
Rescuing Dinosaur Protein Preservation

The hands at the Darwin Ranch are trying to cook up another rescuing device to avoid the young earth implications of dinosaur soft tissues and proteins. Soft tissues in dinosaur bones have been a cause of consternation among believers in deep time. The toast idea was crummy from the get-go, but that does not stop determined evolutionists from tweaking it for dinosaur proteins, nosiree! Made at PhotoFunia with an image on Pixabay by Ralph While Maillard reactions are just ducky when they put a crust on toast and do tasty things with food, the very nature of the effect requires somewhat high temperatures. (By the way, the L in Maillard is not pronounced.) Desperate evolutionists try to explain the preservation of proteins through this process, but thinking people are able to easily determine four reasons that this preservation explanation can be relegated to the fake news trash can. If secular scientists started from the fact that the world was created recently, they would be mo...

Educating Village Atheists and Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Sometimes people do not understand concepts no matter how well things are explained to them. Add to that when sidewinders that are so consumed with hate, they are unable to think rationally. When the two conditions are combined, it only makes for angry chin music. Here are some examples. Made at Kapwing Let's start with lies. On the November 22, 2019 episode of the Chris Plante Show, a leftist tinhorn lied. The documentation proving that he was lying was present, and the facts were also explained to him. He lied about the same thing again anyway. In a similar manner, a vindictive anti-creationist calls everyone he disagrees with "liars" , and he "proves" it by calling them liars again. It has been explained that he has not ever proven that his targets were dishonest, but only that he disagreed with them; disagreement or differences on the interpretations of facts are not lying. Also, he was using the fallacy of repeated assertion...

The Mysterious Moons of Mars

As you may recollect from school days, Ares was the ancient Greek god of war, later merged with the more personable Roman god known as Mars. While astronomers of yesteryear was finding and cataloging moons around Jupiter and Saturn, the moons of Mars were not discovered until the 19th century. Credits: Mars and Moons from NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center Art gallery effect by PhotoFunia The discoverer named the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos (basically, fear and terror) after two sons of Ares in a blending of mythologies. Then the speculations started. Why weren't the moons discovered until comparatively recently? Could be that people just weren't looking in the right place. Some thought that since Mars may be inhabited, the Martians built the moons and placed them there. Let's ride on this fun side trail for a spell. Percival Lowell was convinced (as were others) that Mars had canals , which had to be built by intelligent beings. In the late 1890s, Herb...

Secular Researchers Inadvertently Support Creation Model

At first glance, this may look like a repeat of the recent post on research at Harvard supporting an Institute for Creation Research model of environmental adaptation. Actually, this is new information involving living cells. An interesting study on yeast cells was conducted to see if they had built-in mechanisms for gene expression. Credit: Pixabay / ractapopulous Engineers design things to respond to changes. This includes sensors and logic involving feedback to trigger responses. Darwin believed that organisms change because of their environments, but the ICR model states (and demonstrates) that the opposite is true: organisms were designed by their Creator to sense and respond to environmental changes. Yeast cells displayed "control theory" that engineers use, further confirming the creation science model. New research goes a long way in explaining how creatures actively sense their environment and adapt to it. One mechanism enables some organisms to track the ch...

Learning to Understand Darwinese

There is a song that says words sometimes have two meanings, but that is an understatement. We can be led the wrong way by erroneous assumptions about word definitions . Creation science ministries try to encourage people to learn how to think, in stark contrast to secularists who try to tell people what to think. With a bit of study, we can learn how to understand the malarkey of Darwinese. There are two posts featured here to emphasize the point. Modified from an image at by Stuart Miles Although the Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ is useful if you can find one (the version with the whistle in it is a very expensive collectable), we really need to put our hearts and minds into interpreting Darwinese.  Watch for maybe, scientists believe, earlier than we thought, perhaps, and other words that the secular establishments pass of as "science" instead of earning their pay. Another big help is learning to spot basic logical fallacies . On...

