
Secular Geologist Getting Closer to the Truth

For many years, the secular science industry has relied on a uniformitarian (slow and gradual, the present is the key to the past) paradigm. After all, Darwin requires deep time so he can work his evolutionary miracles and secular geologists obediently provide it. In many cases, the narrative take priority over the evidence and proper scientific investigation. Fortunately for science, this is not always the case. Occasionally, scientists are willing to question the prevailing paradigm, which would be good for secular geology. Royal Gorge Bridge near Cañon City, US National Weather Service  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Sometimes while doing research, scientists are prompted to think about how their existing framework needs serious retooling. One scientist found evidence of tremendous flooding in many areas. He suggested prolonged floods, but Royal Gorge and the Rocky Mountains do not cooperate with that. He had other ideas that didn't quite fit. He's getti...

How to Save and Use Articles

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Someone comes along to read a post, then notices a link to an extremely long article. What is a reader to do with that? Most web traffic is from mobile browsers (which I believe encourage people to sacrifice quality content for convenience and brevity). Ebooks are increasing in popularity, however. When I say ebook, I include shorter articles. Sales of ebook readers is declining. One reason is that readers tend to last many years and do not need replacing. Another is because people read ebooks on mobile devices. How is that happening? Photo of my ebook reader modified at , modified again with Paint.Net With Question Evolution Day just a week away, I thought it would be helpful to provide suggestions for people who are serious about learning biblical creation science. Now, don't get on the prod and disunderstand me. I know that everyone can't read or watch everything, and aren't interested in every subject (I certainly skip many thin...

Jumping Beetles and Biomimetics

Biomimetics, also called biomimicry, is when people are inspired by what is observed in nature and attempt to duplicate processes for our needs. We have presented several interesting examples on this site, and they show how our Creator works from an engineering approach. One claim to fame for fleas is that they can catapult themselves over tremendous distance. Well, tremendous according to their size. In the leaf beetle family are flea beetles, often invited to family events to provide entertainment because they also excel at jumping long distances. Eight-spotted Flea Beetle, Flickr / Hugo A. Quintero G. ( CC BY 2.0 ) That's a great defense mechanism. A predator gets too close, the beetle says, "I know you wanna eat me, but it's kinda hard because I'm..." ( sproing ) "...over here now!" I'll allow that some folks are rooting for the predators, since leaf beetles much on crops and such. Even so, this jumping ability is impressive. That mechanism tha...

When Whales Eat Underwater

Consider whales. They spend their lives on the water and resemble fish, but they are animals. Air-breathing mammals. The largest animal on Earth is the blue whale, and it eats mighty small shrimp-like critters known as krill . When a baleen whale eats those little things, they do what is called lunge feeding and take in a huge quantity of them. They also gulp down water, and blast it out through the blow hole up top. Have you ever wondered how they eat without drowning? Blue whale image from NOAA Fisheries (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Whales eat underwater many times each day, and a large number of functions for closing off airways and such happen automatically. Obviously, we be submerged and eat successfully. Something else that cannot be done is for those jaspers who invoke evolution as empirical science to be able to give us evidence for this alleged evolution. Some people think and ask questions, and don't just gulp down what "scientists say." ...

Creation, the Fall, the Curse

As stated before, there are many models in creation science that come and go, but the foundation is the inerrant Word of God. Biblical creationists attempt to square their ideas with Scripture and science. They reason from the Bible, and one consideration is the condition of creation at the beginning. There are differing speculations among creationists about the meaning of biblical texts regarding the state of creation. It was perfect, but some people read some idealism into it that was borrowed from the Greeks and not supported by the text. Pixnio / Drazen Nesic Some even think that there was no entropy before the Fall of Man and the Curse, but that idea does not fit with science or Scripture . Indeed, the Second Law of Thermodynamics had to be  in effect at the beginning for creation to even function . The Bible clearly indicates that the Fall and the Curse had definite physical effects on creation, and biblical creationists can study further on this. In the metanarrative of Scri...

