Correcting the Secular Story of Stone Mountain

Way down south in Dixie in these here United States, there is a lump just outside Atlanta. Looks like a rock was dropped there, and it has the uninspiring name of Stone Mountain. Because it is. It is not huge in comparison to other mountains, but a popular attraction. It has a huge but controversial carving of Confederate heroes that is easily seen. A view of the Walk Up Mountain Trail, near the top of Stone Mountain Credit: Wikimedia Commons / DXR The part that is of interest to us is the formation of Stone Mountain. Uniformitarian geologists have the view that granite takes a mighty long time to form, but that was based on philosophy, and has been refuted by evidence and real science. The mountain used to be magma way down yonder below the surface of the earth, then it was moved to the surface during the Genesis Flood. This happened quickly, and is yet another piece of evidence for a young earth. Stone Mountain, which is about 8 km (5 miles) around its base, is part of a h...