Evolutionism and Word Games

In discussions and debates, people can present their arguments with terminology that is designed to draw emotional responses from people who are listening or reading. Some manipulative debaters attempt to provoke their opponents into making mistakes with ad hominem remarks and loaded words. There are times that loaded wording in debates, discussions, or various presentations can be painfully obvious. In other cases, the wording can be subtle and not necessarily manipulative; it may simply be a reflection of the speaker or writer's feelings. We tend to frame our views in the best light and cast a shadow on a contrary viewpoint. People do that. A subtle but manipulative tactic in using loaded words is using something that ends in -ism. Atheists and evolutionists have been known to contrast science with creation ism , which may imply a feeling that creationists are members of an aberrant cult that has no science supporting it. Proponents of universal common ancestor evoluti...