Hummingbirds Evolving for Combat?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I try to emphasize, with extra emphasis on Question Evolution Day , is that people need to have healthy skepticism regarding claims of "evolution". We need to do some critical thinking. For example, what is this about hummingbirds evolving "weaponized" beaks for fighting and romancing? Credit: Pixabay/ Free-Photos Folks who ride for the Darwin brand will "see" evolution that isn't there, and use a bit bait 'n' switch (conflation) on variation and speciation to get people thinking that baryon-to-bird evolution is true. Watch for assertions, and when you read of hear them, you can ask yourself, "Where is this alleged evolution? What changed? Is a hummingbird changing into something else or is it still a hummingbird? Is there observed evidence?" Plug your questions into your Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™, and you'll get the default response of " it evolved ", which is u...