
The Peppered Moth and Evolutionary Fake News

On the plus side, Darwin bots can get away with bad science, dishonesty, and outright fraud for decades. However, the down side is that the embarrassing truth is often discovered. Those of us who appreciate truth in science (and science reporting) do not cotton to being deceived for the sake of getting us to believe in evolution. Light and dark varieties of peppered moths Credit: both from Wikimedia Commons / Olaf Leillinger ( link to top is here , link to bottom is here ) One of the oldest "proofs" of evolution is the peppered moth. Essentially, the dark version supposedly alighted on soot-covered trees in England and were left alone while the light version was victuals for birds. The population of the lighter critters decreased. "Aha! Evolution! Hail Darwin, blessed be!" No. Most of the story was fake news. Actually, it may have been an example of natural selection (a concept that creationists also accept), but they were still moths. Nothing changed ...

Astronomical Anomalies Support Creation

Years ago, Carl Sagan, the high priest of secular cosmology, gave the melancholy pronouncement that the cosmos is all there is. He also indicated that Earth and our solar system are nothing special. Although Sagan was using the scientific principle of Making Things Up™ and giving his religious opinion instead of science, he was also using some of the information available at the time. We know a wagon train-load more now. Credit: NASA / Jenny Mottar (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Materialistic cosmology and cosmogony are unable to come up with convincing explanations for the origin of the universe, our solar system, and even moons around our planets. Observable data do not fit their computer models. In fact, there are instances of objects out yonder that seem to have uncooperative attitudes. Planets orbiting other stars seem to be spread out evenly, but on our own spread, planets are less tidy. The planets also have tremendous variations in size. Of course,...

The Gift of Music

Something that drastically separates us from animals is music. Sure, some folks say that birds sing, whales have songs, and so on, but they do not compose symphonies or write songs with melodies, choruses, harmonies, and so forth. Nor do they form bands and go on tour: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome The Macaques!" (and the crowd goes wild). Someone made a comment on my post, " Music is Not for Beasts ", that pets get excited by music. Yes, many animals respond  to it, but do not create it. Credit: RGBstock /  Billy Frank Alexander Music affects our emotions, leading us to melancholy, euphoria, and all sorts of things. It is especially strong in "bonding" between people, and stimulating memories. I've had some songs that I thought were powerful, but when I read the lyrics later on, I realized that the only thing the song had going for it was the music itself; "Tarot Woman" by Rainbow is musically exciting, but lyrically dreadful...

Extra Functions in DNA Defy Evolution

There have been amazing discoveries in the genome in the fast few years, including epigenetics , the refutations of "junk" DNA and of human-chimpanzee DNA similarities , the long non-coding RNA , and much more. Naturally, Darwin bots try to spin defeat into victory , and you can be certain that the excuse mill will come up with "explanations" to deal with new information about hidden codes. Credit: Pixabay / Ingo Jakubke No, not the kind of hidden codes such as biblical numerology or end-times date-setting, or seeing a cross in the protein laminin . These codes are scientific, not esoteric. Scientists did not know that the letters in DNA can form "words" with more than one use. They had to commence to searching. via GIPHY Proteins need to fold, and they have to do it in just the right way, and some pause all activity until the folding is completed. Also, there are codons that regulate the way that DNA is copied into RNA. There is much more, an...

No More Room for Doubt — Neanderthals were Fully Human

Creationists have been saying for a mighty long time that Neanderthal people were fully human, and the evidence from paleoanthropologists and others continues to affirm this fact.  Evidence for the humanity of Neanderthals, including the inner ear, interbreeding (sharing DNA) with modern humans, facial differences between us and them are minor, home organization, heating water, and advanced art techniques help make the conclusion of the humanity quite solid (see " Losing Face to Neanderthals " for more, including links).  Credit: Freeimages / kelly suzuki Of course, facts will not stop some uneducated anti-creationists from digging up irrelevant rescuing devices and outdated links . Since their phantasmagorical death cult needs every scrap of tendential "evidence", some folks will never admit that this battle is over. The possibility that they were in Spain was met with hesitation , and cave paintings over thataway were compared with those in France and fo...