Perhaps a Camarasaurus in China

Although Darwin's disciples insist that dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago, long before humans evolved and set up camp, there is evidence to the contrary. There are historical records and artifacts that have rather accurate descriptions and representations of dinosaurs, such as St. Davids dragon that we examined a spell back. There are many more, including what looks like a Camarasaurus from China. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Dmitry Bogdanov Creationists accept historical evidence ( including the Bible ) of dinosaurs and humans living contemporaneously. Nowadays, we only know what some of them looked like from fossils and such, but people long ago did not have (or know about) fossils underfoot. They still had some surprisingly accurate illustrations and artwork of what were called dragons prior to Richard Owen coming up with the word dinosaur. An artifact from China dating from the third century BC had detailed depictions of what appears to be a Camarasaurus . ...

Seeds and the Master Engineer

Our Creator engineered living things to find ways to continue existing, and he equipped them with a variety of methods. Plants have seeds which fall to the ground and they appear to die, but many can lay dormant for long periods, even after disasters. When the time is right, they start reviving and begin replenishing the earth. Credit: CSIRO / Maurice MacDonald ( CC by 3.0 ) A passel of seeds build up over the years in forest soil. God designed seeds that are banked in soil to sense changes in temperature and other aspects of their environments, then respond appropriately. This includes building relationships with soil bacteria, just like their forebears did long ago. It looked more like a war zone than a forest paradise. Nothing but devastation as far as the eye could see. Smoldering ashes and blackened wooden skeletons were all that was left after the inferno. The scene was overwhelmingly bleak. Yet hope for restoration lay dormant in the landscape! This ashen forest had pre...

The Problems of Evolving onto Land

We have been taught that science is a search for knowledge and that it flourishes with challenges, but that seems to have a caveat of, "Except evolution". It is also unfortunate that instead of being taught critical thinking skills, people accept stories that Darwinists evosplain to them. That is not in keeping with true science. Images found at  Clker  clipart were modified We saw recently that there are numerous problems with the idea that dinosaurs evolved into birds (as  articles linked here discuss ), but I don't rightly recollect that we hear so much about how seafaring life got the bright idea to become landlubbers. The icon of the walking Darwin fish is a mockery of the Christian fish image, rejecting the Creator and replacing him with secular miracles. That's right, I said it!  Atheists and evolutionists have their own secular miracles , including the sea-to-land business. There is no evidence at all that fish learned to walk on land . Then we ...

The Remarkable Formation of Pyramid Rock

Tourists who head over to Melbourne, Australia sometimes get a notion to visit Pyramid Rock on Phillip Island. This triangular mass is interesting to geologists — especially Genesis Flood geologists. It was not built by human hands, but by several factors including volcanic activity. Cropped from an image on Wikimedia Commons by  Pavel Å pindler  ( CC by 3.0 ) You can see the different colors. For the most part, we are seeing basalt perched on granite, which involves different volcanic activity. Secular geologists would agree with biblical creationists that a whole heap of erosion happened, but not on the timeframe or circumstances. Uniformitarian geology does not work, but the activity of the Genesis Flood provides an adequate explanation. The boardwalk to the lookout gives an excellent view of the black basalt columns crammed along the base of the steep cliff. The same columnar jointing is visible in Pyramid Rock in the distance, as well as in most of the headlands a...

That Thanksgiving Dinosaur Idea

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, and many of us are blessed to have a grand feast. The most traditional part of this is turkey. While we should be thankful to our Creator and Redeemer for all that he has done for us, we do not need to be accepting the philosophy that the turkey evolved from dinosaurs . Credit: / hin255 While it is an article of faith for evolutionists to believe that birds came from dinosaurs (a "fact"), many posts on this site alone show the insuperable problems of this position (actual facts). Indeed, dinosaurs and birds existed together , and not all evolutionists have signed on to that opinion. Mixing evolution with biblical Christianity interferes with our worship . We may even use this time to point out the truth of creation — with grace and discretion, of course. Ever mindful to immerse the world in evolutionary mythology, the’s “Dinosaur Tracking” column on Thanksgiving Day zoomed in on you...