
Secular Religious Indoctrination: Two Standards, No Waiting

When people who believe in creation want to teach their children, secularists chant in Vox Robotica, "That is indoctrination. We educate. Believe". Of course, secular institutions of alleged learning have children many hours a day, days a week, weeks a year. They indoctrinate in the atheistic state religion. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Secular humanism is a worldview that exalts humanity above all else, and its foundation is philosophical naturalism. Essentially, it is the religion of atheism in a masque. "But Cowboy Bob, there are religious people that have signed the Humanist Manifesto things!" Yes there are. There are also those who mounted up and rode with Michael Zimmerman's anti-creationist "Clergy Letter Project" , and some groups for the separation of church and state (the kind where anything Christian is to be kept out of public life). However, you are unlikely to find Bible-believing Christians among the groups. Also, these inhuman ...

Fake News for T. Rex Feathered Babies

Those fun-loving folks purveying evoporn persist in promoting the majority beliefs that not only did dinosaurs evolve into birds, but they had feathers as well. T. Rex young'uns allegedly sported them as well. Some of us demand evidence, not just inferences or just-so stories. Assembled with components from Clker clipart We have examined claims that fossils show evidence of feathers (one post is " More On Dinosaur Feather Fake News "), but there is no conclusive evidence for this. Not that it matters, really, because God may have chosen to make some with feathers. It is not a threat to biblical creation science (but perhaps a threat to real science and logic when Darwin's disciples illogically extrapolate that into proof they evolved into birds). However, there is still no real evidence for feathered dinosaurs. Some interesting paleontology was tainted by non-science when feathers on young ones was claimed. The recent discovery of a tiny tyrannosaur jaw bone fragme...

Secularists Moving DNA Goalposts

When the numbers are not working out the way the Party desires, change them. It is known that DNA is a fragile molecule and cannot last indefinitely. When the Darwin Party's deep-time dogma was challenged by DNA in a mammoth tusk, they changed the numbers. Credit: Flickr / Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Naturalists protect their storyline. We have seen many other instances where they ignored data, tampered with the evidence, and lied outright. Not content to play the cards they're dealt, they deal from the bottom of the deck — or even print their own cards to stash in their sleeves to play as needed. We have two articles showing how these Darwinoids are acting in an extremely unscientific manner to deny recent creation and the Genesis Flood. That stinks, Sebastian. There is an upper limit on how long DNA can last. That number was adjusted because Darwin needs mega years to make his magick. Since the DNA in a mammoth's tusk was in permafrost, that changed things. Sure, c...

Whale Evolution Refuted by Genetics

Sometimes, I reckon I should quit discussing whale evolution. Not because secularists have finally found evidence for this pillar of their faith, but because they cling to their stories despite  reason and science. It takes a great deal of credulity to believe such tales, and science is once again on the side of the creationists. Humpback whale image credit: via Wikimedia Commons Touted by the faithful as one of the "best" evidences for their beliefs, if someone rides up the hill and looks down at the big picture, Darwinists are asking us to believe many things. Without evidence. (One time, I linked to material where someone admitted on camera to faking the fossils for museums, and I was attacked by a liar for Darwin !) Purveyors of evoporn are as civil as a burlap bag full of rattlesnakes when caught lying — or even questioned about their alleged facts. "But Cowboy Bob! Richard Dawkins says —" Dawkins says a lot of hooey in his cheerleading for atheism an...

Pesticide Resistance Falsely Called Evolution

Several icons of particles-to-pilot evolution are proudly proclaimed by Darwin's disciples, who cry, "Aha! Gotcha!" at creationists. However, subjects like antibiotic resistance ,  whale evolution , and others cannot withstand true science and logic. We can add pesticide resistance to the list of fake evolution claims. Credit: Flickr / jetsandzeppelins ( CC BY 2.0 ) Indeed, the similarities between antibiotic and pesticide resistances are quite evident, but evolutionists will pull bait-n-switch shenanigans on us, conflating variations and change with vertical evolution. Resistance already existed in organisms, and when Designer-programmed epigenetics kicks in, organisms use existing genetic information. When PBC used pesticide resistance in their Darwin-worshiping propaganda, they accidentally admitted that no new genetic information is added — which means no vertical evolution. For that matter, pest control advisers are inadvertently working from a creationist perspec...

