probably used in reference to microbes, but the connotation is that intelligent life may be found. Maybe it's selling enchiladas on Enceladus. Earth has hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean where hot, nasty stuff comes out but microbes and other life forms are happy to live there. Perhaps the same conditions exist on that moon. Let's get us a passel of grotzits t...