Language Study Supports Biblical Timeline

There is turmoil again at the Darwin Ranch, and they are not happy. This seems to be a frequent occurrence. The Dravidian language in the south part of India is mighty old, and the root of the language tree is evidence that humanity has not been around nearly as long as evolutionists want to believe. Credit: Freeimages / miette-1 If you find yourself down India way, you'll find that there is no single "Indian" language, but Hindi is the most prevalent. The Dravidian languages have fewer people speaking them, but there are still quite a few people who use them. A study showed that Dravidians were in India long before other people groups migrated there, and their presence is supported by history and archaeology. This fouls up the evolutionary timeline, as Darwinists have humans evolving quite a long time ago, but they have an irrational dry spell of humans doing nothing for most of that time. Such a silly idea defies human nature . What really puts a burr under th...