Post-Flood Dispersion and the Red Fox

People wonder how animals spread out after they left the Ark, and that is a fair question. We can glean some answers by observing the growth of the red fox population in Australia. It was brought there by Europeans for hunting purposes (something I consider barbaric), and their quantities grew. Credit: Pixabay / Karen Arnold The red fox does not have many natural predators in 'Straya, which helps its numbers grow. This member of the created dog kind is a pest in many areas. Probably because of global warming. They are intelligent, hardy, and resourceful to ensure their survival. They tend to eat many things (you've probably heard about farmers chasing foxes out of hen houses). Indeed, the red fox can be found in most areas of the world. Biblical creationists believe that they had many ways of spreading out, including land bridges that were available in the Ice Age which was a result of the Genesis Flood. Evolutionists believe (without evidence or explanations) th...