
Enigmatic Clastic Pipes and Flood Geology

Ever see those rocks sticking up, especially in the American Southwest? They vary a great deal in size and are consistently vertical. Those are clastic pipes . Quite a few are found at the Kodachrome Basin State Park , but they exist around the world. Uniformitarian (gradual processes over long periods of time) geologists are baffled by clastic pipes, since clastic rock is comprised of pieces of other rocks that were broken and re-formed. They have several competing speculations on how the pipes formed. Some suggest they also exist on Mars . Clastic pipes at Kodachrome Basin State Park, Pixabay / Aline Dassel Deep-time views are inconsistent with what is observed, and would require some unlikely scenarios in numerous places. (That is, clastic pipes are not a one-off anomaly in a specific region.) Creation geologists agree with their secular counterparts that earthquakes played a part in their formation, but they would have had to have been extremely strong. Also, there is a great dea...

Keeping Track of Time with Calendars

People are accustomed to consulting a calendar on the wall, and often electronic versions complete with reminders. A quick internet search can reveal the most popular songs the year you were born, and the same with movies. Time can be fun in some ways. The Gregorian calendar we currently use was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in February 1582. It replaced the Julian calendar, which was an improvement over the Roman version. (It has some problems that need adjusting.) Protestant and Orthodox countries did not want to conform , but eventually had to admit the new calendar was better. Calendar, Unsplash /  Eric Rothermel In the first book of the Bible, God told us about the passage of time: There was evening and morning, day one...the second day...the third day...and so on. On the fourth day, he created the sun, moon, and stars. Those were put in place to be used by us to mark the passage of time. We read that people kept track of time and told us how long Adam and others lived, so t...

Magma Chambers and the Age of the Earth

Once again, a uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes over millions of years) assumption was challenged by researchers who wanted to give something a closer look. Volcanoes have a habit of blasting out lava, erupting for centuries all the way down to a year or so. Some eruptions are more like geological indigestion and do not send sonic waves around the world. Where do they get all that magma, anyway? (Magma is molten rock, and when it is sent through the earth's crust, it is called lava.) Geology is a historical science, and there are magma chambers  below the earth's crust. Magma builds up there until eruptions occur. Lava Toe Forming at Kilauea, US Geological Survey / Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Yellowstone supervolcano has a pair of sizeable magma chambers that are detected through seismic tomography , which brings to mind the procedures used in medical CT scans. Radiometric dating has failed scientists, who trus...

Telling a Just-So Story of Fish Skulls and Evolution

Something that amazes this child is how Western society claims to value reason, but Darwinists are allowed to give us Just-So Stories and fact-free assertions ( like this one ) about our origins. Creationists challenge them and show where their logic and science are lacking. Occasionally, other evolutionists step up as well. Mayhaps it is because folks are buffaloed by the perceived authority of scientists so they accept such pronouncements. When told how fish evolved into walking four-limbed critters, no evidence is produced. Now they build on stories with misplaced science involving fish skulls. Would this kind of "evidence" stand up in a court of law? Now these yahoos are comparing the skulls of fish with tetrapods. They presuppose fish-to-fool evolution, then think their observations support it. However, there are distinct differences and other factors that belie their claims. This is because the Creator made fish and tetrapods and humans and everything else in six days j...

A New Reformation Using Creation

Years ago, I was in an Untied Methodist Church (misspelling intentional) and my father was the pastor. The theology was liberal (but far worse now). There was a program where laypeople came in and gave some talks to spark the congregation into a closer walk with Jesus. We got wound up and started our own programs, but the excitement eventually faded and the church was essentially the same as it was before. One problem was that it had a weak foundation. Another was that church leadership did not uphold the authority of the Word of God. Something similar happened with the Reformation. Wittenburg church door, Wikimedia Commons / AlterVista ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Martin Luther was not trying to overthrow the Roman Catholic Church, he just had some issues that needed to be addressed. Catholicism needed to be reformed, but the Reformation resulted in Protestantism and people believing what the Bible said. Scripture, not Pope or priest, was the final authority. Science was growing and thriving bec...

