Climate Change and Evolution: Similarities in Bad Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Because the secular science industry is becoming increasingly involved in political and religious matters, Christians and biblical creationists need to address issues that affect all of us. Unfortunately, people involved in secular science are accelerating their opposition toward biblical truth, and are also showing a distinct political bias toward the left . Indeed, sometimes their commitment to their worldview seems downright nutty while they hijack science for their own agendas. A spell back, someone shared a link with me that had Mark Levin interviewing Dr. Patrick Michaels, an expert on environmental science who works at the Green Hornet Institute — "You mean the Director of the Center for Study of Science at the Cato Institute, Cowboy Bob!" Right, that's the place. During the interview, I was surprised at the number of things that climate science has in common with evolutionary and deep time science speculations: There are man...