The True Source of Life

Believers in scum-to-sculptor evolution reject out of hand the fact of the physical Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, preferring instead a worldview based on materialism and naturalism. Their worldview equates all religions, claiming that as living organisms evolved, so did religions. Credit: RGBStock / Bartek Ambrozik In one way, they are right: the founders of other religions and causes are still in their tombs. Biblical Christianity stands on the truth that the Creator of the universe, God the Son, took the human form of Jesus and walked among us. He voluntarily died for our sins. We must repent and place our faith in God alone for our salvation. All other religions are man-centered and based on salvation by works, which cannot be achieved. Christianity stands alone. Despite the claims of materialists, God is real. "Up from the slime we arose!" is not a hymn. They do not have an Easter to celebrate any kind of Resurrection. In today's secular religion of nat...

Plants Under Ice Fluster Evolutionists

Although it was not planned, a spate of articles have a common element where secularists have been faced with evidence that is recalcitrant to fish-to-philosopher evolution or deep time views. We have two articles for your perusal that have the same effect. This time, plants in extremely cold places. Greenland north coast image credit: NASA / Michael Studinger Have you ever been working with your team on a project, then lose some of what you were working on, only to find it about fifty years later? Sure you have, it happens to all of us. Drilling down under Greenland ice, a core sample was taken and then analyzed after it was found many years later. As purveyors of clickbait might say, "The results will shock you!" Well, the results did shock the scientists. How did that dirt get in there under the ice sheets? In fact, it appears that the ice sheets were gone for a spell and plants grew. Greenland is a mighty big place, so such a thing was not an anomaly. Although your typic...

Not Fooled by Land Vertebrate Evolution Stories

The hands at the Darwin Ranch have been desperately trying to shloop stories and fool the public. Mayhaps they are on the prod because biblical creation science ministries have been trying to teach people to think and ask questions. The problem of Rohmer's Gap is not going away. Pederpes image credit: Wikimedia Commons / DiBgd ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) No, Rohmer's Gap is nowhere near the Darwin Ranch. It is in the fossil record regarding missing transitional forms (as if they had any undisputed transitional forms in the first place!), and it's huge. Try as they might, evolutionists cannot shrink or eliminate the gap despite a few prospective failed candidates. They plug in their naturalistic models, but those do not explain what is observed. Using a creation science Flood geology model, however, makes a great deal more sense of the evidence. Yippie ky yay, secularists! One of the biggest hurdles for evolution to overcome is the transition of creatures from living in water to liv...

Egyptian Pyramids and Biblical History

Some people believe that the pyramids of Egypt are devastating to the biblical timeline, but that belief is based on fatally-flawed dating methods. The Great Pyramid (ordered by Cheops, also called Khufu — I think they named a hat after him ) and others have yielded unreliable age tests. Credit: RGBStock / Michal Zacharzewski There are some Christians who think that they were built before the Genesis Flood, but that idea does not hold water. A proper understanding of creation science Flood models reveals that the event was so cataclysmic, nothing would have remained. Also, the pyramids and Sphinx were built on sedimentary rock. In addition to problematic assumptions used in carbon-14 dating, one problem is glaringly obvious. The half-life of carbon-14 is supposedly about 5,730 years. Rocks that are claimed to be millions of Darwin years old have organic materials that are tested to have carbon-14. Just study on that a spell and you can see the difficulty. So let's dig a bit deeper ...

Taking Middle Ear Evolution for a Spin

In a recent post, we saw that when the facts dispute the universal common ancestor narrative, secularist owlhoots spin the data to their own advantage . The story of ear bone evolution defies reason and facts , so they are up to their old tricks again. Credit: National Science Foundation /  Zina Deretsky (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Even some evolutionists admit the idea that the ears in mammals having evolved from reptilian ancestors does not have evidentiary support, but they persist in evosplaining it anyway. Worse, they incorporate the fake science of recapitulation. That's not science, old son, but it's who they are and what they do. Can't allow the truth about the genius of the Master Engineer in their story. One of the traits used to identify mammal species, besides mammary glands which produce milk, is the presence of bony ear ossicles — the incus, the malleus, and the stapes (commonly called the anvil, hammer, and stirrup). This auditory trai...