
The Thymus and Harmful Evolutionary Medicine

Something that gets the hands at the Darwin Ranch on the prod is when creationists bring up past  embarrassments of evolutionists. In addition to their failed attempts to provide plausible human ancestors , there are numerous logical flaws in their research. One frequent error is arguing from ignorance. Many creationists, and even some evolutionists, complain about secularists acting like the mantle of scientist  allows them to speak ex cathedra . Speaking from evolutionary presuppositions and incomplete information, aspects of DNA were wrongly declared to be "junk" , and bodily organs were said to be "vestigial", which has been thoroughly refuted. Diagram with Thymus Gland, Wikimedia Commons / Cancer Research UK ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The thymus glad was said to be vestigial (a useless organ or structure that lost its purpose in the deep, dark past of evolutionary history). If those tinhorns had been less anti-creation and realized that the Master Engineer put things in...

The Evolution-Defying Slime Mold

Stormie Waters and her betrothed Roland Meadows stopped by my place, and they commenced to jawing about the yellow stuff on a dead log in the woods. Since I had written a post on slime mold a spell back , it was somewhat familiar to me. The article featured below has some information that is quite interesting. Rather disgusting name, slime mold. There are others, including the blob and social amoebas . The slime part is true, but mold is incorrect. It used to be consider among the fungi but it defies classification. Slime Mold, Pexels / Chris F. In addition to being extremely difficult to classify, it acts like a creature with intelligence — but without a brain! It can find its way through a maze, and scientists are studying how it can be used in human applications (biomimetics). It is interesting how it sends out...probes, I search of nutrients. Good eats here? Fine, stay attached. Not so good? Pull back, and leave a bit of slime to mark the area as useless. Darwin's ...

Fat, and Brain Fuel

There are people who can eat huge amounts of food and complain that they are unable to gain weight, and others of us feel like we do  gain it by simply looking at a chocolate layer cake. While exaggerated, those are examples of metabolism. Some folks do not take care of themselves, eating the wrong things and not getting exercise. The problem is the accumulation of fat. Even sitting in front of the television eating junk food, humans still burn calories faster than our alleged cousins, the chips. Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Scientists believe it's because we have bigger brains than apes, and our brains require a great deal of energy. Apes do what they were designed to do, and they do it well. They were created for their own places in ecosystems, and do not need larger brains or accumulated fat to run them. We are created in the image of God, and can think, sing, write, read, and many other things. The energy we need is stored in those fat cells. This is something else that sets us apar...

Using Scientism to Defend the Truth

Most scientists live by the philosophy of materialism. That is, the atheistic that matter is all that exists. It is presupposed. Scientism stems from materialism, and it is a belief that everything can be explained by scientific methodologies — including philosophy and morality. Scientism is a de facto  religion . Those practicing Scientism (who may not realize that their belief system has a name) tend to be insufferably smug. They are the self-appointed intellectual elite, and thinking they are better than others because they are materialistic scientists is logically fallacious. This "1889 Guy" was colorized at , further modified with  FotoSketcher One tinhorn was talking about "scientific truth", and secular elitists are to be the ones who determine truth. He bases his woefully insufficient beliefs on what is "known" through science, but his own reasoning is saturated with difficulties. After all, many scientific "facts" have been ...

Paddlefish Unchanged over Alleged Millions of Years

At first glance, the American paddlefish can be mistaken for a shark. Scientists long ago thought this was the case, but paddlefish and sharks are not close relatives. Its appearance is rather startling. There are or were relatives of  Polyodon spathula in China and the Mississippi River. Paddlefish Polyodon spathula , WikiComm / Хомелка  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Ol' spatula snout has a relative — "Isn't that a 1984 song by Madonna, Cowboy Bob?" "No, that's 'Like a Sturgeon.'" How did you guys get in here? You're both wrong, anyway. Speaking of sturgeon, the paddlefish is related to them. In fact, they startled believers in fish-to-fool evolution when it was discovered that  the two fish could interbreed . Because these fish have remained unchanged for millions of Darwin years, they are living fossils . Evolutionists call it stasis  (they didn't evolve because they didn't need to), which is a way to get out of the problem this presents. Anyon...

