Brook Trout Extinction — Why Care?

The noun brook is generally understood to mean a small stream or creek, but the verb is not in common usage nowadays. It is basically a synonym for tolerate . The fish known as the brook trout do not brook warm water very well. Supposedly, survival of the fittest is a law of science. Brown trout in that small Jabez Branch tributary are doing fine, and don't care about the brook trout. Why should we? Besides, brook trout as a whole are not going extinct. Flicker / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) Before people start carping about my seemingly hard heart, it should be known that a view of let it die because of survival of the fittest and pleasing the puny evolution god Natural Selection is consistent with Darwinism. This happens on a large scale (such as eugenics) as well as a "law" of nature. If evolutionists want $1 million USD spent on that area for those fish, they are being inconsistent with their own worldview! Trying to help them is entirely consistent wi...