Uncertainty in Scientific Interpretations

When someone says that the facts speak for themselves , not only is that a bit of the reification fallacy, but facts need to be interpreted. This is taught in introductory creation science where it is pointed out that we all have the same facts. Science is involved, sure, but worldviews are extremely important. From the beginnings of COVID-19 through variants today, people are proclaiming facts that seemingly support differing viewpoints. People supposedly prove the vaccines cause more harm than good, others point to the efficacy of the Fauci jab. However, there is a greater principle involved here. Medical material, Pixnio / Bicanski One of the problems in the peer review process is that results in papers often cannot be replicated. Similarly, there are "facts" that have gone unchallenged for years, then someone wants to do science and discovers that those facts aren't. Some rabidly believe in Scientism as the only means to truth. It doesn't work that way. Whether i...