
Those Iceland Volcano Eruptions

Volcanoes bring to mind the big, conical mountains that explode, shooting boulders into the air and molten rocks flowing down the sides. In 70 AD, Mt. Vesuvius erupted so violently, inhabitants of Pompeii were buried in place by volcanic ash . There have been other dramatic eruptions throughout history. The Mt. St. Helens eruption of 1980 was actually small in comparison, and although it is likely to erupt again, that will be even smaller. Scientific advances give us some warning before an eruption. Fagradalsfjall volcano image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Mokslo Sriuba  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) KÄ«lauea in Hawai'i is almost constantly erupting. Well, oozing lava. Iceland is a very active volcanic region, and the Fagradalsfjall got a bit of attention with its long-term eruption. It had been dormant for a long time, but earthquakes and such signaled that something was up. The danger was so intense, people could walk away — unless they hung around to roast marshmallows, cook bacon and s...

Explaining the Missing Theropod Dinosaurs

Theropods such as Tyrannosaurus rex  and their kin are in several layers of the geologic column, but paleontologists wonder why those of medium size are not found. They offer speculations, but do not address obvious questions. One evolutionist offered a suggestion, but knows it is incomplete. In addition, dinosaurs appear suddenly, with no evolutionary history . Theropods seem to have been buried from small to large in geological layers, but smaller one were scattered throughout the layers in question. Flickr / Andrew Borgen  ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) Darwin's acolytes speculate frequently, but so can creation scientists. However, creation science models based on the Genesis Flood present more plausible ideas for this dearth of medium-sized theropods. The pattern of fossils in the rock record has always been complex, and the dinosaur fossils maybe even more so. A recent article tried to explain why only small and large-size carnivorous dinosaurs (theropods) are found in Upper Cretaceou...

Climate Change and Evolution

As it is with minerals-to-meteorologist evolution, so it is with global cooling. I mean, global warming. I mean, climate change. Evolutionists and climate alarmists have several things in common: Appeal to consensus Only their  interpretations of evidence permitted Contrary data is ignored or suppressed Driven by atheistic naturalism paradigms Fact-free assertions used to "prove" their assumptions Climate change alarmists such as Extinction Rebellion are using the complex scientific method of being jerks to force political action, such as disrupting Amazon on "Black Friday"  and gluing body parts to objects . Others are irrational as well. Great way to earn respect and a seat at the table with the grown-ups — especially when leftists write incoherent biased "news" to support them. Evolutionists saw fit to saddle up and ride with that gang. As we have seen, the secular science industry is taking up leftist interests , including abortion , demonizing Christ...

Lucy Lived Life in the Trees

Despite protestations of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ on the internet, knowledgeable people admit that  Australopithecus afarensis — Lucy — has been controversial from the get-go. Despite models in museums (dishonestly showing white eyes, which cannot  be known), the science is sketchy. In fact, among the bones were gathered and selected was one belonging to a baboon . Further analysis goes against the desires of evolutionists, showing that Lucy was a tree-dwelling ape. She ( possibly a he and could be called Lucifer ) was not built for strolling on land. Modified from a public domain image at  Wikimedia Commons Although the bones were scattered over a wide area and found in different layers (plus the fact that the skeleton is mostly incomplete), the evolutionary narrative takes precedence over conducting serious science. Hail Darwin! Blessed be!  However, thinking people who want accuracy are willing to examine the evidence and see through the charade. The link to hu...

Vinland Vikings and — Tree Rings?

It is well known that the Vikings, including Leif "Lucky" Erikson, included North America in their travels around 1000 A.D. My Scandinavian ancestors were a rowdy, restless bunch. Vikings took a notion to explore and set up camps in Iceland and Greenland. They went on to North America and named the place they homesteaded Vinland . Records from Labrador were retrieved, but there was plenty of disagreement among scholars about the timing of Viking journeys. Surprisingly, tree rings helped nail down the date. Viking ship Lofotr , Flickr / Runar Storeide , posted by Geir Are Johansen  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Although they never found Spam, the salmon fishing and grape growing were better on the east coast of North America. A couple of ancient Icelandic texts are referred to as the Vinland Sagas, but they were not firsthand accounts of the explorations and commutes. Strangely, dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating were used in conjunction with other forensic (historical) and empirical ...