Asia Data for the Genesis Flood

Despite the common misconception of scientists going to and fro on the earth, collecting data and then forming theories, they have existing ideas and try to see if data support them. From there, they build theories and all that good stuff. Like their secular counterparts, biblical creation scientists try to do the same. Unfortunately, the secular science industry has a passel of grotzits to spend on their pursuits, but creationists are severely limited, having to rely on donations instead. Even so, the Institute for Creation Research has been gathering data to support Genesis Flood models. Grand Canyon of Thailand, Pxhere / icon0com Another similarity between creation and secular scientists is disagreement. Scientists put forward an idea and sometimes passionately defend it, others reject it and present their own. As it happens with secular scientists, it occurs with creationists. They do agree that the Bible is true, the earth is young, and there was a global Flood. One disagreement i...

Short-armed Dinosaurs and Convergence Fantasies

Way down Argentina way, paleontologists found themselves a new dinosaur, and named it Meraxes gigas after a critter in George R.R. Martin stories. They were cleaning and studying it for about ten years. The skeleton is said to be more complete than any others of this type. They were so thrilled, this thing was given its own genus. M. gigas  was like T. rex  in body structure, including short arms and a big head. This bad boy was supposedly stomping around about twenty million Darwin years before T. rex  lived. Interesting that tyrannosaurid fossils have not been discovered in the Southern Hemisphere.   Excellent artwork of Meraxes gigas , WikiComm / Carlos Papolio  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) As regular readers have seen, evidence for the evolution of dinosaurs is based on stories and graphics, not facts. Riding along the science trail, consistency, logic, and other things dropped with loud plops. The secular non-science miracle of convergent evolution  was invok...

Speaking out on the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

Although we are going to delve into some in-depth biology, there is no need to be intimidated by the jargon. The recurrent laryngeal nerve involves the operation of the larynx, informally called the voice box. I had to look up why it is "recurring", which is based on the Latin re curr , meaning it loops into the opposite direction. We have discussed dysteleology  before, which is the idea that the Master Engineer fouled up, so he does not exist. (Interesting that secularists praise the grandeur of evolution, but blame alleged bad design on the Creator.) "Bad design" claims keep getting refuted because misotheists and other Darwinists are arguing from ignorance and incomplete information. The RLN is subject to this attack. Recurrent laryngeal nerve, WikiComm / Jkwchui from Truth-Seeker2004 ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ), I modified it for visibility Think of their track record. One of the most famous "bad design" claims is the human eye, which has been conclusively ref...

Big Bang Opposed by Stars

The Big Bang has been frequently Frankensteined with rescuing devices when observed data do not fit the deep-time narrative. After all, it has very little resemblance to what was proposed early in the twentieth century. Biblical creationists are not the only ones who reject the Big Bang . Some folks think that, according to their physics, the universe should not even exist ! Others are beginning to ride for the oscillating universe brand again . A new observation may cause more secularists to abandon the Big Bang, or at least do some more Frankensteining to salvage it. Tucana Dwarf Galaxy and 47 Tucanae, ESA / Hubble & NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It is thought that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy. (Fun fact: Galaxy  is ultimately derived from the Greek word  galaxías , part of which means milk .) A black hole cannot be observed because of its immense gravitational force — not even light can escape. ...

Mammoth Mysteries Explained by the Genesis Flood

Uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes) scientists are baffled by the woolly mammoths, those elephants frequently associated with the Ice Age. These critters primarily lived in the upper areas of the Northern Hemisphere. A huge mystery is why they went extinct. Among the millions of remains, those found in permanently frozen soil way up north baffles secularists the most. These areas did not have glaciers, so they are not found in glacier ice. Imaginative speculations about these mysteries have stampeded for many years. Mammoths image, Flickr /  Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Some people think (and I bought into this years ago) that they were frozen very quickly. A reason people got that idea is because food was still in their stomachs. That concept fails for several reasons, including elephant stomach biology and the fact that they died in different seasons, not all at once. These and other problems for evolutionists are answered by using biblical creation science mo...