David, Goliath, and Archaeological Evidences

Many people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath in one form or another, often without many biblical details. Those details help support the fact that it is not just a Sunday School story with the moral of trusting God, but also a historical narrative. For example, history and archaeology show that a sling was a formidable and accurate weapon favored by shepherds and poor people. He did not need to get as close to Goliath as paintings depict! 1 Samuel 17:40 mentions that David took five smooth brook stones , their ammunition of choice. We have not only the eyewitness account in the Bible, but fascinating corroborating evidences from archaeology. David Slings the Stone , James Tissot, c. 1896-1902 The further one gets from the time of an occurrence, the more difficult it becomes to prove. We cannot use modern scientific and analytical methods to completely verify something that happened 2,200 years ago, but the corroborating evidences are quite helpful. There are seven, most...