Hot Jupiters Should not Exist

Our own Jupiter is a massive gas giant that orbits the sun in just under twelve Earth years, and its rotation gives it a day of about ten hours. There are exoplanets (planets outside our own solar system) that are called "hot Jupiters" because they are massive and close to the stars they orbit. There are problems for secularists. Cropped from an artist's conception, credit: NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech After all, nobody knows what they really look like (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Since they have hog-tied themselves to materialism, secularists are committed to the Big Bang and deep time. Luck must have been a lady because they feel lucky that they found these hot Jupiters. Although star and planet formation models consistently fail to explain scientific facts and observed evidence, they fallaciously select the best of the worst and assume that the star and planet must be ten billion years old. Because cosmic evolution. Like the folks...