Skunks in the Works

A long, long, time ago in a small town far, far away (northern Michigan), I was spending a weekend alone at my grandmother's old house. There was a wooded area behind the place. Being alone and getting bored, I took an evening stroll. Motion near the base of a shed caught my attention. I moved closer and realized that the black and white kitties were actually skunks — mom and the young 'uns. They were facing away from me, with their tails up. I knew enough to take the warning, and backed away. Credit: Pixabay / Torli Roberts Skunks are ubiquitous in the continental United States, (not to be confused with Skunk Works ) and some species have a wide range in North America. Some folks call them polecats, but that is a misnomer, since the European polecat is related to the weasel, and the skunk has a more distant relation. They don't even send each other Christmas cards. European polecats and skunks both manage to make a stink. Although they burrow, skunks are opportu...

Metals Necessary for Life

When one hears the word metal , it can mean different things to different people. For some, it is a music style. Others want to stake a claim up in the hills and dig out gold or silver. Metals are important for adornment, manufacturing, and so forth. But you knew all that. Metals are also vitally important for life — just ask a chemist, medical doctor, or biologist. Credit: Pixabay / Herney Gómez We hear about certain things that are important, and are puzzled to see vitamin supplements containing things like copper and magnesium. Sure, we know that calcium is important, and that is, chemically, a metal. Iron? Another metal we've heard about that is important, but the stuff we dig up and smelt for building is different than the iron within us. There are several metals we may not have even considered, but make it possible for cells to accept certain nutrients. They are helping us and we didn't even know it! They were designed to work, and have to be in the proper proporti...

No Chance for Naturalistic Origin of Life

Although I tend to shy away from probability arguments about evolution and the origin of life (naturalists cling to that one zillionth of a chance), they do serve a purpose. In this case, the probability of life arising all by itself from minerals through time, chance, and random processes is essentially nonexistent. Someone who says it is impossible is not lying or uninformed, but those who distance themselves and say that "the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution" are  lying or uninformed. Credit: Freeimages /  Nate Brelsford Darwinists tell some interesting stories about conditions on "primordial" Earth way back when, and how molecules formed amino acids, cells, and other microscopic things, eventually up to humans. The stories almost seem plausible, and colorful graphics help, but evolutionists leave out important information, and even resort to dishonesty to keep their failed evolutionary religion afloat, and to deny the work of the Creator.  ...

Desperately Seeking Evolutionary Fish Legs

Many people are familiar with the fish outline emblem that many Christians have on their autos, shirts, sites, and so forth. Proponents of universal common ancestor evolution have their versions as well, used to mock Christians. The most common of these is the fish with legs (some have "Darwin" stylistically imposed in them). This implies, "I don't believe in God the Creator, I believe in science !" They promote their views religiously. There are some problems with the "Darwin fish" idea. Most notably, it began before there was anything to present as evidence for the mythology that life began in the sea, a fish flopped onto land, developed legs, and began evolving into the many critters we have today, as well as humans. They believe in the walking fish thing despite lack of evidence.  That's not science, Skippy, that's blind faith. Here we go again. I have to take us on a side trail for a few moments, so just ride along for a spell. There...

Western Australia and the Genesis Flood

Critics of Genesis Flood geology base their complaints on uniformitarian processes, and most seem unwilling to consider what creationary scientists have to present. I have even seen some owlhoots that claim that there are no models for Flood geology, while at the same time refusing to examine models that have been presented. Essentially, biblical creationists are wrong because evolution. After all, Darwin's philosophies require deep time, and scoffers don't cotton to evidence for the recent creation and the global Flood. They just "know" that biblical creationists are wrong. No logic nor education needed. Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I reckon the best way to test a model is to see if it can deal with observed data. Australia is, according to Ray Comfort, an island off the coast of New Zealand. (Well, I  think that's funny.) Although an island, it is the smallest continent, "small" being relative, because it...