Rational Thinking — Now More than Ever!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Other biblical creationists and I emphasize rational (critical) thinking, and to use it plus healthy skepticism. Such thinking is not just for sciences or academic purposes, but is helpful every day. We use it daily to some degree or another, often without realizing it. If you will mount up and ride the trail with me, I will provide a fun piece, some examples from feral atheists, a bit of strange pseudoscience, then move onto more specific ways that we use logic every day — and why such thinking is extremely important right now. Woman thinking by water, Pexels / Engin Akyurt Something I'd like to give you to put in your pocket right now. You can take it out every now to look at: Undue haste is a tool of Satan. Yeah, it's a mite overstated, but memorable. When being pressured to make a decision right now , with no time to stop and think, you are probably better off not making any changes. I remember times of being hurried that were disastrous. On occasion...

Reports of Something from Nothing are Fake News

People may rightly recollect seeing discussions on this here weblog about atheists claiming that everything came from nothing, then becoming furious when this fact is mentioned. They even deny it, even when given evidence that high-profile misotheists believe it . Quantum physics is a valid and rather mysterious science , and can even have temporary violations of the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy. This law does not apply to God, because the Creator is above creation, upholds all things, and not confined to it. The Big Bang, however, is a naturalistic violation of laws of physics. Graphene, Flickr /  U.S. Army Materiel Command ( CC BY 2.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement) Virtual subatomic particles pairs, matter and antimatter, can pop into existence for a fraction of a second before canceling each other out. Julian Schwinger proposed a theoretical way that they could last longer. An experiment to validate the Schwinger effect was conducted using graphene. An article ...

So-Called Stone-Age People Performed Surgery

It was a nice surprise to have both Stevia Dolce and Lisa Myworries from the Darwin Ranch stop by my place. Stevia is the baker, and brought some fabulous  croissants. Lisa supervises the Winkie Guards. It seems that some of our creation discussions, albeit brief, were making an impression on them. They know (but keep quiet about it) that the idea of humanity's progress suddenly taking off in comparatively recent years after doing nothing for tens of thousands is ridiculous. Lisa was sharing material on Out-of-Place Artifacts with Stevia, and they commenced to thinking. "Caveman" dreams of scalpel, image assembled from images found at  openclipart In addition to objects that "should not" exist because they are too advanced for evolutionary paradigms, there are structures and achievements by ancient people. Also, Neanderthals art was far more advanced that evolutionists want to believe. Now stone age (actually, an essentially meaningless term only useful for e...

Rejecting the Dinosaur Extinction Consensus

While the prevailing view is that a big rock from space smashed into Earth, causing dinosaur extinction and the rise of the mammals, it was never accepted by all secular scientists in those fields. There are reasons to doubt that it happened . For a spell there, volcanoes were thought to play a big part in dinosaur extinction. It was suggested that an asteroid hit and then volcanic activity took over. Volcanoes were put on the back burner (heh!), but now someone wants to bring them back. Yucatán asteroid impact illustration, WikiComm / Donald E. Davis (NASA, public domain) Evolutionists have not been honest about the facts. Even in their scheme, dinosaurs coexisted with birds and mammals — which causes serious problems for them to promptly ignore. (Also, the possibility of one or more asteroid strikes at the time of the Genesis Flood has been proposed by some biblical creationists, and volcanic activity is also involved!) Secular scientists thought that the impact caused the volcanism...

Parasites and the Very Good Creation

Another fair question that is asked by both unbelievers and Christians is how, if creation was very good (Gen. 1:31), did parasites come into being? Most of the time, those things are harmful and give nothing back to their hosts. Misotheists do not worry overmuch about hearing explanations from a creationist perspective, since they are locked into naturalistic beliefs and "know" we are wrong. They also seek to justify their rebellion against God, and one way is to use parasites to judge God . Large roundworms, WikiComm / Alaa ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) A huge number of people have large roundworms living inside them and many do not even realize it. People ( children are most at risk ) in unsanitary conditions with fecal matter are most likely to be infected. But how and why do these and other parasites exist, unlike organisms that have give-and-take (symbiotic) relationships? Yes, they were created. The answer lies in the Fall of man. This revolting nematode lives in human intestines ...