
Kidney Evolution Ideas Fail Spectacularly

When misotheists and other evolutionists deny the clear evidence of the Master Engineer's work, they are not using science. They need to know that shlooping and presenting the non-explanation of " it evolved " are intellectually dishonest. The vertebrate kidney is an amazing example of our Creator's handiwork. Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos /  Somkiat Fakmee There are people in some workplaces that are almost intimidating because they are important to the company and perform complex duties. People who have healthy kidneys may pay them no nevermind, but people who have problems with them learn mighty quickly how important they are. Not only do they perform internal cleaning, they also perform other functions — even communicating with other organs. Evolutionists make important declarations about life and origins that seem to be based more on wishful thinking than on actual science. Then real  science comes along where people learned more (and did research that their predece...

Another Human Evolution Link Rejected

Over a setback like this, it would be expected that Rusty Swingset would be objurgating his crew at the Darwin Ranch. But  Sahelanthropus tchadensis did not seem to cause much excitement among evolutionists. Looks like this, too, is discarded on the scrapheap of wishful thinking. Credit: Flickr / Karen Neoh  ( CC BY 2.0 ) S. Tchadensis  was pieced together a couple of decades ago. Actually, all they found were parts of a skull, and it was very much like that of a chimpanzee. However, it had some odd characteristics, and Darwin needed a marcher for his parade of evolution, so they gave him one. Not all evolutionists hopped on the wagon, so it was disputed. Now a femur was introduced, and that was an important part. It also helps seal the deal that this critter was not our evolutionary ancestor. Once again, biblical creationists are right. Nearly 20 years ago, a team of anthropologists presented the finding of a fossil skull that was very chimp-like in many respects. Howev...

Climate Change Science from a Creationist Perspective

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For several months, climate change has been put on the back burner. Now things are heating up again with Joe Biden ordering the formerly United States to rejoin the Paris climate agreement , and with  Facebook policing the climate narrative . A biblical creation perspective is important now. Credit: /  ponsulak Some subjects are not ready candidates for creation science discussions, so some creationists think they should stay in their lane. As readers here have seen, the secular science industry has j oined with leftist political causes , often denying science facts , so it becomes necessary to discuss things that overlap from there in theology and science. Taking care and being good stewards of the planet God gave us should  be important to people, especially Christians. It may be tempting to saddle up with environmentalists, but their worldviews are radically materialistic , including the Big Bang, particles-to-politician evol...

Evolution Viewed as a Fairy Tale

Misotheists and other anti-creationists denigrate the Bible, biblical creation science, and much more with arbitrary assertions that are irrational. Some liken them to myths and even fairy tales. We can get up on the hill for a big picture, then view evolution as a fairy tale. Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing , William Blake, 1786 (Darwin face added, obviously) It is not uncommon to encounter atheists who are on the prod, making risible statements such as, "The Bible was written by Bronze Age goat herders". The ignorance is stunning, but other atheopaths cheer such asinine statements. Because atheism. In reality, the Bible was written over a period of about 1,600 years by kings, a physician, shepherds, fishermen, and more. The so-called Bronze Age is considered to have run from about 3300 to 1200 BC. Although the dates are uncertain as to when Moses lived, we can go with 1,400 BC. The last books of the Bible are dated at about 90 AD. So, that "Bronze Age goa...

Octopuses Have Specialized Grippers

Like creatures in science fiction movies, octopuses have many evolution-defying traits that are amazing. They are even startling in some ways. Those powerful tentacles are interesting in their own right, but new research on their suckers demonstrates the mirific work of the Master Engineer. Credit: NOAA Fisheries (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) They are intelligent, and can even be affectionate toward humans — "Do you know why they have so many suckers, Cowboy Bob?" There's one born every minute, according to a phrase falsely attributed to P.T. Barnum. (Logic lesson: humor based on the fallacy of ambiguity, two separate meanings for the word "sucker".) While we're at it and I'm not fully awake but writing this anyway: How would you like to be able to tell if something is edible or even tasty simply by touching it? Well, octopuses have specialized cells that can do this and more. Further, these cells pass along information with each ...

