The Worship of Artificial Intelligence

Many advances have been made in the development of AI, and such non-human intelligence is usually based on the particles-to-programmer worldviews of the designers. They even tie evolution into ethics (see " Artificial Intelligence and Evolving Morality "). It is possible to have AI that is, well, disturbing (see " Artificial Psychotic Intelligence "). Despite the obvious possibilities of disaster, some owlhoots want to design a church based on artificial intelligence. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Although science fiction stories have been written about people with good intentions making a powerful intelligence for the good of humanity, disaster usually ensues. Have you ever heard the old Emerson, Lake and Palmer song, " Karn Evil 9, Third Impression "? It involves a futuristic war and a computer. At the end, the man says that he is all there is. The computer argues with him, "I let you live". He objects, "But I gave you life!" T...