Darwin Spectacles and Irrational Thinking

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Proponents of vertical (universal common ancestor) evolution tend to overreach when they assemble facts, or things they believe are facts. It is illogical to extrapolate or over-generalize that if something is true in one place or thing, it is true in all similar places or things. In reality, we only know so much from what we observe, then we have to build on it to attain further knowledge. Credit: Pixabay / ghcassel Let's suppose that we had concrete, irrefutable evidence that an organism developed from simple to more complex, a textbook example of Darwinism. Okay, you got one. Evolutionists would put on their Darwin spectacles and see the world through their limited vision. However, evolutionary evidence of one thing, one time, one place would not prove that anything else evolved. Any other critter's evolution would have to be demonstrated, not assumed because of what was observed in something else. We've seen many times how evolutionists...