Martian Water and Evolution Fantasies

Heading up yonder toward the Darwin Ranch, just before you encounter the Winkie Guards, there is a place that people shun: Creek Road. They say strange things happen there, and it is home to a crazy hermit that screams at the darkness. He is suspected of providing peyote buttons to the ranch hands. Rusty Swingset, the foreman, has been trying to discourage recreational drug use, but such activity may explain the baffling speculations passed along as science regarding Barsoom . I mean, Malacandra . I mean, Mars. Background image derived from  NASA / JPL-Caltech Secularists are determined to deny and suppress evidence for the global Genesis Flood, but yee haw boy howdy, they are willing to consider that there were catastrophic floods on Mars. Liquid water is yet to be found, but secularists are obsessed with finding life there  (or Enceladus , or just about anywhere else). Evolution is of primary importance in atheistic naturalism, so life out yonder would somehow disprove the ...

The Engels Influence on Communism

Although misotheists and evolutionists try to deny it, the writings of Charles Darwin had a profound influence promoting racism . He also had a hand in the machinations of dictators and Communist mass murderers , who obviously felt that evolutionism gave them intellectual fulfillment. This is prominent in the rabble of socialists and communists. We know that Karl Marx was enthusiastic about how the thought Darwin's work showed his ideas in nature, but the influence of Friedrich Engels seems to have been downplayed or even forgotten. In those days, Christians were surrendering science to the secularists and their philosophies based on atheistic naturalism. (For that matter, the so-called Age of Enlightenment that began in the 17th centuray was rooted in rebellion against God and embracing a multitude of atheistic philosophies.) Atheistic materialism and secularism were (and are) of primary importance. On a side note, the family unit was instituted by God . Marxists and neo-Marxists...

Oceans Testify to the Young Earth

Mayhaps other biblical creationists will disagree, but this child believes that evidence refuting dust-to-Darwin evolution and the young Earth are actively suppressed by the secular science industry. When creationists publish lists of evidence for recent creation, they trim them down to only the top five or ten because there are so many. The oceans of the world give strong testimony to recent creation. Even using their own slow and gradual rates of accumulation and so forth, it is not possible to honestly obtain data that fit a planet of 4.5 billion years. RGBStock / Roger Where is all the water from the Flood? It's already here! There was a great deal of tectonic activity during that time (continental plates moving rapidly, and volcanism going on as well), and sediments on the sea floors indicate those processes. If the earth was as old as uniformitarian scientists claim, they have a problem explaining the lack of sediments. Other attestations of the Flood include salinity and th...

A Genesis Flood Geology Perspective of Tasmania and Australia

While it is useful to see the geology of the Grand Canyon and such in North America, head over to Australia for some fascinating things. If you go way south to Melbourne, you are on your way to the southernmost state of 'Straya, which is Tasmania. Head east, and you can find New Zealand. But not today. Tassie has a thousand islands, the main one is comparable in size to Switzerland or West Virginia, but far less populous. Most of the others are tiny and unpopulated, or have special uses. Tasmania and southeast coast of Australia / Visible Earth, Jacques Descloitres / NASA / GSFC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular geologists draw from their deep-time worldview to explain geological features, but many of those are tendentious and have serious weaknesses. They also tend to ignore interpretations of data that are not according to their uniformitarian beliefs. Creation scientists also operate from their worldview and interpret data based on the biblical narrati...

"Junk" DNA Myth Dying, Creationists Vindicated

Naturalistic presuppositions and scientific laziness — we must call them what they are — have been major factors in ugsome research. These contributed to cheating, such as the Miller-Urey experiment  and the fake human-chimpanzee similarities . Such practices and dubious ethics have hindered medical science for decades . A good deal of the problem is arrogance on the part of scientists who let their assumptions hinder medical science. This happened with "vestigial" organs , and is part of the reason for the harmful assumption of "junk" DNA. Mostly made at Yukki tombstone maker Like with "vestigial" organs/structures, large sections of DNA were considered useless leftovers of our evolutionary. These presumptions were past based on ignorance  as well as hubris. Scientists didn't understand them, so they made pronouncements about DNA: It wasn't worth investigating. Fortunately, some scientists still believe in doing science despite the narrative of th...