Obscuring the Origin of Continental Crusts

 Secular geologists have long struggled to fit the origin of Earth's continental crust into their uniformitarian paradigm. While scientists can see ocean ridges giving up oceanic crust at the seafloor, continents are composed of a different kind of crust. The hot filling for the crusts is actually the magma underneath.  Of course, these geologists get ideas and then they try to make them look plausible. They have assertions based on what their naturalistic narrative demands, but their views are seldom supported by evidence. My photo of a rock formation near Hurley, NY, modified at  PhotoFunia A study relied on the assumption that the crusts all popped up at once 2.5 billion years ago, but there is no evidence for this. Imagination, you betcha. Based on that forming-at-the-same-time assumption, only a comparatively small belt of rock was tested. It did not go well. The origin of the continental crust continues to baffle secular geologists who often refer to this mystery as...

Antimatter Fails Another Test

The Standard Model for the Big Bang, which has been modified with rescuing devices since its inception, is saturated with difficulties. Products of the Big Bang are expected and look good in models, but have yet to be found out in the wild. Something that is known to people outside the secular science industry and the hallowed halls of academia is the word antimatter . Supposedly, the Big Bang produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter. All that antimatter is missing and the absence is yet to be explained. Antimatter bursts over thunderstorm, NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Antimatter does exist, and when it comes into contact with matter, energy ensues. (That's why we hear about matter-antimatter propulsion units in science fiction.) However, there is not enough of that. Lots of guesswork and rescuing devices, some of which are facepalm-worthy, and even tests at the CERN "antimatter factory". There are amazingl...

Can You Feel It?

As you know, some parts of the human body are more sensitive than others. Aside from accidents or medical problems, our shoulders are less sensitive than our cheeks, for example. Our fingers and hands were designed to do touching and working with objects, so they are among our most sensitive areas. We can sense and identify all sorts of textures and conditions. Messages from our fingers reach our brains, and we know how much strength and pressure are needed. Just how sensitive they are will amaze you. Freeimages /  eljefe79 , modified at PhotoFunia We have a passel of neurons in those ridges in our fingertips that give us our unique fingerprints, and it has been learned that a huge number of neurons are sending signals to the brain. From there, the brain maps the surface from the data received. Our amazing Creator engineered our fingers and hands for extremely sensitive touch. Darwinists would be hard pressed to come up with a plausible scientific explanation without storytelling. ...

Providential Direction and Hans Gram

Outside of medical science, most people have probably not heard of Hans Christian Gram. He was important in microbiology, especially in the development of stains used in slides. Cytoplasm  is the clear gel-like stuff within cells and outside the nucleus, but it is clear. The cell was considered simple at one time, but it is actually an amazing example of specified complexity. Through a series of providential events, Gram found a way to make the identification of pneumonia bacteria both observable and identifiable. Streptococcus Pneumonia in tissue, Flickr / Albaraa Mehdar ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) At the time of Hans Gram's discovery, a great deal was happening in the advancement of medical science. Work had been done to put stains on slides for microscope work, but finding the right ones for pneumonia bacteria was elusive. The discovery looked like an accident with a touch of serendipity involved, and it may cause one to think of Alexander Fleming's work with penicillin . (A Gram sta...

Bees Kicking the Orchid Buckets

Just the other day, my prospector friend Stormie Waters stopped by my place to discuss something she read in a nature magazine. It was about a mutually beneficial relationship that bucket orchids have with a certain kind of bee. Symbiotic relationship are difficult for proponents of atoms-to-astronaut evolution, settling for " it evolved " as a standard non-explanation. As we saw in the post about giganticism , thinking people want them to back up their assertions. The bucket orchid and its bee show the work of the Master Designer. Euglossine bees visiting Coryanthes speciosa Hook, Flickr / Alex Popovkin  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Another problem for evolutionists is that the fossil record is unkind to their beliefs: orchids have been orchids from the beginning. No evolution to be found. If these bucket orchids had volition, it would seem fitting to refer to them as sneaky. They trap the bees for a while to equip them to help with pollination, which includes affixing pollinia to ...