Something to Smell About

It is amazing how smells can instantly prompt emotional reactions and memories, and we often physically respond. Walking in this neighborhood in the spring, then I suddenly smell flowers and look around in an effort to find the source. Yep, that tree is blossoming. Even descriptions of aromas can prompt an association in another person. Was your own memory stirred a little by the above paragraph? My prospector friend Stormie Waters took me to the store and wanted me to get a whiff of a cologne to wear around her fiancée, and was none too pleased when I said it made me think of old church ladies from my youth. Blooming Trees, RGBStock / Michal Zacharzewski Aromatherapy is popular among New Age folks, but it may actually have some benefit , mostly psychological, it seems. Some fragrances may be naturally soothing or stimulating. I did some of my own self-conditioning by having incense and quiet music, and those smells would help me relax. On the other hand, extremely bad smells...