Still No Thumb Evolution

In their ongoing efforts to promote the naturalism narrative, disseminators of evoporn have conducted some very shoddy work. The f alse claim about the similarities between human and chimpanzee genomes is still proclaimed. Now some think a critter finger evolved into the human thumb. Credit: Flickr /  Will Keightley  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Like with the genome thing, secularists have conducted horrendously inferior research using poor samples and absurd logic. Somehow way back when, alleged evolutionary ancestors diverged, with humans getting the opposable thumb and all those apes were left holding the end of the stick and using their feet as hands. Or did they leave that part out? Come on, evolutionists! Cowboy up and admit that this is more wishful thinking than science. Here's a thought: Do real  science without kissing Darwin (and admit that the evidence actually supports recent creation), or get productive jobs. The human thumb is a major example of the many anatomical de...

Evolution and Genetic Information Proposal Failures

Proponents of particles-to-pianist evolution try to persuade the world that they have evidence for their views in many fields on science, including biology. Although Papa Darwin hijacked natural selection for his own purposes, that failed. Evolutionists appeal to genetics, but the problems are huge. Credit: Pixabay / Marcelo C. Domingues Although simple organisms are far from simple when their internal workings are considered, they are much simpler than humans. But naturalists attempt to use a combination of luck, time, natural selection, and other unseen and untestable processes to add complex genetic information. This would not be for a single instance or a few occurrences, but numerous times as our alleged evolution from simple to complex travailed; the human genome is astonishingly complex . If you study on it, such ideas are desperately absurd contrivances to avoid admitting that God is our Creator. But we've seen how it is: the narrative of naturalism supersedes science and r...

Failed Fish-to-Feet Transitional Forms

My prospector friend Stormie Waters was asking about Darwin's death of transitional forms, especially why he went forward with his theories without evidence — and why people call it science when it is taken by faith. From there, the conversation evolved to discussing missing fish feet. Tiktaalik roseae image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Ghedoghedo  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Sure is mighty puzzling, isn't it? There should be a wagon train-full of undisputable transitional forms showing the many modifications for fish to develop legs and all the other changes needed for life on land. They see lobe-finned fish fossils and say, "Aha! Evolution!" Not hardly! Tiktaalik was trumpeted as a transitional form, but that got tangled in evolution's fishing net . These fins were made for swimming, not walking. Evolutionists brought other candidates out of the underwater corral, but those also fail to dethrone the Creator. One of the alleged greatest transformations in vertebrate evolu...

Shlooping — a New Word for Evolutionary Storytelling

Scientists are expected to conduct research and present evidence to support their findings. Darwin's handmaidens are often exempt from this, instead presenting conjectures as science and telling tales that elicit adoration from the secular science industry. One way of evosplaining is essentially, "Stuff happens". A Winter's Tale by John Everett Millais This is often wrapped in a sciencey club sandwich that includes millions of years, time, chance, luck, random processes, bad logic, natural selection, weasel words , " it evolved ", and even the Stuff Happens Law . Sometimes it's served with a dill pickle. I like that part. No ethics though. David Coppedge suggests a new word for evolutionary storytellers: Shlooping. There's a great deal of "oops-ing" in their efforts to deny the Creator his due. Add the abbreviation for the Stuff Happens Law. You get schlooping.  Sounds kind of Yiddish, doesn't it? There are some similar words about une...

Pseudoscience — Back at You!

I disremember what movie it was, but one scene had an inept deputy sheriff pointing a pistol at the main character. He was annoyed and said, "Give me that!", taking away the gun. The deputy immediately put his hands up and said, "Don't shoot!" Original image:  The Angry One  by Ferdinand Hodler There are some religious owlhoots who ride for the Darwin brand that say that biblical creation science is really just pseudoscience. Ironically, evolution has many qualifications of being a pseudoscience itself. With logic and scrutiny, it can be turned around on them. Watch for the double standards of criticizing biblical creationists of believing in the Creator, yet they presuppose naturalism, then present speculations and unfounded opinions as science. Someone hold up a mirror for these jaspers. The organization BioLogos, which advocates that Christians accept secular evolutionary claims, recently published an online essay entitled “How to Spot Fake Science.”1 The not...